
Many Drawbacks

While thinking about these possibilities, King Brown was becoming more and more curious about the figure of Minos.

At first, this young man seemed like a lucky young man who, after a great torment, had taken advantage of some good opportunity that had come his way.

But as Thomas thought more about this young man's actions and how this tied in with the information they already had, King Brown began to see Minos' distancing himself from his peers. 

Minos seemed to become much closer behaviorally speaking to regional experts than to juniors of the younger generation.

So, this monarch couldn't help but be impressed by the accomplishments of Albert's son.

'That young man seems to be far more intelligent than his father... I would like to meet him in the future.' So Thomas thought to himself, while he had a usual countenance on his face, still observing those members of the Silva family in that place.