
The Revenge Of The Villainess

With the marriage of her orphan Mother to the Marquis, Mieralle's status in the society skyrocketed immediately.After leading a life of luxury, Mieralle's unfairly meets death because of her sister Ariella's schemes and jealousy. Mieralle's unfairly meets death but she was reincarnated in the year 1825 to another family.In year 1825 Ariella Deir Xyer nor her sister was born in that year. "I want to become a very elegant and kind person,just like Ariella." To face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess.This is the new path Mieralle nor Ametrina chose to take revenge on Ariella who murdered both her and her mother.

iyel · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


CH.2 ;

I Dreamed About

My Dark Past

"Hell-o Marielle!Do you have a gooood time?You look so pitiful!"

"How awful, all over your body is so dirty!It really suits you sis!"

"You know sis I'm really scared when you are missing who did this to you?!I hope you just be killed and never come back"

"Sis you know I really really hate you, but I love you sis have fun in hell"

"Brother kill her now, by the way sis I will really miss you, love you again"

"I can still hear my Brother's sword that cut off my neck, I can still hear their whispers in front of me, I can still feel that I'm soaked in my blood, did I really die and is that only a dream!?"

"Mmh...I know that it's not a dream that I'm living in Ametrina's body I know I'm still alive I know that I've been reincarnated"

"And I still need to take a revenge for Ametrina and mother too I know it!But I feel like I'm in hell, it's so hot.I can feel that my body is burning but maybe this is really the reality and I need to accept but how I can take a revenge for Ametrina who die in a vain because of my sister!?"

"Who will take a revenge to my Mother who die in a vain like Ametrina too!?I will not going to give up that easily I still need to take a revenge for my Mother and Ametrina!"

"I now realize that I can't die like this so easily!I need to take a revenge for doing this to Ametrina,Mother and me!"

"All of Ariella's sins...I need to punish her like what she did to me even though I didn't even do anything wrong to her!I can't die like this!I still need to take a revenge i still need to take a revenge...I need to find a way out here!"

Ametrina's starting to run and run as fast as she can

While she was running to find a way out she heard someone calling her name

And it's Ariella, Many Ariella's chasing her

"Wait Marielle,Marielle,Marielle,Marielle,Marielle don't go we still need to talk!" All the Ariella said while chasing Marielle

"I don't need to talk to you all I need to get out of here I hate you all I hate you all I'm going take a revenge to you all!All of your sins will be gone mmh...."

"No you will be punish by me and God you will live in hell forever!"

"Mi-Lady!Mi-Lady!Ametrina!!!" Saira wakes Ametrina because she sees Ametrina crying

Saira calls Nanny Lylin, when they entered the room of Ametrina

They see Ametrina is still crying and they heard she's shouting "Ariella I'm going to take a revenge to you!"

Nanny Lylin shocked of what Ametrina's shouting they began to shake Ametrina's body about 2-3 minutes

Saira is crying behind Nanny Lylin and Nanny Lylin is crying

Saira also calls the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess, Ametrina's Brothers also come to Ametrina's room

Grand Duke calls a High Priest because Ametrina is still not waking

They wait the High Priest about 4 minutes, and the High Priest entered Ametrina's room

The High Priest didn't come but a little kid named Ystavallinen Kaota Zerelem, Ystavallinen are 2 years old like Ametrina

"Where is the High Priest I called!?" The Grand Duke asked to the maid who bring Ystavallinen to Ametrina's room

"His Highness, when we went to the Temple of Atena a Priest said that the High Priest Yeneroe Teriolla Sagacia said he was doing something important!And this child participated to heal Lady Ametrina!"

The maid answered to the Grand Duke honestly

"How can you prove that he can really heal Ametrina?!", "When you look at this boy, it looks like he and Ametrina are the same age!"

