
Characters (MC`s family, there are some major SPOILERS here)


-Gawain|Damian (red hair and cornflower blue eyes): MC, born in 252AC.

-Marian (red hair and emerald eyes): MCs mom, born a serf. Murdered in 261AC, her death was the Spark of the Revolution.

-Gareth (dark hair and cornflower blue eyes): MCs dad, born in 232AC

-Galahad (dark hair, emerald eyes): MCs lil brother, born in 256AC

-Ralof (Black hair with and cornflower blue eyes): MCs grand uncle (little brother of Gareth`s dad), born in 222AC. Was a sellsword in Essos for a few years, came back to Westeros to take care of his nephew.

-Gertha (brown hair, brown eyes): his grand aunt, Ralof`s wife.

-Godric (black hair, cornflower blue eyes): his brother, older twin and more lively and mischievous. 258AC

-Garth (black hair, cornflower blue eyes): his brother, younger twin, calm and quiet. 258AC


-Loki, a dog born in 255.

-Thor, a dog born in 255.

-Marengo, a Palfreys (horse) born in 259.