
The Rise Of Jordant: A Chrysalis Story

A fresh Hatchling explores the Colony and the sport of Tunnel ball. Join this ant on her adventure of understanding emotions and enjoying victory in this series.

Jaylor · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

Final Round

We went back and forth in the game for a while. Finally, we made it to the last round, round 20. The score was close, 10-9, and we had the upper hand. So far, neither team failed to get the ball to the other side. Though we were still a bit sloppy, both teams made visual improvements in strategies and carrying our respective tasks out.

We came in for our last huddle, determined to make this game ours. We just needed to pin down that ridiculously fast scout once. Just once, then the game was ours. And for me, that was a big deal. I didn't want the first game on my record and the first game with a healer as an active player to be a lost or a tie. I wanted a win. An overwhelming win would have been nice, but I'll settle with a close game instead.

"OK team, here's the plan. The scouts will start firing the second we start. Mages, I want one of you to spread water across the arena while another freezes it to make the ground slippery. We want the Scout to trip and fall, so Healer, your job is to raise the ground as much as possible. As many little obstacles as you can before the ground freezes over. We don't want her peacefully skating all the way to the goal. Soldiers, you're all with me. We'll form a defensive line at the goal with our manables ready to intercept the rock carrier. Any questions?"

No ant said anything, though we all looked rather tense. Shortly after, we were told to get into our places. While the countdown started, I focused on getting my Earth Mana construct up and ready to go.

"GO, GO, GO." The scent flooded the room, and once again, we are scuttling to intercept the enemy team. I compress the earth magic a bit before releasing it, making walls that slightly curve in on themselves. Mainly to make it hard for the Scout to climb over them, as well as her teammates. I refuse to lose this round.

Despite my determination and plan, the Scout easily climbs over the walls, though it does take some of her stamina at the very least. My team's scouts launched their restrictive acid at the quick one. Sadly, she dodged every single one, swerving left and right to avoid the shots of acid. But this was part of the plan. Or, my plan at least, what the general doesn't know won't hurt her.

I scrambled to make sure I stayed in front of the Scout. Once I'm sure I can get a decent shot, I aim to where I think she'll be after dodging and aim right for her head and the base of her antenna. Thank the Eldest the scout wasn't able to move quickly enough right after dodging the others' acid shots. She was blinded, and her antennae were stuck together. It seemed like she was shocked enough to drop the uniquely shaped rock, allowing one of our scouts to quickly swoop in and snatch it up.

Suddenly, our team is back on the offensive, and we are dashing to the goal line. However, because we hadn't properly planned for this occurrence, the rock was easily taken back from us by one of the enemy soldiers. I was close enough to launch myself onto the back of the soldier, and I gnashed my mandibles against her legs to immobilize her. However, my mandibles are much too blunt to be effective against the durable chitin covering my sister's leg. It was enough to buy time for an ant who can chimp through those legs though.

One of the soldiers on our side came charging, knocking into the side of the opposing soldier. I, of course, went flying, my legs thrashing around in the air as I tried to catch myself on anything I could find. I should really work on my grip skill before I'm called a disgrace to ants everywhere.

I do manage to land feet first on something that's moving at a ridiculous speed… All of a sudden, realization hits me, and I start chomping on legs once again. The scout I had blinded earlier has made quite a quick recovery. Normally, I'd be ecstatic to see an ant recover so quickly, not right now, though. I chomp at her leg and thwip thwap her Carapace as hard as possible to slow her down even the slightest.

My efforts were done in vain, as the Scout picked up the rock before we could grab it from the flailing soldier on the floor. I wasn't going to give up just yet. Despite the fact that the Scout was shaking her body and moving at intense speeds to throw me off, I made it to her head and started to wrestle the rock out of her mandibles. I wasn't able to do much aside from buying time once again. This time, the general and 3 scouts came to pin her down to the ground.

"An ant who forgets about teamwork is quite sad. Imagine thinking only speed helps, not even Vibrant thinks that way." I scoffed despite the fact that I did the very same thing multiple times during the game so far. We'll just pretend that didn't happen and move on. Stop looking at me like that, General. I scored the points, didn't I?

As a group, we managed to get the rock. Specifically, I got the rock and had nestled underneath a soldier who had just arrived. "Gogogogogo." The scent blends together as I urge my ride to speed as fast as she can. This was a unique strategy since healers are small enough to do this. This means that Scout won't be able to mimic this unbeatable strategy.

The thoughts in my head suddenly come to a halt as I get caught by Earth Magic, and I'm pulled away from the soldier I was using. Oh. I might have gotten a bit too carried away. Quickly, I start ripping the spell apart and manage to get back to my feet only to come face to face with the Scout once again. Well, I should have seen this coming.

I puffed out my thorax, getting ready for a final showdown when I was suddenly picked up in the mandibles of a soldier and was carted to the goal... The scout's goal. I swing my little legs all around and let out a few thwips of my antenna as I release the rock from my mandibles. They didn't seriously think I would stay still the whole time, did they?