
The Ring Bearer System

Written by Rowben. A young man has been working as a vigilante for the past year, though it seems nobody appreciates his help, and it’s all became too much weight on his shoulders. Just as he decides to quit, he’s brought into something else entirely. Nico Ryoto learns that the world’s more then he thought, a world full of suffering, where power often goes into the wrong hands. Discovering special rings that control the concepts of reality, and the horrible things wearers have done with such, Nico searches to find every ring to refrain from those with tainted hearts from using them.

Rowbenverse · Võ hiệp
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44 Chs

“Clown’s Vain”

The group slowly approached the house, the windows covered so that they couldn't peek inside, as Reece sighed and marched to the door.

"This is probably one of Uvie's tricks! I bet there's some giant cartoony world inside this house..!"

She said confidently before opening the door, though inside was just a regular, old interior. Reece looked in with confusion on her face, was this truly just a regular house.

"You'll see.. Just watch..!"

She took a step inside, as on contact the floor tore like paper, Reece falling through with a yell. Everyone was surprised as they looked into the tear, watching as Reece fell into the circus.

Despite the fall she didn't get hurt at all, sitting up as she waved and shouted for everyone to come down, which they did.

"This place is strange.. though it matches Uvie quite well. A clown."

Kiara stated, the group looking around. The circus was empty, the crowd filled with mannequins with only made the place creepier.

"Well, she's obviously not out here.. Maybe she's in the back."

Bennett said, pointing to a curtain as they all ran to it, entering the back of the circus. It was dark and filled with dust and cobwebs, Bennett finding the lightswitch as he flicked it on.

With the lights now on, everyone could see clearly. It really wasn't much, just an old room filled with old fashioned circus props.

"This place gives me the creeps.. I sense someone close by.."

Kiara whispered, not the only one feeling the same, as everyone did, besides Nico and Reece who ran forth, everyone trying to stop them quietly, but failed to.

Nico and Reece were checking out all the cool props, as it didn't take long for Nico to find what he was looking for, pulling the sheet off a giant cannon.

Everyones eyes widened as Reece rushed to it, taking out an old lighter as she kept trying to light it with no success.

"Reece, don't you fucking dare..!!"

Evan shouted, running to her and stopping the lighter's single spark from lighting the cannon, everyone now looking at Evan as if he were a dumbass for shouting so loudly.


A voice could be heard nearby, everyone freezing as footsteps could be heard slowly approaching one by one.

"Oh..! What're you guys doing here?? That was quicker then I expected you to find me..!"

There stood Uvie, in a jester attire as she smiled at them, though her presence felt so eerie this time around.

Everyone was surprised, though Reece was angered, running up to Uvie and holding her up off the ground, glaring at her

"What the fuck is wron with you, tricking us like that!?"

Uvie's eyes twitched as she lept her smile, prying Reece's fingers off as she landed back on her feet. Clapping her hands together.

"I'm sorry.. You were so mad at me back in the forest, I thought making it seem like Morell came back would make you happy.. even if temporary.."

Reece geitted her teeth, not quite believing Uvie as she picked her back up, instead having both hands on her throat, pinning her to the wall.

Everyone was surprised by Reece's harshness, Evan and Bennett trying to pull her off without success, Reece beginning to choke Uvie.

"Spare the bullshit, you've been pulling tricks since day one, and I'm not gonna forgive you this time..!"

As Reece's geip increased, her nails digging in her neck enough to break skin. Uvie glared at Reece in her choking state, before thrusting her hand forth.

Everyone was shocked as Uvie had impaled a hole in Reece's stomach, causing her grip to loosen as she fell onto her knees holding her gut.

"I just wanted you to be happy.. What do you mean forgive me..!?"

Nico quickly dashed forth to punch Uvie out, though she caught him by his arm, piercing her thumb right throufh his prosthetic as it hit his explosive canister, causing it to explode.

Everyone was launched out of the circus, Uvie staying in place. The group got back up, coughing before rushing to Reece, acting frantically as they didn't know what to do.

"Shit..! The fuck do we do.. the fuck do who do!?"

Evan panicked, as did everyone else as they checked their pockets and bags before something, anyrhing that could help. Bennett was staying quite calm as he sighed.

"Reece regenerates off of cannibalism.."

He mumbled, pulling up his sleeve before placing his arm to her mouth, forcefully slamming her jaw shut as she chomped off a chunk of his arm, blood splattering as everyone was in complete shock and disgust.

Bennett held his arm, holding in a scream of pain as Evan rushed forth to try to aid his arm, but Bennett slapped his hand away, taking a deep breath.

"I gotta stop being a wuss, I'm sure you've wondered why I wear bandages around my eyes, if I was truly blind or not.."

The group stepped back as he faced them, Reece's stomach hole beginning to regenerate as she swallowed the flesh.

"There's a big reason why I keep my eyes covered.. and a big secret that I've kept from you all."

They were already getting sick of him hyping this up for so long, why was this reveal so stretched out? Was the writer trying to make the chapter 1000 words or something?

He reached to the back to the bandages, untying the knot as he slowly slid it down, his eyes still closed as he tied the bandage around his wounded arm, a slight smile on his face.

"Dude? Get on with it."

Nico mumbled, Bennett opening his eyes as the group was subtly blinded by a shine of light momentarily, before looking back at Bennett's eyes.

An orange hue fled his irises, with strange symbols imbedded in them, his eyes consisting of a slight glow as these symbols shifted around frequently. Everyone's eyes widened.

"I am the holder of one of the 10 eyes of commandment, the Eye of Repose."