
The Revenge Of The Villainess

With the marriage of her orphan Mother to the Marquis, Mieralle's status in the society skyrocketed immediately.After leading a life of luxury, Mieralle's unfairly meets death because of her sister Ariella's schemes and jealousy. Mieralle's unfairly meets death but she was reincarnated in the year 1825 to another family.In year 1825 Ariella Deir Xyer nor her sister was born in that year. "I want to become a very elegant and kind person,just like Ariella." To face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess.This is the new path Mieralle nor Ametrina chose to take revenge on Ariella who murdered both her and her mother.

iyel · Kỳ huyễn
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Mieralle Deir Xyer's POV

While I'm taking a walk in our Garden

I saw my older brother approaching me and he had fellow knights of House Deir Xyer

When they approached me my older brother pulled me and they tied my hand tightly with a rope

They covered my eyes with a handkerchief as well.

And they began to hurt me while walking,using a whip.

After they whipped me, they tied me to the wood and they removed the handkerchief that covered my eyes.

When they removed the handkerchief that covered my eyes, I saw many people looking at us

Especially me even though my vision was blurred.

Many people are whispering around me, my back is bleeding profusely due to the excessive amount of whipping on my back.

I saw my brother draw his sword and he was approaching me

And suddenly I saw Ariella approaching older brother to stop him but

He could only stop my older brother to say goodbye to me but she did not just say goodbye.

But also insulted me and I asked her "Why are you so mad at me? You want me to be killed too. Is it because of jealousy?".

"Shut up Mieralle!You're just a Daughter of a bitch orphan!" Ariella's answered.

"Don't speak like that to my Mother!You Daughter of a demon!" I shouted at her.

"You know I don't really like you nor I hate you, even your Mother.By the way I'm the one who poisoned your Mother too" Ariella's whispered to me and smiled.

My heart was beating so fast and I really wanted to kill her right now so we can be together in hell.

"You know sister I really really hate you, that's why I love you sis have fun in hell..." That is the last sentence of Ariella that I heard...

My older brother draw his sword again and cut my head off.

I'm going to take a revenge to you all!

I'll punish you all!

If I only alive again...

"Huh?There's a light?" I said when I see a speck of light

I run and chase the light

When I reached that light it suddenly darkened

I thought that was the last day I would live, but It was just my thought.
