

The Rise of the Fallen empress follows the story of Chen Lihua the spoilt princess of the Chen Famiy, she has always been willful and stubborn had has never had to struggle for anything in her life, she has the best of everything at her beck and call. She is ruthless and cunning and doesn't trust anybody apart from her best friend and boyfriend, after she took over her family business, Paradise Entertainment Agency she made it China's Largest Entertainment Agency. Will her perspective of life change when she gets involved in a ghastly car accident that renders her completely incapacitated, will the great Chen Lihua be brought to her knees when the people she trusts the most betrays her. Can the fallen empress rise again Jiang Zihan otherwise known as The Elvis, The Music Superstar, Hollywood movie legend, the heartthrob of millions, The movie and Music King and China's most eligible bachelor, devilishly handsome, smart and rich, the Heir to the Jiang family, the CEO of Tiana Empires. What happens when this high mighty man gets involved in a contract marriage with Chen Lihua the fallen empress, could this be the beginning of a beautiful love story. ......... "You are a fallen empress Lihua so just look for a cage to hide yourself in, you can never rise again" "Five years ago I did it, five years later I can do it again, just make sure you are prepared" the woman in the wheelchair said and wheeled herself out. "Mr Jiang, what do you think you are doing", "Nothing I am just touching my wife", "Stop it", Chen Lihua said with clenched teeth, and the man just raised her chin to look at him "Let down the walls you have built around yourself Lihua, embrace life again. Don't die before your death you are an eagle you are meant to fly not a sparrow to be caged. So fly very high and if you ever get tired and want to land just come down I will be here to catch you", the man said looking straight into Chen Lihua's eyes and she felt her heart beat a million times faster.

Mujeebah_Salman · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Chapter 16

The next morning, Jiang Zihan had break fast with his whole family and promised to be back in one month, his father dropped him to the airport and a few minutes later his private jet took off.

Later in the afternoon he was received at the airport by Yan Jingshen.

"Zihan, are you sure you want to meet her", Yan Jingshen asked looking away from the road to look at the name beside him

"I haven't been more sure in my life", Jiang Zihan replied, his heart was beating at an incredibly fast rate he was so anxious he couldn't sit tight.

"I saw her here at the market around this time let's look around", Yan Jingshen said parking the car at the same spot he had parked it a few days ago.

Jiang Zihan used his mask and facecap before getting down the car, the both of them leaned on the car while scanning the area.

"Zihan look that's the boy that was with her that day", Yan Jingshen said pointing at Chen Zixi who was coming out of an icecream shop.

"Let's follow him", Jiang Zihan said and they both carefully trailed behind him, a while later he entered an amusement park and ran to a group of people.

"Boyfriend is back, where is my ice cream", Yingbao yelled running into Chen Zixi's arms.

"Here is yours girlfriend" Chen Zixi handed a tub of vanilla ice cream to the girl and patted her head, he gave the other tub to Xi Ming and knelt down to feed Chen Lihua her own.

Jiang Zihan felt his heart beat so fast it threatened to jump out of his ribcage when he saw the woman on the wheelchair

"Its her....its Chen Lihua", he said still looking unblinkingly at her, even though Qin Siting had already told him she survived and even he read it himself last night he still couldn't believe it now that he is seeing her for himself, he watched all the different changes of expressions on her face and was mesmerized, most people wouldn't believe that Chen Lihua was capable of having so many changes of expression on that cold face of hers. She was laughing and smiling about something the young boy was saying. She still looked as beautiful as he last remembered and she seemed somewhat happy in this new world of hers.

Chen Lihua felt a gaze and turned back to see who was looking at her but she couldn't discern anyone in the crowd nevertheless she could tell that the gaze wasn't filled with malice or ill intention so she ignored it. She looked around the park and smiled happily, she loved coming to this park everyday to look at the innocent young children, she always felt a dull pain in her heart whenever she remembered that she might never be a mother and looking at this kids always had a way of calming her down.

"Its getting late now Zixi, let's go home", Chen Lihua said and Chen Zixi stood up to push her wheelchair while Xi Ming packed their things in one hand and held Yingbao with the other.

