
The Map of the Violent Sea 

Minos listened to Leger and nodded in agreement, feeling that there was no reason to doubt this man now. His Incorruptible Heart was telling him that there was only sincerity in the words of the level 115 Supreme in front of him, and he really wanted to hear about the journey through the Violent Sea from someone who had already successfully traveled through it twice.

"I agree to make a deal," Minos said as he showed one of his hands to Leger. "In exchange for your information, we'll work together when we reach Uzira."

Leger hadn't expected such a quick decision from Minos, but he wanted this deal as much or more than Tiolos and the level 112 human.

With a smile on his face, he shook Minos' dominant hand, while Tiolos clapped one hand in satisfaction. "Perfect. Let's sign our agreement."

They quickly found something to write the rules of their relationship, with each side swearing an oath of sincerity and commitment.