
The Rise of Humanity (DxD SI)

The end of one thing is always the beginning of something new. A weeb from our universe experienced this the hard way, dying and being reborn as Cao Cao. Trying to now figure out what the point of his existence in this universe should be. Protagonist will not instantly be OP. The story will be a bit slow to begin with but will pick up after chapter 4 I have based this fanfic off of another fan-fiction on FanFiction.Net called A Hero’s Journey All characters are own by their respective creators I do not own the artwork

Darklord161323 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Training

Reinforcing my leg with mana I launched myself at blinding speed at my opponent. I cocked my spear back and prepared myself to thrust it at my adversary but as I was closing in he suddenly duplicated himself in two and came at me from both sides.

I was able to fend off several of his attacks by making a spear of light in my other hand and attacking swiftly with my double-spearmanship. I was able to cut his clone in two then I levitated my spear and launched it at that damn monkey. He tried to dodge it but my spear followed him acting as an homing weapon and cornered him.

'Thank you, King' I thought to myself proud to have ripped of that move from the Fairy King.

"Oi ! That's fucking unfair, Cao Cao, I thought it was a close-combat spar. " said the descendant of The Victorious Fighting Buddha.

"How naive of you Bikou, you should know that nothing is unfair in a fight. Now stop bitching and come at me, you damn monkey." I taunted smugly.

"Now you've done it, you smug bastard" cried out Bikou angrily while making several clones of himself and barreling at me. "Extend Ruyi Jingu Bang!"

His staff, a copy of the legendary weapon of his ancestor, extended in size and length while his clones made their way to me from both of my sides. I was surrounded, trapped but that doesn't mean I was helpless.

I immediately formed 20 swords of light above and me and fired them at the clones. I then extended my Longinus to the same length as his staff and let them clash

I withstood the pain of my straining muscles and then nocked the staff aside and then barrelled faster than the human eye can see at Bikou who was getting up and taking a battle stance with his staff.

I cocked my fist back coating it with Holy Light but I could feel my senses getting disoriented by Bikou's use of Youjutsu.

'Tch sneaky bastard' I thought to myself but I already planned for this. I then created a light sword behind Bikou and launched it at his spine while I was coming at him with my spear.

"Shit! I yield!" exclaimed the future Monkey King unable to avoid the coming attack. I then stoped the sword mear

We both fell in the grass while panting for breath .

"Huh, you got me this time Cao Cao but the score is still 52-45 in my favour." boasted my friend smugly. "What are you talking about you idiot? The score is clearly in my favour." I groaned while panting heavily. "Hahaha No way. You still have a long way to go to be at my level Chaos brat" mocked Bikou looking at me mischievously.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that" I cried out irritated by his mockery.

"Shishishishi!" continued to laugh the stupid monkey youkai.

I hate that damn nickname, given to me by my Shīfù because my ancestor was called the Hero Of Chaos during the War of The Three Kingdoms and I am his descendant.

Anyway it's been a year since I became the disciple of The Great Sage Equaling The Heaven and moved to to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. A mountain in India where the members of Sun Wukong's clan resides. This is also where I made my first friend in this world, Bikou the descendant of the Old Sage. He was already interested in me since I was his fellow disciple but it became worse later as he has been hounding me for spars when he found out about my lineage and and about my True Longinus.

I caved one day and ever since we've been fighting practically everyday and keeping scores.

In the span of one year I have made great progress in my training especially with my martial arts and spearmanship. After arriving on the mountain I was given 3 proper meals a day and I was able to recover from the malnutrition I was suffering from before. Due to my body now no longer needing the mana to increase my physic abilities to normal human for my age I stared using it to enhance my body this allow my base strength to sky rock to the point that I have increased my strength and speed to the peak of what an adult human can reach. I predict that as my mana reserves grow with age my physical abilities will only increase due to a bigger mana pool to enhance it from.

The Wukong Martial Art is also greatly compatible with me because of my True Longinus ability to extend its length though I do not have a Monkey Youkai agility but I more than make up for it with my dexterity and skills. Despite this I still think that their moves are way too flashy, there is no need for all these acrobatics damn it.

'Or maybe it's because I'm super jealous that I can't do those moves.' I thought to myself depressingly.

" Hey by the way, you still haven't gotten the hang on that spear of yours." mentioned my fighting buddy.

"I'm surprised that a monkey brained idiot like you noticed." I said with irritation still in my voice.

"I'm not an idiot!" he cried out sending a rock at my face which I swiftly avoided "So,… What's the problem Buddy ?" questioned my friend.

I was seated in the grass in the training ground lost in thought thinking about his words and my new weapon. Since that day I've trained extensively with my Sacred Gear without the help of Shīfù and made good progress, but I'm nowhere near the level to achieve Balance Breaker which I'm pretty sure will not be Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin as I do not have the same soul as canon Cao Cao. I have also decided to hide the existence of True Longinus for the time being and only use it as Trump Card or to kill my opponent quickly.

