
The Reality of Hell

Over the next few hours, Minos would see just how big Hell was as he saw basically unchanged landscapes for a long way, even at a speed faster than anything he had ever traveled before.

The Hell seemed to be several times bigger than Zocarro.

Every few hours Minos also saw different Reincarnation Wheels in this place, and followed his Qhava master's advice not to look too closely at such areas. During this time, he also received several tips about things he should do or avoid in Hell.

The Hell was a special dimension divided into a variable number of regions governed by individuals like Qhava. From what he understood, the division of Hell should be more or less similar to the division of the Upper Realm.

The Devils, as they called themselves, were the oldest members of Hell and had large numbers of disciples. The inverse of this would be the position of True Celestials, such as Devdar, who would be far above Minos if he ever made his way to the Upper Realm.