
The Revenge Of The Villainess

With the marriage of her orphan Mother to the Marquis, Mieralle's status in the society skyrocketed immediately.After leading a life of luxury, Mieralle's unfairly meets death because of her sister Ariella's schemes and jealousy. Mieralle's unfairly meets death but she was reincarnated in the year 1825 to another family.In year 1825 Ariella Deir Xyer nor her sister was born in that year. "I want to become a very elegant and kind person,just like Ariella." To face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess.This is the new path Mieralle nor Ametrina chose to take revenge on Ariella who murdered both her and her mother.

iyel · Kỳ huyễn
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House Principe

"April 15,1851"

"Mieralle Deir Xyer the Youngest Daughter of Marquis Deir Xyer has been killed by her own siblings schemes, because of jealousy and rage of her Older Sister, Arialle Deir Xyer and her Older Brother, Draein Deir Xyer was an accomplice in the murder.Many Surya ( Surya means people of Tramonto Kingdom ) witnessed their murder of their own Youngest Sister.And that is the unforgettable scene of the Surya in the plaza of Tramonto Kingdom..."

"What..What is this..?It's so dark..." It was dark, with not even a speck of light.

"However...It's really warm, could I stay like this forever?" It was also warm, and she had no thoughts of trying to leave this place.



"It's a very healthy baby!Mrs.Principe" Dr.Priseria said happily while carrying the baby of Duchess Principe

"What a beautiful girl!", "Congrats Mrs.Principe!", "How cute!" Does praise words of the Maids to the Baby and the Duchess

"My Baby..." Said the Duchess smiling at her baby and she took the baby from Dr.Priseria and hugged it

And a noisy voices coming outside inside the room where the Duchess and the newly born Baby were

"Duke!The Duchess isn't ready yet.If you come in right now...!" A Maid said to the Duke but the Duke insisted on entering...

Duke, Viernes Greine Léiron Principe entered the room where the Duchess, Claramente Coisetinne Principe and their Baby is...

"...!" The Duke Principe see his beautiful new born daughter and it made the Duke Principe smile

The newborn Baby of the Duchess Principe is the first Daughter of the Duke and Duchess of the House Principe because, their three children are all boys.

The First Son of House Principe, Azure Léiron Principe 5 years old.

The Second Son of House Principe, Aldoron Faluzure Principe 3 years old.

The Third Son of House Principe, Aasterinian Nuvola Principe 2 years old.

"Thank you my Wife, you work really hard!...Baby?", "It's a healthy and beautiful girl!?" The Duke praise to his Wife and his Daughter.

The Duke was suprised because he has a Daughter now!

"A Daughter!We have a Daughter now" Said the Duchess happily

"Ah...Thank you so much Darling!" The Duke said to the Duchess and he kissed the Duchess in her cheeks.

"Waaaaah!" The Baby cried so loud

And the Duchess noticed that her child's eyes was changing it's color!Amethyst to Sapphire color.

"The color of her eyes is changing!When she's calm or serious?, her eyes color is Amethyst and when she's angry?or when she's crying her eyes changing into color of Sapphire!"Said the Duchess.

The Duchess and the Duke was suprised because of her eye color changing, so they decided to only keep it secret to the Noble Families, Royal Family and in the public.

Only the Duchess,The Duke,Dr. know this secret...

"Then, Let's name her Ametrina Safira" The Duke said to the Duchess and smiled at each other

- 4 Months After Being Born -

Ametrina's lying in her crib and thinking about her past life as Mieralle Deir Xyer.

"I'm just dreaming aren't I?But, how could this be a dream because it's been 4 months since I've been awakaned in this little body!" She speak to herself with her head.

"As far as I know, I died by my own siblings scheme.How could this happened?!"She was suprised because she knew that she has been reincarnated into a Duke and Duchess Principe's first Daughter

Many rumors spreading that's she has been killed by Mieralle's sister nor Ariella's scheme, because Ametrina was more smart,kind,intellegent,sharp and elegant than Ariella.

There are many different types of rumors about Ariella's murder of the Duke's Daughter Ametrina, Like Poisoned and others...

- Back in the time when i served Lady Ametrina as Lady in waiting -

"Lady Ametrina has been poisoned by one of her Lady in waiting, because she was ordered by Lady Ariella to poison Lady Ametrina!" that was the first rumor to spread throughout the high society

But the real thing that happaned in the day that they planning to poisoned the Lady Ametrina is, her Lady in waiting,Lady Zairyn Elianora Raquen has been suspected by Lady Ametrina that something bad will happend to her if she drinks the cup of the tea that Lady Zairyn brewed.

When Lady Ametrina's lips touched the tea cup she faint in her desk, even though she know that something bad will happend to her she keeps pushing herself to it so she can get rid of that hindrances...

