
Chapter 1

"Good morning", Andrea said while bouncing down the stairs, today was the last day of her final exams as an high school student and she was so excited. "Morning my dear, uhum you look so excited", her Dad Mr Carmen Anderson said from the dining room where he was having his coffee

"Of course I am excited dad", Andrea replied sitting in front of her father

"I am finishing my exams today and then I will be graduating in two weeks time and then I am out of high school, so I have to be excited" Andrea replied.

"What's there to be excited about sis even though you will be graduating out of high school you are still going to college, at the end of the day you are still a student, "what's really worth celebrating is you leaving school completely hmph", Her younger brother Bryan said with an annoyed expression.

"I wonder why he hates studying so much, there is so much fun to studying but Bryan doesnt get it", Andrea thought smiling. She went to her little brother and squatted before him and said to him with a smile

"Well what there is for me to be excited about is me finishing another milestone in my education, Bryan you know just the way you get all excited when you complete a new level in your video games that way even I am excited about finishing high school"

"Okay sis, I get it but I still think it's the same studying is so stressful, I can't wait to be out of school" Bryan said again and they all burst into laughter.

"You started school six years ago you lazy bone you are just like your father, what's so stressful about studying uhunn", thier mother Mrs Stacy Anderson said from the kitchen.

"Now what has this got to do with me honey" Carmen asked her with a wronged expression and all the kids started laughing again.

"It has got everything to do with you Mr Anderson, your gene of laziness is now affecting my children, couldn't he be more like me. I love studying that's why am a nurse" my mother said with an annoyed expression. "My parents could be so cute sometimes" Andrea thought looking at both her parents arguing like little kids then said

"Come on both of you don't start fighting early in the morning or we are all going to be late".

"I am not fighting she started it", Carmen denied.

"What do you mean by that are you blaming me right now" Stacy said again with an angry expression,

"Andrea you tell me am I lazy I just don't like studying, how is that called laziness", Carmen asked Andrea

"Even you don't like computers does that mean you are lazy too" He said again looking provokingly at his wife.

"You this old man, why did I marry you" Stacy asked,her husband while rubbing her temples.

"Mom don't you think its too late to be asking that question" Andrea asked her mother.

"The both of you are at fault so you better have your breakfast quietly so we can all leave, I have an exam if you people don't" Andrea said and her siblings laughed again,

"Even I don't fight with my friends like you two do. So childish" the last child of the family Annabelle said to her parents laughing.

"Eat your food Anna" Andrea told her.

" My family is the best", Andrea thought while looking at all of them. They all had breakfast and left the house together.

Carmen is a director at a large company in their city while and Stacy is a nurse working at the city's government hospital.Their father Carmen would drop Andrea's twin siblings Natasha and Nathan to school every morning, they were both in the twelfth grade at the school on the way to his office while her mom would drop Bryan and Anna off they were both in middle school at the city's School on the way to their mother's workplace .

Andrea always got to school using the public bus, she left the house along with everyone after breakfast and jogged to the bus stop. She stood there for twenty minutes before the bus finally showed up. She got to school at 8:40 am and ran straight to the examination hall, the paper was meant to start by nine am and end three hours later but their school was unpredictable so they might have preponed it like they did the previous paper. She got to the hall and breath a sigh of relief seeing that they hadn't began the exam yet, She looked around the hall and saw her four friends Edward, Nora, Sophie and James sitting in a corner revising the paper they would be having. She approached them and said

"Hey guys good morning, all ready for the paper",

The four of them looked up at her and smiled

"Good morning Andy" they chorused

"Yeah we are all prepared, its can't be too tough for us to handle", Nora said.

"Of course guys I trust you", Andy said and took a seat while they all laughed

"I have been waiting for you the whole day," Sophie said with pouty lips, "and now that you are here you've been ignoring me" she added.

"You really can't live without Andy in this life can you" Edward asked her.

"I am talking to my baby and not you why do you care" Sophie said to him getting angry.

"Stop it Edward leave her alone" Andrea said, Sophie is like Andrea's daughter and is always clinging unto her.

"Sorry baby but I wasn't ignoring you, come on smile" Andrea said tickling her

"Fine, fine I am laughing and not smiling Andrea so stop, am ticklish", Sophie said in between laughs and Andrea let go of her"

"Hey Andy you are thirty minutes later than usual that's not frequent" Edward asked".

"Yeah right, I didn't catch a bus soon I had even thought I had missed the paper thank goodness i hadn't", Andrea replied.

"Come then let's check this out together", Nora said pointing to a question in the book.

"I don't know why guys I mean we have been writing this exams for days, but I am particularly nervous about this one maybe its because its one of our most important papers what will we do if we fail that would mean an extra year" Nora said and Sophie hit the back of her head.

"Ouch Sophie what was that for" Nora cried rubbing her head

"For cursing us obviously", Sophie replied.

"How dramatic Nora, we have read everything haven't we how could we posdibly fail" James said.

"Exactly we have all prepared, so we will be okay, come on guys chill" Edward said and they all smiled

"And keep your negativity to yourself Nora because if I fail I am not sparing you" Sophie threatened Nora, she then turned to Andrea and said

"Right baby,we won't spare her if we fail?",

"Speak for yourself Sophie stop pitting Andrea against me", Nora said

"Why do you people always interfere when talking to my baby, are you Andrea?", Sophie said getting annoyed.

Andrea laughed and said "Right Sophie butdon't worry Nora no one is failing", Thirty minutes later the exam commenced.

Andrea answered all the questions and stood up to submit, the paper was really easy, After she submitted, she looked around the hall realized all her friends had already left the hall "wow, I guess I am not the only one that thinks the paper was easy" she thought and picked up her bag then took out my phone. She messaged Nora and asked where all of them were.

Nora told Andrea on the phone that they where all waiting for her under their favorite mango tree in the school garden. Andrea went there and saw the four of them sitting with sad expressions, she ran towards them and asked

"what happened guys, did you have problems with the questions".

"Andy it was..." Sophie said,

"it was what" Andrea asked getting anxious

"Please tell me how it was guys, none of us can fail this exam" Andrea said again

. "it was....AWESOME" they all shouted with a big smile, while Sophie and Nora jumped on Andrea laughing.

"That wasn't funny guys do you know how scared I was", Andrea said and took a deep breath.

"We wanted to pull your legs Andy and we succeeded you should have seen your face" Edward said and they all laughed again.

"Fine then, keep on laughing am going home", Andrea

said annoyingly and started leaving.

The four of them ran after her and apologized, Andrea forgave them and they went to the locker room to pack their things from the lockers, they dropped their respective keys to the student administrator chatted and laughed until they departed at the school gate. Andrea ran to the bus stop and took the next bus home, "I just want to go home and sleep now, I am finally done with my papers, finally out of high school so great" she thought laughing and running to the bus.