
Conversations with the West Family 

"So, are you aware of the situation of our states against the Flaming Empire?" Iris West asked Minos as she sat next to her daughters on the opposite side of where he and his wives were sitting on an oversized sofa.

Minos nodded as he held a cup of spiritual tea with one of his hands and the saucer with the other. "Yes, I am not irresponsible not to know about what happens to my interests..."

"So what have you been doing in the Empire? Have you accomplished anything to lessen tensions in the region? The Emperor seems very interested in the war." She said with a slightly altered tone, doubtful of Minos' actions.

Minos had not promised that he would be able to solve anything. He had only sworn that he would try to speak on behalf of Albano and the other states to calm the regional tensions.

But still, Iris felt that Minos owed her and the other sovereigns some answers.