
The Revengeful Rebirth

ZynnyZ · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

New Aura

After the revelations at the burial of Xayzseia, Steph is still confuse "why is the girl in red dont look a like of Xayzseia." "something was different about her." Her face was not the same as the one everyone remembered.

After the ceremony, the woman in red and the old woman in black got into a car together. "Did anyone see or follow you?" the old woman asked.

"No one saw or followed me, Auntie Ivy," Xayzseia replied, her voice filled with affection.

"I missed you so much, my beautiful niece. Your transformation is incredible. They recognized you back there," Auntie Ivy said, a proud smile spreading across her face.

"I missed you too, my lovely auntie," Xayzseia responded warmly.

Auntie Ivy glanced at Xayzseia with concern. "Now, Xayzseia, we need to head to the clinic for your checkup. Your new nose looks beautiful, and you've lost weight."

Xayzseia nodded, touching her face thoughtfully. "Yes, Auntie. It's still strange seeing this new reflection, but it's a small price to pay for a fresh start."

Auntie Ivy placed a comforting hand on Xayzseia's arm. "You have a second chance now. Use it wisely. They need to see your strength, not just your new face."

As the car drove away, Xayzseia gazed out the window, determination shining in her eyes. Her journey was far from over, but with her aunt by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She was no longer the weak girl everyone remembered; she was a force to be reckoned with. 

As the vehicle drove away from the cemetery, Aunt Ivy stared at Xayzseia with pride and fascination. "So, what is your plan now, Xayzseia?" 

Xayzseia's eyes had a very noticeable glimmer. "To start, let me talk about Steph. Because of her intelligence and awareness, she is a formidable adversary. What is the identity of the person whose body is inside the box?

One of Auntie Ivy's considerate nods was given. "Just think about how crazy things will get if Steph discovers the truth." "She could go crazy." 

In response to Xayzseia's laughter, the sound reverberated with a mixture of joy and poison. That's correct. In light of what she did to me, I want her to feel guilty about it. I intend to ensure that she endures a great deal more suffering than the one that she gave me. She must know how much grief she has caused. 

Suddenly, Auntie Ivy's expression changed to one of seriousness. "And how can I help, my pretty niece?" 


Xayzseia's voice was icy and unwavering as she said, "I need your assistance to make Steph's life a living hell." "I wish she would suffer and feel all the pain she caused me." Despite this, I want it to be something that she will never forget for her own sake. 

Auntie Ivy gave a little nod, and the look in her eyes conveyed that she was resolute. She will be held accountable for the harm that she caused to you. "Think of it done. 

As the automobile continued to go down the winding road, Xayzseia had a sense of strength. After being picked on and taunted, she was no longer the weak girl who had been picked on. She had grown more robust over time, and her aunt had always been there for her, so she was prepared to battle anybody who had wronged her with their words or actions. The first person she would reprimand would be Steph, but she would not be the last. When Xayzseia began her plan to get revenge on them, she only started her actions.