Said the Grand Duke one after another

And suddenly all the people in Ametrina's room fell silent

The silence inside Ametrina's room was suddenly broke by a knock outside

"Who's it?" Nanny Lylin asked when she opened the door

"His Highness, It was your friend Marquis Zelerem!" Nanny Lylin said

"Let him in" The Grand Duke ordered to Nanny Lylin

"Goodmorning Royal Highness, I wanted to picked up my son because they said he was here--..." Marquis Zelerem said

"Uhmm...What's happening here Ernes!?" Marquis Zelerem panicking asked to the Grand Duke Principe

All the people in Ametrina's room fell silent again and they began to cry to Ametrina again

"Eh?" Marquis Zelerem said with a confused facial reaction

"Can't you see my daughter Vites!?Or else you are now a blind?" Grand Duke Principe said with an annoyed facial reaction

"Oh!Is that your precious daughter?How beautiful! I didn't notice, well it's been a while when we last met isn't it?" Marquis Zelerem said

Marquess Yenerivites Ezuar Zelerem, is the childhood best friend of Grand Duke Veirnes Greine Léiron Principe.

"Oh wait by the way Ernes...Did something happen to your Daughter?" Marquis Zelerem asked to the Grand Duke

"Oh well...As you can see my daughter have a high fever right now that's why they're crying okay?Do you understand now Vites?!"

A short explanation of the Grand Duke to Marquess Zelerem with an annoyed facial reaction

"Oh I see...So that's why-" Marquis Zelerem was about to say something but his words has cut off when the Grand Duke suddenly want to let them out

"Can you and your son stay in the Sala for a minute?We will just wait the High Priest to come so my precious Daughter will be healed..."

The Grand Duke cut off Marquis Zelerem words then he gave Ystavallinen to his Father

"But-" Marquis Zelerem was about to say something

But his words has cut off again by the Grand Duke and said

"No more but but, Vites. When I say the two of you should wait in the living room, you two should wait"

"Ernes can you please let me finish-" Marquis Zelerem was about to say something

But his words has cut off by the Grand Duke, 3rd time and said

"Get out of this room and lets talk later in the living room"

"Gosh...You don't really wanna listen to me aren't you?!" Marquis Zelerem said and sigh

The Grand Duke nod and said "Sometimes" then smiled

"Even though It's about-" Marquis Zelerem was about to said something again

But his words has cut off by the Grand Duke, 4th time and said

"Go to the living room now Marquis Zelerem"

"Even though It's about to your-" Marquis Zelerem was about to said something again

But his words has cut off by the Grand Duke, 5th time and the Grand Duke said

"Don't let me repeat it again to you Marquess, Yenerevites Ezuar Zelerem" with an annoyed facial expression

"Honey, you should let Marquess Zelerem continue what he was going to say" Plea of the Grand Duchess to his husband as she held his husband's arm

"Okay for my lovely wife.Then now, what are you going to say again Vites?" Said the Grand Duke and he kissed his wife on the forehead

Marquis Zelerem make an sparkling eyes facial reaction and said

"Thank you very much Clara!Thank you for saving us!You're very cool!"

"Well!" The Grand Duchess said and flipped her beautiful magenta, wavy hair.

"Then now let's begin chatting again like we used to do Ernes and Clara...By the way let's just talk outside so we can understand each other" Marquis Zelerem said

Marquis Zelerem put down Ystavallinen and said to Ystavallinen "Ysta, wait for me here okay?We will just talk outside"

Ystavallinen nod to his Father and go to Ametrina's Nanny, Lylin

Marquis Zelerem leave inside Ametrina's room and the Grand Duke Principe asked

"So, what are you talking about again Vites?"

"I'm talking about your Daughter, Ernes." Marquis Zelerem answered

"My Daughter?" The Grand Duke asked in astonishment

"Yes..." Marquis Zelerem said and nod

"What's "about" to my Daughter Vites?" The Grand Duke asked in astonishment

"I'm going to asked you first, before I tell you what's my point Ernes–" Marquis Zelerem said and asked the Grand Duke a few questions

~ Inside Ametrina's Room ~

"Lady Ametrina's body temperature does not drop! Her temperature just keeps rising!What are we going to do, Lord Azure?"

Ametrina's Nanny, Lylin said to Ametrina's brother, Azure

"We should wait to the High Priest Lylin, and we should wait Father too so we can cure Ametrina" Azure said to Ametrina's Nanny, Lylin

Ametrina's eye is starting to open a little by little

"I feel I'm being tortured, my body is like I'm drowning in a lava, it's super hot my body is really burning!"

