
The Rise Of Jordant: A Chrysalis Story

A fresh Hatchling explores the Colony and the sport of Tunnel ball. Join this ant on her adventure of understanding emotions and enjoying victory in this series.

Jaylor · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

Evolution And Pre Game Meeting

After my evolution, I decided to take a look at how my stats are coming along.

Name: Unnamed Formica Sapiens Healer.

Level: 1 (core)

Might: 60

Toughness: 42

Cunning: 25

Will: 19

HP: 50/50

MP: 50/50


General: Master Stealth (III) Level 8; Tunnel Map (II) Level 4; Expert Grip (II) Level 9; Quick Dash (II) Level 6

Offensive: Improved Acid Shot (II) Level 7; Crushing bite (I) Level 3

Defensive: Expert Exo-skeleton Defense (II) Level 2

Mana: Master Mana Shaping (III) Level 4; External Mana Manipulation (I) Level 2; Expert Mana Sensing (II) Level 3; Expert Earth Magic (II) Level 3

Mutations: Speedy Wound Searching Eyes +10; Focused Healing Antenna +10; Thick Healing Acid Gland +10; Quick Energy Boosting Legs +10; Blunt Small Manables + 10; Reflective Light Carapace +10; Demanding Persuasive Pheromone Language Gland +10; Healing Magic Gland; Acid Thickener Gland

Species: Healer (Formica Sapiens)

Skill Points: 0

Biomass: 0

Okay, it looks like everything is pretty well spent and in good shape. I could use a bit more 6 I use magic… But oh well. Once I get Earth Magic to tier 3, I should be able to get healing magic, and that will really help with my caste. Though I should also consider keeping a small cache of skill points just in case.

Also, I probably could have gone without getting any magic in the first place, but I think it's a good idea to use actual healing magic even if other Healers mainly stick to the healing magic gland and healing acid. But anyways, time for Tunnel Ball!

At least that's what I thought, but the classes went to an even more in-depth explanation of Healers, what they do, and how to best perform their job. They also rattled off a list of what was the best combination of Mutations and skills that we should buy as a healer.

Finally, after 3 more days of classes, they give the option of playing Tunnel Ball or facilitating the healing in Tunnel Ball. When I volunteered for playing, the lack of pheromones and the amount of antenna showing shock was impressive. Apparently, offering was a formality since healers mainly hid during battle, and it was thought best for the caste to practice healing after Tunnel Ball matches.

I had no care, and I will rewrite everything my siblings believed about our caste and this sport if I have to. I just want to play this sport! Not as much as I want to contribute to the Colony, obviously, but this is the achievable goal at the moment.

"A-are you sure?" A stunned Brood Tender and Healer managed to say simultaneously.

I reply with my antenna held up with confidence. "Absolutely!"

I arrived in the planning section of the tunnel, fitted with a green piece of cloth on my Thorax. Apparently, the professional players get metal with cloth on top of it, but since this is just for training, we just get the cloth for now. The ant in charge starts explaining the rules, and I channel my inner Vibrant, ready to rush out right now.

Once the rules are finished, I speed off to my teams section of the planning area. The refree-ant had decided on our team name as the green Healer with the other team named the purple Scout. The General for the Green Healer lets out a nervous smell for a second before she speaks.

"Um, ok team…" First, I haven't had a healer before, so what can you do?"

"I have a healing acid gland, which is pretty thick. I could use that to blind enemies mixed in with the scouts acid so that it catches them off guard. Plus, my acid lasts a minute longer than normal acid." I reply helpfully, mostly because this was the strategy I was thinking off when I decided to become a healer.

The General looks at me thoughtfully before she slowly nods. "Alright, in that case… I'll give the Healer the rock, which she'll carry to the other side. I want the 4 scouts on both sides of her with the 5 soldiers in a V formation in front of them. The 4 mages will make the rear line. I want you to shoot fire spears at the other team and waterbolts shot at their feet to wreck their movement… A carver would work wonders right now to add obstacles as we move."

We nod our antenna to signal we heard her before I add one more thing. "If that's the case, I can use my Earth Magic to make trenches and walls as well." I swear I didn't know ants could look dumbfounded just because of how great we are, but I stand corrected. It only lasted for a second before the General started reworking her plan as fast as she could.

"1 minute remaining." The smell went through the air, and the General looked more panicked before she finally reworked the game plan. She showed it with crude drawing on the arena floor.

"Alright, mages, I want you to use your combined magic to create a mist surrounding us so the other team can't see our formation. The biggest soldier is going to be in the middle of the V formation with the healer hanging on the bottom of her carapace. I'll be in the center with the scouts so that they'll think I'm car-"

"Times up! Teams in your places."

As I heard those words, my little ant heart starts racing. We all rush to our spots on the arena, the General grabbing the ball like rock in her manables.

"3… 2… 1… GO GO GO!"