Jiang Zihan and Yan Jingshen followed them and stopped a few meters away to watch them enter their house.

"So this is where she lives", Jiang Zihan said and smiled, even fate was on his side her house was just right opposite the house he had bought here in Boston three years ago, it would be easier to stay close to her.

"Jingshen let's go, we will move here tonight", Jiang Zihan said to his friend who kept on staring at the house in front of them.

"Jingshen what are you looking at", Jiang Zihan shook his shoulder to get his attention.

"Zihan....the other woman with Chen Lihua, it feels like I have seen her somewhere before, and that little girl also looks very familiar", Yan Jingshen said and Jiang Zihan looked at him confusedly, he was busy looking at Chen Lihua so he didn't really take a proper look at the other people with her.

"Can you remember where you have seen them", Jiang Zihan asked Yan Jingshen shook his head

"That's the problem I can't remember",

"Maybe you would remember if you saw them a few more times, let's go we will move here later tonight", Jiang Zihan said and the both of them left in the direction they came.

Later that night.....

"Sis do you want to go to bed now", Chen Zixi asked pushing Chen Lihua into the room after they all had dinner together

"No, I will watch the night sky for a while", Chen Lihua replied and Chen Zixi pushed her to the window, he opened the curtains for her and sat beside her".

"Sis, uhmmm...my girlfriend is coming to meet you in a week's time", Chen Zixi blushed while informing her and Chen Lihua just smiled happily.

"Oh oh, meeting the wife to be", Chen Lihua said and laughed happily, its not everyday you get to see an embarrassed Chen Zixi she was going to have a little fun teasing him.

"Stop teasing me Sis", Chen Zixi said and his his face on her lap, it was a new habit of his to lay his head on her lap.

"Okay okay, I won't tease you anymore but I know nothing about her", Chen Lihua said and Chen Zixi raised his head

"You can ask her everything you want yourself", he said and dashed out of the room before Chen Lihua asked him anymore questions.

Chen Lihua laughed lightly and turned to look at the night sky gradually turning dark.

"It would be Midnight in China by now", she murmured to herself silently. Even though she was happy here she couldn't help but miss her home country, its been almost two years now and she would really love to go there but that was akin to bringing chaos in her happy life. That country held more bad than happy memories for her but it was also the only place she made her life's happiest memories and she also wanted to see her parents grave, there are so many unclosed chapters in her life, so many unanswered questions that she would love to get answers to, but could she risk going back to China and that too in this state?.

Chen Lihua was lost in her thoughts looking at the nights sky, the moon had already set in. She soon saw a black car enter the building in front of her and curiously watched it stop in front of the house, she watched three men step out of the car and entered the house. The neigbour beside them Aunt Martha had said that the building was owned by an international celebrity and he hardly ever came back to it unless he was in Boston, he was probably now in the state, he should be among the three men but she didnt know which celebrity it was. Even though she ran an Entertainment Agency she wasn't really familiar with international celebrities, she even knew only a few of the National celebrities who didn't belong to her Agency.

A while later she rang the table bell beside her and Xi Ming came into the room

"What is it Lihua", She asked and Chen Lihua smiled at her

"I want to go to bed now, sorry", she apologized and Xi Ming just smiled at her before pushing her into the washroom so she could shower and change her clothes. This were times when Chen Lihua realized just how much she hated Xie Yurin and Mo Ting for reducing her to such a state that she couldn't do anything without the help of others.

Chen Zixi had installed the table bell on the arm of her wheelchair so she could ring it whenever she needed something, even though her neck was healed and her hands were recovering, she could only use her fingers and not her arm so whatever she had to do had to be placed on her lap or on the armtip of her wheelchair, she was patiently waiting for when she would be able to use her hands again since Steven had told her walking again was next to impossible she would be content with regainining just her hands back.

After getting her changed Xi Ming pushed her out and saw Chen Zixi in the room.

"I heard her alarm ring so I came to see what she needed", Chen Zixi replied Xi Ming and collected the wheelchair from her, he pushed Chen Lihua to the edge of the bed and placed her on it, Xi Ming fixed her pillows and blankets and the both of them left only after they had made sure she was comfortable.