1 Day after Lady Ametrina fainted because of the tea that Lady Zairyn brewed...

Lady Ametrina is really sick that time...She was chasing her breath, her every breath was too deep as if ... She was about to run out of breath

Yesterday when she fainted we call the Crown Prince,Julian Asher De Zarine quickly so he knows what happend to Lady Ametrina...

*Crown Prince Julian Asher De Zarine, 14 years old he's the 3rd child of the current Emperor and Empress, Emperor Julius Amerio Relonzo De Zarine and Empress Yarinequeza Pearia Zanoreza.The Crowned Prince lover is Lady Ariella Deir Xyer, they met in the Crowned Prince Birth Day Celebration.

They say the Crown Prince has been seduced by Lady Ariella so that's why they became lovers...

Even it's not true because, i heard what are they talking about that time...I'm the only one who knows the truth, they say I'm a cursed child of House Deir Xyer but I'm not a cursed child, because one of the High Priest said

"Oh You!So you're the one God's talking about a special child of God that should become the Empress who can rule our Kingdom perfectly!..." that was the High Priest, Elionora said after he said that to me, he blessed me first before he bid a goodbye to me , he said that he's glad to meet the next Empress who will rule this Kingdom in the feature

But everyone knows that I'm not even a regina who is a candidate to be the next Empress, I'm just an ordinary noble woman who lives on House Deir Xyer, the one who's being bullied by her own siblings, being insulted.

I'm a bit confused of what's he talking about of me?A special child of God that should become the Empress who can rule our Kingdom perfectly?!What a funny joke!

The Crown Prince didn't come to see Lady Ametrina but he sends a High Priest to heal Lady Ametrina and that's the day the High Priest told me that I'm special child of God...

"Even though I don't want to live as Lady Ametrina it was a miracle that I was reincarnated...", "Maybe it's true that I'm really a special child of God...Gosh!!!" She was happy that the day she was alive but she need to pass those challenges and those hindrances...

5 Maids entered the room of Ametrina and the one who is in the middle is Ametrina's Nanny...

Nanny, Lylin is the one who take care of Ametrina when she was a baby until her adulthood that's why she really love her Nanny like she was her real Mother.

"Good Morning Mi-Lady I'm your new Nanny and behind me is your new maids who will take care of you." They bow to Ametrina while she's in the crib.

"I will introduce myself and the others.My name is Lylin and the one who is in the left is Kristina,the one who is in the right is Saira,the one who is in the left behind Kristina is Hydie and the last one who is in the right behind Saira is Mayie...", "Please take care of us once you grow up Mi-Lady!" they said and bow to Ametrina

"Hehehe!" Ametrina chuckles they suprised and started to praise Ametrina.

"Mi-Lady is very cute and healthy child!" Haidies praise to Ametrina

"Not just cute Mi-Lady's beautiful too!" Kristinas praise to Ametrina

"Well Mi-Lady is not just cute and beautiful!Mi-Lady is the most beautiful allover the world!" Nanny Laylins praise to Ametrina

"Hehe why is the two is too silent?Are they shy?Maybe tommorow I will going to practice speaking!" She speak to herself with her head.

"I need to two of them to notice me those cute little brats!They don't need to be shy towards me!Hmph!" she speak herself with her head and she trying to get their attention

"Should I try to cry?So I can get their attention?Hmm...Okay let's do this!" She speak to herself with mind and started to cry like what she planned, the maids and her nanny noticed her crying.

"Are you hungry Mi-lady?" Her Nanny Lylin asked, Ametrina shakes her head and pointed her finger to Saira and Mayie

"Oh my!Looks like Mi-lady wants to play with Saira and Mayie!" Hydie's said and Ametrina nod her head

"Hehe!" Ametrina chukles and clap her hands

"Oh my, Oh my!My little baby is laughing how cute!" Duchess Principe entered the room with her three sons behind her

"Oh my!Greetings Madam Principe and My Lords!" They greet and bow their heads to Duchess and to the Duchess three sons

"Ah...She's really cute..Is that our little sister, Mother?" A little boy speak while hiding behind his Mothers back

"Aasterinian Nuvola Principe the second son of Duchess Principe, and my Brother...He's too cute,smart,handsome,cold and shy too.And I only know in my past life when i'm Mieralle, rumors spreading that Ametrina's Brothers doesn't liked her at all.But now i will going to change that!Since i'm Ametrina Safira Principe now after all"

She speak to herself with mind and she was staring too much to Aasterinian

Aasterinian hides to his Mothers back while he's looking at Ametrina

Ametrina laugh internally

"Aww my little baby is staring too much to her Brother Aster how cute!Come here to your Mother my little princess!" Duchess said and smiled

