
Execution 1

As more Dry City residents and members of Minos' subordinate and allied families arrived at the central square, influential people from all over the region were already in the surroundings.

Today an event relevant to local and regional history would take place, the execution of the former crown prince of the Kingdom of the Waves, someone of regional fame. 

At first, such a thing might not seem so crucial since, at the moment, the war was about to end, and Minos had already done much worse things than executing a person. But still, this event was necessary so that more people would know the truth about Charles and why young Stuart had been so ruthless with the Walker family.

The region needed to know that there were crucial differences between the Walker family and, for example, House Snow. Such a population needed to understand that Minos did not slaughter people for pure fun but for sensible, easy-to-understand, and valuable reasons to avoid pain.