

As he began to read what was written, that guard's face was getting redder and redder with anger, as he understood why the soldier from before had just left it here and left.

'Bastards! They think they're too powerful to threaten us!' The guard thought angrily.

And while he was standing there, another man approached him with a horrible look on his face and said. "What is the problem? Why are you so angry?"

He then took a moment and made a gesture with his hand, waving the piece of paper. "Read this here. They just delivered this message."


'Let me see what we have here...' He thought for a moment, then began to read aloud as the other guards who were in that place approached the two of them.

"Free the captive named Peter and deliver the Spring of Life in 1 hour, or we will destroy this base. If he is in any way crippled, be prepared for the consequences!"