
The Rise Of Shadow

Alexander_Rispoli · Khoa huyễn
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A Shadow Is Born

The storm bashed against the wall of the cabin, somewhere secluded surrounded by woods and near a lake. Lightning flashed brightly in the sky and thunder rumbled the earth an the cabin. a woman layed in bed screaming as she lied giving birth to her new born child. She writhed in agony, cried tears of blood, her nails were sharpened at the tips and a man laid bloodied at the foot of the bed on the floor lying in his own pool of blood an his shined a pearl white.

"Push my wickedness, just one more big push." the hooded female demanded of her lady, as her lady screamed out in pain. The lady pushed again and her child came out.

"It's a boy, your wickedness." the young woman smiled and handed her lady the child. The lady smiled and cried.

"I shall name you Damian after my father." the lady smiled an than she began to convulse and than shortly after fell silent an still. The lady had died and Damian now alone in the world, but the young woman moved quickly an left the manor to escape. She went into the lady's room an found a small fortune, a small box of jewels, a sword wrapped in a silk cloth, a family journal, a book of spells and some family heirlooms. Withing a few hours we were on the road in a random car going to Salem, Massachusetts the place of my family's ancestors. When we got there we were joined by a few people, the young woman's family met us with open arms and they naturally assumed I was her child. Over the course the next few months she bought a small manor for us to live in but for me to inherit when I got old enough, she invested some money in a few stocks and she even got a job as a writer, her being a witch in all I think she thought it was a perfect cover for her and she made a decent fortune from those books well. So for awhile she was hardly around, which led me to be raised by my butler Jeeves and nanny Elisabetta. They taught me quite alot about history, math and basic education for my ages over the years, Jeeves taught me how to box so I wouldn't be bullied or picked on, Elisabetta taught me about poetry, music and dancing. Though Anora my mother she was began to spend more time home after awhile an this was around my tenth birthday. She handed me a book with a five pointed star on it, the title read. 'Book Of Shadows'.

"We start tomorrow after school, be ready." Anora smiled and turned to greet the other parents attending my birthday party. My two best friends ran up as Anora left.

"Man cool birthday part D-man, thanks for inviting me man. The food is amazing and the music, man, your mom loves you." my best friend George nudged me in the side a little bit in a playful manner.

"You can say that again George. Happy birthday Damian." Raven kissed my cheek and gave me a soft smile. We three were considered the class clowns but we never really got into major trouble at least, not yet.

"Woah! Cool book Damian. My mother was telling me about this book. It holds strong beginners magic at first but than as you grow so do the spells within them. It really awesome, we should try to do some of these spells." Raven immediately got excited and I couldn't wuss out now.

"Yeah but what kinda spells though? Hopefully nothing to dangerous." I hope and prayed after I asked the question she wouldn't make me instantly regret it.

"How about Elemental Magic? It's a way to bond with your birth element. Sound wicked fun to me, what about you guys?" Raven looked at George and me. We looked at each other and we nodded in agreement, we snuck off from the part to a secluded area where no one was around.

"Here should be a good spot." Raven stopped and opened the book back up an began to read the book's instructions. She put her hand out and a ball of lightning formed in her hand, than she threw it to the ground and sparks shout out in every direction from the impact. One hit me in the shoulder, immediately something inside of me awakened black smoke started to envelope my hands at first than my arms and soon my entire body. I threw a black flamed ball at Raven not once but twice. Each time missing as dodged them easily, she threw two lighting balls of her own, I smacked them away as if they were flies.

"Damian I'm sorry it was accident. Please stop this!" She pleaded with me and the anger began to falter an soon I was back to original self. I fainted soon after, no physical damage had been done to me but there was no denying it now I wasn't normal, though what is normal. I didn't want to hurt anybody but something came over me or awoken from deep within.

" You have a choice, either we can mesh our souls together or I'll devour your insides in which case I'll find a new donor who will agree to this. What is your choice?" a dark and creepy voice spoke out from dark reaches of this dream like place.

"I agree." I spoke immediately and perhaps rashly but I didn't want to die either, I wanted to live.