Ametrina smiled to her Mother.Ametrina trying to reach her Brother Aster's hands

Aster noticed Ametrina reaching his hands and Aster holds Ametrina's hands

"Hehehe" Ametrina chuckles, Ametrina and Aster smiled at each other

Aldoron and Azure looks at the two and they felt jealous

"Oh my look at Lady Ametrina and Lord Aster!How cute!" Hydie said and laugh lightly

"Yeah they looks so cute!" Kristina said and smiled

"Well they are siblings after all!" Lylin said and laugh lightly

"Oh my!My two brothers are glaring at them!How cute I'm sorry for not noticing you two my precious brothers!Hehe!" She speak at herself with head and chuckles

"Bwoders!" Ametrina said to her two brothers

The Maids, her Mother and her Brothers suprised when Ametrina speak

"Ughh I can't speak properly!I hope I grow up soon..." She speak to herself in mind with her face gloomy look

"Oh my baby, are you okay?Why you look so gloomy?Are you uncomfortable anywhere?" Duchess principe worried questions to Ametrina

"Mother, maybe she wants to take a nap and drink a milk?" Ametrina's elder brother, Azure said.

"Oh maybe you're right Zure, then i will breast feed my little Ame..." Duchess Principe said and go to the bed

"Then, Mother we'll excuse ourselves.See you at the dinner Mother,Sis" Azure said and smiled to them

"Aww..But, I want to stay here and play with Ame..." Aldoron said with a teary eyes

"Yeah, I too..." Aasterinian sadly said

"But Ame wants to take a nap because she's sleepy and uncomfortable because we're too noisy..." Azure explain to his two brothers.

"Then, bye Mother bye Ame" Aasterinian and Aldoron sadly bye and go outside.

"Aww they're so cute with a sad faces but, Why I can't play with them gosh" She speak to herself in mind and put her hand in her forehead internally

Duchess Principe start breast feeding her Daughter, Ametrina.

"Gosh i feel sleepy but, I still want to play with my brothers!!!Mother, plea--" Ametrina speak herself in mind and ended up falling asleep with her Mother


4 years have passed

"4 years have passed and my 3rd birthday is near!I can't wait to make friends in my second birthday Saira!" Ametrina said happily to Saira, her maid and close friend

"B-but do they want to be friends to me?Saira what do you think?" Ametrina teary asked to Saira

"Don't worry Mi-Lady!We sure that you will make many many friends!I'm excited to see you to wear a beautiful dress Mi-Lady!" Saira said happily with a shiny eyes

"Uhmm Saira Why your eyes are shining?" she speaked herself in mind and she chuckles "Yeah i hope so" Ametrina said and calms down

"So don't cry Mi-Lady we will definitely makes you like a beautiful princess of Principe Family!" Saira said and wipes Ametrina's teary eyes

"Thank you for cheering me up Saira!You are a cheerful girl now aren't you?You changed so fast Saira when we first met you are extremely a shy type person!You and Mayie haha" Ametrina said and laugh lightly

"Well every people always change!But Mayie is still didn't change at all she still a shy person and cold too ugh!" Saira said and they both laugh

"Well well well, now Mi-Lady and Saira you should both rest now because there's still tommorow you two continue chatting tommorow okay?" Ametrina's Nanny, Lylin said who showed up in the door

"Okay!" The two girls answered and waved to each other

"Then now here's your cookies and milk as you told me Mi-Lady" Her Nanny, Lylin said and bow

"Then Mi-Lady i will going to rest now you should also rest too Mi-Lady" Nanny Lylin said and bow again

"Thank you Nanny for taking care of me and thank you for my cookies and milk, rest well Nanny Love you!" Ametrina said to her Nanny Lylin and smiled

Her Nanny approach to Ametrina and hugs her and said "I Love you too Mi-Lady rest well" and she walk out in Ametrina's room


Before they eat Lunch, Ametrina woke up at the exact time before they eat dinner.

"Oh!Mi-Lady is now awake.Hydie,Saira,Kristina,Mayie!Prepare the dress and the bath for Lady Ame!"

Lylin called out loud to Hydie,Kristina,Saira and Mayie

And ordered them to prepare Ametrina's bath and the dress she was going to wear.

7 minutes later Ametrina is ready to attend in their dinner now

She dressed a short light blue dress.Its fabric is Charmeuse

Charmeuse is a lightweight fabric woven with a satin weave, in which the warp threads cross over four or more of the backing threads.

These float threads give the front of the fabric a smooth, shiny finish, whereas the back has a dull finish.

"I'm happy to wear a fabric like this because when I was in my old body, I always wear a cheap fabric dresses." Ametrina speak to herself in mind and smiled.

