
Minos' Attempt 

"Yes, Commander.

I was far away from the guild, in the middle of an arduous journey, when I was forced to sacrifice my parasite. Fortunately, the sacrifice helped me achieve my goals and survive. I just didn't expect someone at Armhands to use it as an excuse to delete my data.

It hasn't even been 10 years since it happened, but my data has been erased, and now I'm supposed to lose everything I've done for the guild". Minos presented his case to the man, hoping the Commander could help him. 

Minos wasn't doing this out of naivete. Surely this giant at the 12th stage wouldn't help him out of pity. He had his value as a member of the sect. He had already carried out a tough mission, and he had information to give this man that could certainly make a difference to the guild's plans.

That's the reason the giant in front of Minos didn't expel these humans when he heard the young man's complaint.