"That dream too was really ridiculous!Maybe that ridiculous dream put me in this burning situation!"

"I'm like going to die but I hope not because I still need to take a revenge to my lovely elegant ex-sister"

"But right now I only need is to stay strong and fight this fever!I should study more next time and I will became the next Empress of this Empire"

"Uhmm...Can I help that girl Nanny Lylin?" Ystavallinen asked to Ametrina's Nanny, Lylin

"Sure but what are you going to do Lord Zelerem?And by the way her name isn't "that" Lord Zelerem, it's Ametrina–" Nanny Lylin said to Ystavallinen

"Oh okay...Then, can I help Ametrina to be cured?" Ystavallinen asked to Nanny Lylin

Nanny Lylin laugh lightly and she said

"Haha!Lord Zelerem Is quite a joker!But Lord Zelerem, saying like things like that isn't good okay?Only a High Priest/Priestess,Priests and a Healer from a Hospital can heal Mi-Lady okay?" And Nanny Lylin smiled to Ystavallinen

Ystavallinen said "But...Father said I have a powerful mana inside my heart when I was born, and Father said that "You should only use your magic to save lives and only use it in good things"–."

Nanny Lylin shocked to what Ystavallinen told her.

Nanny Lylin remembered something, and she remembered the myth of "Il Potente Mago, Lyenna Stavi".

There are many random myths that you can only read in old bookstore because they have the old myth books and others about the past, and one of them is the myth of "Il Potente Mago, Lyenna Stavi"

"Il Potente Mago, Stavi Lyenna" is actually just a normal novel that the author is unknown

"Il Potente Mago, Stavi Lyenna" is about a Powerful Mage named Lyenna.

Lyenna is just a normal commoner little boy that always on the outskirts like he's always waiting for someone?

Lyenna is actually a kind, helpful, lovely, friendly and honest.All of the commoners of the Kingdom knows him.

Until, one day when people noticed that the kind, helpful, lovely, friendly and an honest child is gone.

They searched allover the places in the Capital where they always seeing Lyenna.

But they didn't seen him everywhere.The commoners in the Capital cries, all of the commoners in Stavilyenna Kingdom treated Lyenna like their own son.

And they noticed just now that the Lyenna that they're caring and loving is really just an apparition that wondering around the capital.

Because Lyenna is the powerful mage who save the Stavilyenna Kingdom that they love when he was still alive.

"Th-then can you try to cure Mi-Lady?" Nanny Lylin asked to Ystavallinen

"Sure!I've loved to!" Ystavallinen answered with his bright smile

"Oh my godness his smile is too handsome and bright!Is it end of my life!?" Ametrina speak to herself in mind as she covered her eyes

Ametrina just open her eyes a little while ago.She can't open her eyes widely because her surroundings is spinning.

"Nanny Lylin, Ametrina's Body temperature is 39°C she's burning, it's like her hotness will be near as hot as lava." Ystavallinen said to Nanny Lylin

"Oh my Goodness! That's really not good!She really needs to be cured ASAP!"

"Yes you're right Nanny Lylin.I can cure Ametrina's high fever with my Healing Magic, it's also good if there's some medicines too but not like the regular medicines." Ystavallinen recommend and sit beside Ametrina

"Then what kind of medicine do Mi-Lady need?" Lylin asked to Ystavallinen while wiping her teary eyes

"We need some herbal teas like Elderflowers, catnip this is a gentle choice for childrens that's what the book that I read says.Yarrow, white willow bark, Echinacea, and lemon balm are all known to assist in the treatment of fevers. Lemon juice and raw honey can be added to the tea for an extra boost of vitamin C."

"Herbal teas are a great choice in aiding a fever. Not only do they help keep Ametrina hydrated, but they can produce perspiration while also strengthening your immune system to help you get better faster."

"To boost your immunity, Assist your body in fighting the illness echinacea, elderberry syrup, Vitamin C ( rose hips are a good source ) and colloidal silver are all good options to have on hand to give your immune system a helping hand."

