
End of the Battle 

In the blink of an eye, two of the enemy Sovereigns were killed by the actions of Minos and the 30 or so members of his group there.

After killing the first enemy by using his wings to surprise the insect, Minos moved to the enemy his people were attacking.

With his high speed, which was even superior to Maximillian's, he quickly caught up with his group's opponent and took advantage of the bad timing of this opponent, who was facing so many high-level tenth-level beings, to perform another movement of his wings.

At the moment of his attack, both of his wings opened as wide as possible before several feathers burst out like energy swords, slashing at Minos' opponent.

Semi-transparent wings of energy ten times larger than the pair of wings appeared behind Minos and then moved toward the opponent as if they were hands about to clap.