But before I could respond we were both startled by a high-pitched scream behind us. We both get up quickly and looked behind us to see our Shīfù, the Old Geezer himself, laughing his ass of loud speaker in hand.

"Damn, that was not cool Gramps !"

"That was immature Shīfù."

We both complained trying to regain our hearing. I then looked back at my Master his earlier mirth gone and looking at me seriously.

"Cao Cao," I gulped and waited." Your body is ready, it is time to awaken your Touki." said the Old Sage.

I was understandably confused. Isn't Touki unlocked through a hellish training regime like Sairoarg Bael or by mastering Senjutsu like the Youkais.

"Haha finally ! You're gonna enter the big leagues now Cao Cao " exlaimed Bikou with ecxitement.

"But isn't Touki awakened through rigorous training of the body ?" I asked my Master.

"Mmmh ? Who told you that ? It is true that it is possible to use Touki this way but it is the hardest way to unlock Touki." mused Sun Wukong." There is Three way to awaken Touki. First is Senjutsu. All Senjustsu users can use Touki by controlling the base of their life force and increase their attack, defense and speed tremendously. The Second way is what you said. Unlocking Touki through intensive training of the body. It is the hardest way as it can take someone decades to succeed but also the most rewarding as someone who awaken Touki like that will have ten times more power than a Senjutsu user. I do not recommend it as it would take too much time." explained the Great Sage in all his wisdom.

"Hah ! Only an insane man would choose this path." interrupted Bikou with his loud and annoying voice.

'No way, What kind of monster is Sairoarg Bael if he could do it in less than a decade and before his twenties at that' I thought in my head astonished at the determination of the Bael Heir.

Somewhere in the Underworld :

" 99 997…99 998…99 999…achoum ! " sneezed a black-haired boy doing push-ups. " Damn I was at the 100 000 mark. That's alright I'll do it again from the begining.1…2…3." said a Sairoarg Bael loudly resuming his training.

Back to India

"And finally a Touki master can awaken someones's Touki." finished my master simply It took me a few seconds to understand his meaning.

"W-What ? there is such a easy way to use Touki." I sputtered in incomprehension.

" Of course there is. True, in this day and age Touki users are rare but in the old days it was, while not common, still widespread. There were many heroes such as Lu Bu, your ancestor Cao Cao, Li Shuwen, Karna, Arjuna, Rama and many more who could use Touki. How do you think these guys awakened their Touki." explained Sun Wukong as if he was talking to a child which I was.

"But how ?! " I questioned him while looking at both Bikou and my master.

"Through a simple chant though this method was lost in time. I didn't do this for Bikou as he is my descendant and a Youkai who can learn Senjutsu but you are human and it will take too much time to awaken Touki using the two others methods. Luckily for you I am a Touki master and the only one alive who remember the chant. However You should know that Touki unlocked this will be much weaker than with Senjutsu but it will have the potential to grow with time. "said the Old monkey ." Now come here and take a meditative stance."

I slowly approached my Teacher and took a meditative stance in the grass while he made his way behind and started his chant.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee." Just after he finished his chant, I felt power surge through my very bones. I could see a colourless aura surrounding my body. It was intoxicating. Honestly I feel like I could run all the way to China on foot.

"So this is Touki" I marveled at the power I felt.

"Hoh, you have more Touki than you should have for someone who awakened Touki through the aura chant. Interesting." said my master inspecting my body and looking at me intently.

I nodded and wondered if that now I have Touki I could learn to use Senjutsu like Bikou as I've been excluded from these training sessions because I was not ready.

"Shīfù, is it possible for me now to learn Senjutsu now that I have Touki?" I asked him waiting in anticipation his answer.

He stopped looking at my body and contemplated my words. I felt nervous just waiting for his answer.

"No," He finally said crushing my hopes. "You are human and you do not have chakra and the connection to nature that we, Youkais, have. It may take decades even for a genius like you to feel the nature energy in the air let alone withstand the malice and hate of the world."

In my mind I just thought 'well I suppose I should have expected that', but then I realised that it's not a huge loss as Sunjutsu in dxd did not function like it did in Naruto so it's no like it's that much of a loss. From what Bikou told me it's main function was to give sensory, healing abilities and ki manipulation(which allow access to Touki). Luckily for me all of those things can be supplemented with magic. I had already gained access to a type of magic sense which while not on the same level as Senjutsu sensory it is still effective enough. I already had access to my touki so that was not a problem. And I can always learn healing magic so Senjutsu healing was unnecessary at the moment.

"Let's begin your Touki training then, you still have a long road a head of you in order to fully master your Touki." Sun Wukong said as we began to walk to the training grounds