"Try an Epsom Salt Bath. Epsom salt provides the body with hydration and magnesium while also drawing toxins from your body. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts to a warm ( not cold ) bath and soak 10-15 minutes for children and 20-30 minutes for adults."

"Nanny Lylin?" Ystavallinen asked to Nanny Lylin

"Y-yes!?" Nanny Lylin suprisly answered to Ystavallinen

"Oh my goodness!Lord Zelerem is really a genius like what the rumors said!Maybe he's the reincarnation of the myth of "Il Potente Mago, Lyenna Stavi" it's really surprisingly that how genius he is!" Nanny Lylin speak to herself in mind

"Are you taking a note?" Ystavallinen asked to Nanny Lylin and smiled

"Ahh yes yes–" Nanny Lylin answered and smiled back

"I will going to continue now!" Ystavallinen said and he continued what was he's explaining

"An Apple Cider Vinegar is also a good remedy–"

"Apple Cider Vinegar is another age-old remedy used to help "draw out" the fever. Soak a couple washcloths in diluted apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar to 2 parts water) and place them on your forehead and tummy or wrap them around the soles of your feet. Alternatively, you can add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath."

"Turn to essential oils– "Sweat it out" with peppermint oil, ginger oil, and cinnamon bark oil which can help warm the circulatory system and cause sweating. Lavender, thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, and sage oils also help to provide soothing comfort when treating a fever. Try applying a few drops of lavender oil in cool water and soak a washcloth in the mixture. Rest it on your forehead for a cooling, relaxing effect. Alternatively, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and rub it on the bottoms of your feet and the back of your neck."

"Drink Bone Broth..."

"Grandma was right—chicken soup is good for more than just the soul, and bone broth kicks healing into a higher gear. Bone broth contains gelatin and cartilage which support healthy immune function. Drink a cup the next time a fever strikes to give your immune system a boost with the added benefit of keeping you hydrated. Homemade bone broth, using healthy, organic bones and vegetables, is always preferred, however, there are many store-bought varieties available as well."

"Try Homeopathy!Homeopathy is the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself, and homeopathic remedies are natural ways to support your body during a fever. Belladonna, Aconite, Nux Vomica, and Pulsatilla are among the most common homeopathic remedies used to treat fevers effectively. They are said to stimulate the body's natural ability to self heal, shortening the duration of illness and recovery time. These remedies can be found at most health food stores or drug stores"

"Wet Sock Treatment.The wet sock treatment may sound strange, but many people swear by this natural remedy to help stimulate the immune system and increase blood circulation. It is best to use this technique on the first day of the illness and to do it for a few nights in a row for maximum effectiveness. First, you will need to warm your feet in a warm bath or shower. Dry them completely. Then, right before going to bed, soak a thin pair of cotton socks in cold water, wring them out and slip them on. Cover with a pair of dry wool socks. The wet socks should be warm and dry in the morning. If you wake in the middle of the night and the socks are already dry, repeat before going back to sleep."

"Nanny Lylin please also right down what I will say again thanks!" Ystavallinen said to Nanny Lylin and smiled

"Fever Red Flags : While it is generally advisable to let a fever run its course, there are certain red flags to watch for that may indicate a need for a trip or call to the doctor:


Persistent fever lasting more than 2-3 days.

Any fever over 100.4º F in a baby under 3 months.

A fever over 104º F, or when the person has a compromised immune system or is undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

No clear source of the fever (no runny nose, no cough, no pain, etc.).

Excessive lethargy.

Trouble breathing.

While most fevers are harmless and are actually helpful, always use your best judgment and consult your doctor if there is a cause for concern."

"A Note on Homeopathic Remedies: Homeopathic medicines usually come in the form of a pill (pellet) or liquid which are absorbed by mouth.  They contain highly-diluted active ingredients (usually a plant or mineral) for treatment of various diseases. While homeopathic remedies are regulated as drugs under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), the FDA does not evaluate the remedies for safety or effectiveness. They can be purchased over the counter with no prescription, but it is often advisable to consult with a homeopath to find the best mixtures for your specific symptoms."

