

The world is a mysterious place, we have so many things yet to explore but, are we ready to explore more than what we know? This story is about a curious boy who was different from others since his birth and wanted to explore the world to know more than what others know. Instead what he discovers is shocking, that is...his birth secret. Healing from that he learns to accept himself and moves forward with his life until... “Ahhh... I hate you! I don't even want to see your face! ” The brunette said in a painful voice. “Haha... Don't worry, the feelings are mutual. ”The bluehead replied with a smug tone. They are born rivals but an incident changes their life forever. From hate to love... From enemies to lovers...From nothing to everything... “No! please don't leave me! Don't go there! I love you...” cried out the brunette as he fell to his knees. “I'm sorry for deciding to leave you dear. But my love for you will never let me stay near you and bring harm to you. But I'm sure one day after everything settles down I'll come back for you my love... only for you... And I love you beyond starts.” From weak to strong in power... But back to being weak in love... Years passed... But his love for the other didn't. After many years of longing and yearning, he finally met his love with hopes of living happily but...as we say fate is cruel, it had other plans for them... “Hello, I'm ..... Nice meeting you again.” the blonde male said looking at the black-haired boy with so much love in his eyes. “I can't say the same... Who are you?” the black-haired asked in a confused tone, giving a shock to the other male. “You don't remember me!?” Were the memories they had just a dream? Why did it have to be like this, that one forgets and the other one remembers? Will they find their lost love or will it remain relinquished? What has fate decided for them?

Vivik_a · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The year 3207

Year: 3207

Planet: NEW GAIA

Futuristic things can be described in many ways, that are advanced and innovative also as miracles and mysteries...

Gaia was a place where we can say futuristic things exist. It has changed from tall skyscrapers to nature-friendly houses, normal cars to flying cars and also traveling long distances to transportation portals, it has everything one person could ever dream of living. We can say it's a place similar to Earth but more advanced and technologically equipped but nature reconnecting and also magical to live in.

No one does boring jobs anymore. There are many people ranging from humans to wizards, vampires to wolves, and more. They live in harmony, with happiness and adventures day by day, exploring the nearby planets and other galaxies. There are many more changes than that of our Earth, it is greener because no vehicle is there on the ground. People reconnect with nature and also use magic to heal nature... And the foremost and significant changes have happened in the field of education...

The usual boring topics were no more. Instead, this new world opted for a realistic education that can bring out the potential in each of the students and there are no pressures from parents or teachers. Also, a large part of education is taken by Magic... All were given equal opportunities to study everything. So there were no fights, less or no crimes, just peace most of the time.


Nestled in the heart of the bustling city is a place where knowledge, tradition, and innovation merge – an institution that has stood the test of time. Established over a millennium ago, this college has a rich history of producing brilliant pupils in various fields. Its sprawling campus speaks about the state-of-the-art facilities and a vibrant student life that ignites a passion for learning like no other. Stepping into this college is like stepping into a world full of possibilities. Welcome to a place where dreams are nurtured, where greatness is achieved – welcome to GIAWIN ACADEMY.

In this Academy, not only normal people are there but also many nonhuman and magical creatures were also there. So of course a variety of classes are there like spells and potions are taught to aspiring wizards and witches. Foundational courses such as Magic 101 and Potions 101 for humans, as well as more advanced classes in Prophecy, Transfiguration, and Dark Arts Defense. Choosing from a variety of magical classes will enhance the abilities and lead on a path toward mastering the craft. The experienced professors are dedicated to helping the pupils reach their full potential and help them till they leave the college ready to take on the magical world...

It was a usual day in the Giawin, the students of class 2-HE were in the class even before the bell. The class was fully packed as it was their favorite Professor so, no one was in the mood to skip the lesson. The students sat on their seats, their eyes glued to the door, eagerly waiting for the arrival of their professor. Some tap their feet impatiently, flipping through textbooks while others engage in hushed conversations. They were all talking and discussing what subject they should suggest to the Professor to speak about that day. A clock ticks loudly in the background as if taunting their restlessness. The room is filled with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, as each student hopes to gain wisdom and knowledge from their upcoming lecture.

Finally, the door creaks open and the professor strides in, greeting the class with a smile. The students sit up straight, ready to learn and absorb all the information their professor has to offer. No one was able to choose their topic as the Professor entered with a beautiful smile on his face and greeted, "Good Morning my dear students." The class wished him back with huge smiles showing their utmost interest to the Professor.

His name is Professor James William, a man in his late 30's, with a rugged and masculine appearance. He stands tall with broad shoulders, a chiseled jawline, and piercing blue eyes that speak of keen intelligence and unwavering determination. His dark hair is always neatly trimmed and his voice is deep and resonant, conveying both authority and a down-to-earth warmth that puts others at ease. Despite his laid-back demeanor, oozes confidence and authority, reflecting his years of experience in his successful career. Overall, he exudes a quiet strength and stability that inspires respect and trust. He inspires students so much that they call him Mr.Jamie, and he likes that too.

"So students did you revise what I gave you yesterday?" Asked Mr.Jamie and the whole class replied with a yes, which was not surprising to him cause his subject was something that everyone liked, English...

Nah nah not the grammar type of English instead it was history-touched storytelling kinda of English and who doesn't love stories...

He speaks calmly and concisely and actively engages his students with questions and discussions. He simplifies complex concepts about history into understandable stories and ensures that every student has a clear understanding before moving on to the next topic. He encourages students to ask questions and provides additional resources for further understanding. The first 15 minutes of the session went on just like usual, the reviewing of the last class and all. After that, an announcement was made.

‹The faculties of last year's students are requested to assemble in the meeting place immediately and the students are free for the rest of the day. Thank you.›

The students were happy that they would have free time but sad that Mr. Jamie had to go. Seeing them down Mr. Jamie said, "Guys, don't be upset, I am not a part of last year's faculty...." Even before he could continue the class erupted into cheers.

"Hey calm down and listen.*they kept silent so he continued* if you all want we can continue the session or we can stop here... " he was teasing them saying the last sentence and the students started whining, he cracked up at this and then began again, "I was just teasing you guys. I'll be here till you all get bored. Is that okay?" The class was happy with this and eagerly nodded their heads.

"So what topic shall we discuss today or shall I present today?" Hearing him murmurs emitted and he could see that they hadn't decided yet. So he waited for someone to suggest and after a few minutes, a student from the back stood up and requested, "Mr. Jamie, the other day you told us that you would tell us about the college history and one interesting story... So can you tell us about that today?"

Hearing what the boy asked for, the whole class agreed. This made Mr. Jamie shake his head and utters, "You all still remember that!? I think it was like last year, I said about that. I'm sorry to say but both of them will not be finished in one day... It will take time and some things are not to hear but to read and experience. So I can't tell you the story now it's better if you read it on your own but about the college...that I will for today."

Everyone agreed with him and he started,

"So buckle up guys, we are in for a roller coaster... "