She didn't notice that her tears are falling down to her cheeks while thinking her past self.

Her Nanny, Lylin noticed Ametrina's tears and wipe Ametrina's tears and asked Ametrina

"Mi-Lady why are you crying?" Her Nanny asked to her, Ametrina shakes her head "Mmh you don't need to worry Nanny, I'm fine" Ametrina wiped her tears again and smiled to her Nanny Lylin

"You are still such a cry baby aren't you Mi-Lady!" Saira said and we laugh

"Then now we should go now in the dining room Mi-Lady so you can eat" Mayie said coldly

"Uhmm is there a blizzard coming today Saira?" I asked Saira by whispering in her ear

"I hope not Mi-Lady haha" she answered and laugh lightly "Haha...Then let's go now Mayie" Ametrina said and they go in the dining room

3 minutes walk passed and we reached the dining room and I knock to the door three times

"Uhmm...Hello?Mother,Father,Brothers it's me Ame"

Ametrina said while knocking on the door

"Mayie you can go now" Ametrina said and smiled to Mayie, Mayie bow at her and walk out

The door is opening and her three brothers Azure,Aldoron and Aasterinian, showed up

"Oh hello brother Zure, brother Teri and brother Al!" Ametrina greet happily to her brothers

"Hello Ame!" Her brother, Aldoron and brother Aasterinian greet her back happily

"Our sister is so beautiful!!!" Aldoron said, Aldoron lifted her up and turned around

"Haha!Brother Al stop!Haha" Ametrina said while laughing lightly

Aldoron Faluzure Principe 7 years old, Second Son

"She's really a smart little kid aren't she?Brother Zure." Aasterinian said to his Brother Azure

Aasterinian Nuvola Principe 6 years old, Third Son

"Yeah, she's smart like me" Azure proudly said to Aasterinian

Aldoron said "She's smart like me not you Brother" and laugh proudly, they begin arguing because of what Aldoron said

"Uhmm...Brother Aldoron?Brother Azure?" Ametrina said but no one noticing her

Ametrina approach to Aasterinian and said "Brother Teri!" Ametrina calls Aasterinian

Aasterinian smiled and said "Yes?"

"Can you please stop Brother Aldoron and Brother Azure?They're arguing" Ametrina said and pointed her finger in their two brothers arguing

"Just let them be Ame, let's go inside now maybe father and mother is waiting us inside" Aasterinian said and smiled

They go inside in the dining room, Ametrina waved her right hand to her Mother and Father when they entered

"Hello Mother,Father!" Ametrina said when she approach her Mother and Father

Ametrina give her Mother and Father a hug

Their Father,Duke Vierness asked them "Where's your two Brothers?"

"They're arguing outside Father" Aasterinian answered and started to eat

Aldoron and Azure entered in the dining room they approach to their seats and sit down.

And they were suddenly silent when Aldoron and Azure suddenly entered

the silence suddenly disappeared when their mother, Duchess Claramente, suddenly asked Aasterinian

"What are they arguing for Aster?" Their Mother, Duchess Claramente asked to Aasterinian

"Well Mother they're arguing because of Ametrina's Intelligence" Aasterinian answered and laugh softly

"What?!haha" Their Mother, Duchess Claramente said and laugh softly

Their Father, Duke Vierness suddenly choked while eating while Ametrina is laughing softly too

"Why are they arguing because of my intelligence?!HAHA" she speaks to herself in mind while laughing softly outside but internally she was laughing loud

"By the way Mother,Father" Ametrina said "What is it my lovely daughter?" Her Father asked

"My Birthday is near can we prepare a birthday party?I want to make some friends too Mother,Father" Ametrina asked shyly while blushing

"Yes Ofcourse Baby!", "Ofcourse My Lovely Daughter!" Her Mother and Father answered

Ametrina approach her Mother and Father and hug and kiss them

Ametrina is really happy when she asked them she taught they will not going to agree like what happened to her past life

Her three Brothers looking at them happily and Ametrina is smiling brightly

"Oh they look jealous, Hmm...Then" Ametrina speaks to herself in mind and approach her three brothers

Ametrina hug and kissed her three brothers they looks are red

Her Mother and Father approach to them and hug them

"We love you all my childrens" Her Mother said and smiled at them

"We love you too Mother" The four of them said and smiled

"Oh! I didn't ever seen Azure smiled like that in my past life!But, I'm happy to see it because they said if we see Azure smiling, they call it a miracle.I think its a little bit funny though but I'm happy to see it" Ametrina speaks to herself in mind and smiled

They continue to eat their lunch and they started to talked about the academy that Azure,Aldoron and Aasterinian are attending.