"That's all Nanny Lylin!Did I help her now?" Ystavalinnen asked to Nanny Lylin

Nanny Lylin is amazed to Ystavalinnen's Intelligence and she smiled to him

"Yes you're very helpful, Lord Ystavallinen!" Nanny Lylin said and smiled again to him

The Three Brothers is still sleeping, they're sleeping a while ago before Ystavallinen voluntered to heal Ametrina.

Ystavallinen didn't just give some herbal teas,essential oils and etc, to Ametrina

Ystavallinen also heal Ametrina using his divine magic/powers, at his Young Age he trained so hard with his Father, Marquis Zelerem.

Marquis Zelerem is a member of the Medical Club in the Academy when he's still studying.

Before Grand Duke Principe became the Grand Duke, he's also a member of the Medical Club in the Academy

But he quit in the Club when he's so busy in his study and swordsmanship.

Marquis Zelerem is the Vice President in the Medical Club, he's the Vice President too in the Science Club.

Grand Duke Principe,Grand Duchess Princess and Marquis Zelerem entered inside Ametrina's room when they're done talking outside.

"Thank you very very much Lord Zelerem!Thank you!" Nanny Lylin thanked Ystavallinen with her teary eyes

"It's okay Nanny Lylin–"  Ystavallinen said and smiled to Nanny Lylin

"What's happening here Nanny Lylin?" Grand Duchess asked to Nanny Lylin

Nanny Lylin wiped her teary eyes and said "Your Highnesses!", "Mi-Lady is now fine!Lord Zelerem healed her and he also give me what kind of herbal teas should Mi-Lady drink when she have a cold or fever!"

"Is that true Ystavallinen?" Grand Duchess asked to Ystavallinen

"Yes Her Highness!" Ystavallinen answered and the Grand Duchess cry because of happiness

The Grand Duchess hugs Ystavallinen and give them permission to come and visit in their Estate

Even though Grand Duke Viernes don't want Marquis Zelerem come, not because he hates Marquis Zelerem

It's because Marquis Zelerem is really an naughty person when it comes to Grand Duke

Grand Duchess & Grand Duke amaze to Ystavallinen's intelligence they're so thankful to Ystavallinen even though it's really unbelievable.

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess escorted Marquis Zelerem and Ystavallinen to the door and said goodbye

"Then we will take our leave Ernes, Clara!See you tommorow!" Marquis Zelerem bid a goodbye and wave their  hand

"See you tommorow!" Grand Duchess said, she smile and wave her hand to Marquis Zelerem and Ystavallinen

3 Hours Passed

~ Grand Duke & Grand Duchess Room ~

"That child of Vites is really intelligent isn't he Vier?He's also a lovely and a kind child!" Grand Duchess said to his husband, the Grand Duke

"Yes he really is– I hope he didn't grow with a naughty personality like he's Father..." Grand Duke said and sigh

"Oh my, look who's talking who don't have a naughty personality too!" Grand Duchess said and laugh lightly

"A naughty personality huh!" Grand Duke, Viernes answered and tickles Grand Duchess, Claramente

"Hahaha!" The two laugh together and hug each other

"By the way Lara, why did you invite them to come over our house?" Grand Duke Viernes asked to Grand Duchess

"Ahh you mean Marquis Zelerem and Ystavallinen?" The Grand Duchess said and Grand Duke Viernes nod

"Because I want, Ametrina have a childhood friend too like you, you have Vites your childhood friend."

"I want to see Ametrina smile brightly and enjoy herself like the others too"

"I don't want Ametrina always stucked inside this estate like a small bird in a cage."

"I want her to see with her friends enjoying their lives like we used to do when we were young"

"I want to see herself enjoying her life even without us, if we die atleast what we have worked for will not be wasted if we just let them be free and happy"

"Maybe someday our children will forget us because they will have their own families, I want to see my Grand childrens soon!But not now, because I don't want them to leave us" Grand Duchess Claramente said and smiled

"Well we're same too" Grand Duke Viernes said and smiled back to his wife

"Goodnight Vier love you" Grand Duchess Claramente said to his husband, Grand Duke Viernes

"Goodnight too Lara love you too sweet dreams–" Grand Duke Viernes said to his wife and he kissed the Grand Duchess in her forehead