
Chapter 3

"Of course we will sis, because you becoming a good cook in this life is next to impossible" Ryan said behind her and they all started laughing.

"By the way sis where is dad", Ryan asked.

"He has gone out but he will be back soon" Andrea replied from the kitchen

"Okay" Ryan replied and went to his room to shower. "Andy, are Natasha and Ryan back yet" Stacy asked on entering the kitchen a while later

"Yes mom they all went to shower but I think Natasha and Johnny are in the sitting room" Andrea replied.

"Okay then let's make dinner" Stacy said and they both started cooking with Stacy doing the cooking and Andrea arranging the ingredients. Twenty minutes later dinner was ready and Andy carried the food to the dinning room and saw Ryan and Natasha doing their homework while Johnny and Alicia were watching TV.

"Dinner is ready guys come here guys" Stacy said and they all scrambled to the dinning room they knew one thing their mother hated was making food wait.

"Hello everybody", Carmen greeted on entering the house

"Hi dad" Andrea and her siblings replied

"Oh so you are back, when we didn't see you we had thought you were sleeping over at your Girlfriend's today" Stacy said and the kids started laughing.

"Hey honey,what girlfriend you know I don't have one" Carmen denied

"Of course you don't, you wouldn't dare cheat on me", Stacy said with a snort and sat down,

Carmen just shook his head and sat down to have dinner after 18 years of marriage he still couldn't understand his wife thoughts. In the midst of eating Andrea brought up the message she had received from the scholarship board earlier in the day, Carmen encouraged her

"Go my dear don't worry all that is well ends well if you do not get the scholarship we will just take a loan to pay for your college fees and pay it back in installments", he said

"Hey old man how many times must I tell you to be positive exactly what do you mean by that are you praying for her not to get chosen", Stacy reprimanded her husband, "its nothing like that honey" Carmen defended

" Keep Quiet, if you can't be positive then don't talk at all", Stacy shouted. Stacy faced Andrea and said "Don't worry my dear you will definitely get chosen have faith okay".

"Alright mom" Andrea replied

"Best of luck sis, we are rooting for you" Natasha said "Yes sis don't worry" Johnny affirmed.

"Thanks sweethearts" Andrea told them she was really lucky to have a family like hers.

"Do you think I should come with you when you go sis?" Ryan asked

"Its on Monday Ryan you have to go to school don't worry I will be fine" Andrea said

"Okay then", Ryan replied and they all resumed eating.

After dinner the whole family watched TV together for two hours then retired to bed. After everyone left the house the next morning Andrea was left alone at home and spent the whole day playing games and watching TV. She was really anticipating for Monday to come or she might just die of suspense.

On Thursday morning, she got ready and left the house after everyone had already left and went to the national library, when she got there she collected a few books and read them in the library for hours, she only left after she realized her family would be back at home in just an hour.

She returned the books and decided to walk home since it was a cool evening. She got home twenty minutes later and thirty minutes later her parents and siblings came back as well and they all had dinner, watched TV and retired to bed early, before she slept she recieved a group video call from her friends and they told her all about the party and how it went and that she missed all the fun.

They all chatted for a few hours before everyone hung up and went to bed. She repeated the same routine of going to the library from morning to evening on Friday and Saturday but spent the whole of Sunday lazing around along with her entire family. Andrea went to bed early on Sunday night but wasn't able to sleep after turning and tossing for hours she finally fell asleep hoping tomorrow was going to be a good day for her it was going to be a really important day.

"Its morning get up and work its gonna be a beautiful day" Andrea's alarm rang, she got up and realized it was already seven am. She had to go to the scholarship board office at Eleven am. She went to her bathroom, showered and got ready. She went out and saw her dad drinking his cup of coffee while reading the newspapers as usual.

"Good morning dad", She greeted

"Morning Andy, how was your night?", her father smiled and asked

"It was okay dad" She said and went to the kitchen, she saw her mother making breakfast

"Morning mom", she greeted and hugged her

Stacy smiled and kissed her forehead

"Morning my dear how was your night", She asked

"it was fine mama", Andrea replied .

"Give the breakfast to me mom I will serve" she said and took the food tray from her hand, she took it outside and served everyone

"Morning mom, good morning Sis" her siblings greeted.

"Morning my dear how was your night" their mother asked

"it was awesome mom, I had a beautiful dream" Alicia said

"What dream baby" Stacy asked her daughter smiling

"I dreamt of my prince charming coming to take me away on a white horse" Little Alicia said with a dreamy look on her face.

"Alicia are those the kind of dreams you have", their mother shouted

"What's wrong with that mom its good, right daddy?", Alicia asked turning to Carmen

"Yes my dear it's okay" Mr Anderson comforted his little princess,

"Just leave the girl honey" he told his wife.

Stacy snorts at them and says "whatever". Everyone had their breakfast and wished Andrea good luck before leaving,

"It's going to be okay sis relax", Ryan said and hugged his elder sister,

"Yes sis we are all rooting for you" Natasha seconded. "On your way back get me mousse cake with strawberry ice cream sis" Johnny said, Alicia included "I want Vanilla cake and chocolate ice cream",

"And exactly what do you guys want to do with that?" Natasha asked

"Eat of course what else do they do with it, you are such an idiot sister Nat" Alicia said disdainfully. Natasha scoffed at them and said

"Of course I know they eat it what am asking is why you want to eat it",

"Why else if not because Sis is definitely going to get chosen so we are going to eat it as celebration,do you get it now Natasha?", Johnny said.

"Yeah I do", she said and turned to Andrea

"Sis you should get vanilla cake and banana ice cream for me then, as well as velvet cake and buttermilk for Ryan".

"Why are you choosing for me?", Ryan asked Natasha

"Because I knew what you were going to say, right twin" Natasha said blinking at Ryan and he just rolled his eyes. "Having a twin who knows everything about you can be so annoying"

"Okay then, if I get chosen then am definitely going to get it all for you guys".

"Okay kids lets go or you will be late for school", Stacy said

"And best of luck sweetheart" Carmen said while hugging her and kissed her forehead, everyone left after that. She saw them off and after they had gone she went to arrange her documents while waiting for ten am to struck since she wanted to leave an hour earlier. She was really nervous for how the day will turn out.