
Kim Sanghoon

The next day came very quickly and Yejoon and Mingyu met up at school.

They had had lots of fun yesterday bowling. Yejoon showed his 'talent' *cough* past life skills *cough* for bowling.

A lot of students were looking at them and glancing, recognizing them from the viral XXX video. It might seem exaggerated to say that they're already known like this. However, they were literally in a world famous video and the entertainment industry in this world is more relevant than the past world's.

They received congratulations from a few people, unsurprisingly most of them from red-faced girls.

Yejoon's ease for learning things taught at school *cough* past life *cough* allowed him to be in comfort for the rest of the classes. He helped his dongsaeng in things he did not understand and like this the school day passed in a flash.

Their mothers had agreed to take their children in a single car. They would take turns driving and Mingyu's mom volunteered to drive this day.

They arrived at the huge facilities and what caught his attention was that they also passed through the same VIP gate.

They quickly arrived at one of the huge buildings that was for singing they were told to go to. Mingyu's mom dropped them off there and left while the boys walked inside.

While accepted auditioners were showcased in a video, that was only for the outstanding ones. People passing the auditions were also given an e-mail even though they were not in the video. There were many rooms that were filled with students of all ages. Since Yejoon and Mingyu were showcased they started in room B. Each building made for each type of profession had this structure. The relatively ordinary students were placed in room D while the better in C. The talented in B, and the cream of the crop in A. There was an S class but it was for very talented people. All of the people that graduated from the S class became very successful people.

Mingyu and Yejoon were not instantly placed in A or S instantly as the company knew next to nothing about them. The company actually thought highly of them to put such young kids in class B. Usually, kids of their age would be in classes D to C.

They entered the room and were greeted by older students that radiated confidence.

They were all in a line, the projector screen behind them while they faced the seats in front. In between, there was a very big space, probably for presenting. Three instructors observed each and every single one of them. Mingyu and Yejoon stood expressionless and also observed the instructors.

They looked like average people. Nevertheless, they were teaching the B singing class of the prestigious XXX academy. It proved just how amazing their capabilities and understanding of the art of singing has reached.

One of them looked to be an African American and the other two looked Caucasian. All of them were dressed in comfortable XXX academy sweatshirts and pants.

The darker-colored man which Yejoon assumed to be the main teacher started talking and explaining how the class would work. Most students here had already heard this speech more than one time but it became a tradition in the past to address these things.

The class started with everyone introducing themselves and did activities to have everyone get to know each other. Yejoon and Mingyu were recommended to only stay for two hours as they were still in middle school and did not need to attend the full session. They quickly became friendly with some of the students and had a good time there. They felt Mingyu's phone ring in no time and had to leave the academy.

Days became weeks. Weeks became months

XXX academy really deserved to be one of the best profession academies. Yejoon and Mingyu had enormous progress in their singing skills. They also had an extra class of dancing and this allowed them to have extreme growth in both skills.

They were told what mistakes they made when singing and how they could better their singing. The instructors were awed at their talent for picking up these things easily and how marvelous they started to sound after correcting these mistakes.

Yejoon and Mingyu were both very respectful and outgoing which caused them to be on friendly terms with the instructors and their classmates. As they were naturally older, they had the urge to constantly protect and guide their two young friends.

It was now time for the initial competition of the singing profession. This was not really a competition but more like XXX attempting to showcase their budding talents and have their students get used to the pressure and performing publicly. A fitting use of two birds with one stone.

Yejoon and Mingyu were chosen to be the competition's starting performance. The company wanted to show everybody in the world the two young and promising talents. It would also make good publicity to show two extremely handsome boys that sang and danced well. It would surely bring lots of 'older sisters' to come, buy merchandise, and watch.

Yejoon and Mingyu were overjoyed but also nervous because they would be inaugurating one of the world's most anticipated annual shows.

They would not be alone this time though. They'd have a few other people in masks that would compliment their dancing. They chose a current top hit. A very hype song that would surely arouse excitement and the urge to dance and sing from the audience. The boys quickly got to getting ideas for the choreography. They thought about how they could implement the moves to fit the song perfectly and use the supplementary people to make sure they would not look lonely while presenting.

All of the 'extra' people were very nice and seemed to be very experienced in dancing. They listened to what Yejoon and Mingyu but also tuned in to add in their ideas. The two fellows gained great experience from the cooperative people.

Everyone was extremely friendly and respectful of each other.

There was, however, a person that aroused Yejoon and Mingyu's happiness every time. He coincidentally was also a Korean and the three clicked together amazingly. The two boys turned into three as they would always be together. The name was Kim Sanghoon. He was a ball of sunshine and would always be very happy and his voice would incite cheeriness from others. He spread positivity everywhere. He had a slightly masculine but handsome Korean face that had small feminine features like the soft lips and his white and very smooth skin. Apparently, dabbing, flossing, and fidget spinners had followed Yejoon into this world. The dude, Sanghoon had an addiction to dabbing and dancing trending, meme-y, viral dances. Although dabbing and flossing might have sounded cringy, Sanghoon, in fact, looked very funny and made him look like a total nutjob while doing that.

Sanghoon quickly became part of the group and they turned into great friends. Yejoon and Mingyu were still best friends but Sanghoon was like an older brother for them both. In this case, Yejoon should be mentally older than Sanghoon but it seemed the merging of the souls had bigger side effects.

Kim Sanghoon was very talented in dancing and surprisingly even rapping. He could speak Korean, English, and even Chinese fluently. He was 15 years old and he was in the A class for rapping. In this world, rapping was huge, though very slightly less popular than singing. Yejoon wanted him in the group.

[Host has found another person!

Find the people you will share blood, sweat & tears with. (Find the members of your group)


Jung Mingyu

Kim Sanghoon

Rewards: Happiness at finding another family and companionship.]

Hello all! Your author again and I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to comment with constructive criticism. To the ones reading this, you're my source of inspiration. Thank you all for reading!~

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