
The Rich Guy is cursed : Immortal Love

"The Rich Guy is Cursed: Immortal Love" is a riveting suspense novel that delves into the extraordinary life of a young man with inexplicable powers, who must navigate the challenges of living among ordinary humans. As secrets and mysteries unravel, the story unfolds into a captivating exploration of love, immortality, and the enigmatic world that lies beneath the surface of the rich guy's seemingly charmed life.

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8 Chs

Chapter 8 - The Future’s Gaze

Evelyn, her heart racing, settled into the plush, leather seat inside the sleek helicopter, the rhythmic thump of the rotors filling the cabin with a soothing hum.

Beside her sat Aldric, a man of mystery and determination.

The world outside the tinted windows blurred as they lifted off the ground.

Turning her gaze toward Aldric, she couldn't help but wonder about their destination. Her voice trembled with curiosity as she inquired, "Where are we going?"

Aldric, his strong features masked in a stoic resolve, met her gaze.

His voice, calm and steady, broke through the constant drone of the helicopter's engine, "I've tracked down where you live, Evelyn. I'll drop you off there."

A wave of surprise washed over her, and she hesitated before asking, "And what about you? Where will you go?"

Aldric's lips curled into a half-smile, revealing a hint of enigmatic allure. "I like flying, Evelyn," he confessed. "I love defying the natural laws of the world."

Evelyn couldn't help but be captivated by the enigma of Aldric, the man who seemed to live on the edge of the ordinary.

A world where adventure was his constant companion.

As the helicopter soared through the boundless sky, their fates intertwined, taking them on a journey beyond the ordinary and into the realms of intrigue and wonder.

Evelyn's curiosity continued to nag at her as the helicopter sliced through the air. "Why did you do this?" she questioned, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Aldric tilted his head slightly, his eyes focused on the vast expanse below. "Do what?" he replied with a casual air of indifference.

"Coming into my life," Evelyn pressed on, her words brimming with intrigue.

Aldric met her gaze, his piercing eyes revealing a complex mixture of emotions.

"Honestly, believe me, Evelyn," he began, "I'm the one who wanted this the least. I hate doing favors for people."

Her surprise was palpable as she inquired further, "Then why do this for me?"

Aldric's lips curled into a half-smile, and he leaned back in his seat, his enigmatic charm on full display.

"Who knows," he mused, "I just felt like it. I do whatever I feel like doing. Although, in all the years I've lived, doing someone a favor always turns out for the worst. But I still like defying fate."

Evelyn couldn't help but be intrigued by the enigmatic man beside her.

His words, spoken with a wisdom that seemed beyond his years, sparked a warmth within her.

She smiled and confessed, "You sound like an old man. I like it."

As the rhythmic thrum of the helicopter persisted, Evelyn's fatigue caught up with her.

She drifted off to sleep, the enigmatic presence of Aldric lingering in her dreams, a beacon of fascination and attraction.

Then, like a flicker in the fabric of reality, the helicopter disappeared into a thick veil of clouds, and they were gone.

Evelyn awoke with a start, her surroundings unfamiliar. "Huh?" Fear crept into her voice as she scanned the room. "Where am I?"

Her heart raced until her eyes landed on the familiar sights of her apartment.

Relief washed over her, and she fell back onto her bed, allowing her body to fully relax.

As she contemplated the whirlwind time she had spent with Aldric, a smile graced her lips.

In her mind's eye, he appeared as a striking and irresistible figure, his image taking on an attractive allure that made her heart race.

Unintentionally, she imagined him holding her close, and a rush of embarrassment painted her cheeks.

She hastily grabbed a nearby pillow, rolling around on her bed. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," she scolded herself. "What are you thinking?"

Evelyn lay in her bed, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic Aldric.

"When will I see him again?" she wondered, her gaze drifting through the endless sky, searching for a clue.

It was then that she realized the significance of the day.

Today marked her first day at Project Trompson, a venture that had been the focus of her professional aspirations for so long.

As she glanced at the time, a shiver of realization coursed through her. The minutes had slipped away, and she had lost herself in her thoughts.

In a frantic rush, her soul left her body as a jolt of panic seized her.

Evelyn sprung into action, discarding her pajamas and donning her work attire with a speed that bordered on the miraculous.

Every moment counted, and she knew she couldn't afford to be late on this crucial day.

Remembering the lessons from a previous debacle, Evelyn had taken precautions this time.

She had arranged not just one car but a spare as well, along with a ready supply of fuel. She dashed to her vehicles, her pulse racing with urgency.

Yet, as she turned the ignition key of her primary car, the engine remained obstinately silent.

The same fate befell the backup car. They had both succumbed to mysterious mechanical issues, the reasons for which remained shrouded in mystery.

As the weight of her predicament pressed down upon her, Evelyn screamed out in anger, the sound echoing through the empty street.

"WHY ME~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!" Her voice reverberated into the void, a cry of frustration and helplessness that seemed to encapsulate her tumultuous journey.

And with that furious cry, the chapter came to a close, leaving Evelyn at a crossroads.

Wondering how she could overcome this new challenge and what the future held for her and her enigmatic connection with Aldric.

What happens next?????????????

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