
The Revenge of God Of War

To protect his fiancée, Zavier is sentenced to prison for the death of the son of a wealthy businessman in Ascarion City. However, the harsh reality is revealed when the man learns his lover has set him up to help another man. Ten years later, Zavier returns with his new identity as Zero, a high-ranking military man who has the special protection of the president himself! With the grudge he carries from his past, Zavier will use his new skills and position to avenge those who framed him!

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11 Chs

Chapter 2

"He's a high-level martial artist!"

Everyone who heard the martial artist's words was shocked to the point of widening their eyes. They took a step back, afraid of getting into trouble.

'High-level martial artist?' William made an ugly face and cold sweat began to bead on his forehead, realizing that it seemed like he had been looking for trouble with a capable person. However, even if the man before him was proficient in martial arts, so what! He is still an heir of the honorable Bancford Family! "Who are you!? How dare you do this to my subordinates!" he snapped with his hands shaking slightly.

The exclamation made Zavier turn his gaze to William. Slowly, he walked up to the man, making the young master of the Bancford Family and his lover tremble. It was as if an angel of death was approaching.

When the distance was close enough, Zavier reached out his hand towards William, as if to grab the man's head. However, just inches before his fingers touched William, a booming voice stopped Zavier in his tracks.

"What's going on?"

Zavier furrowed his brow and looked towards the source of the sound. Seen, a man with an upright posture was walking towards them while cutting through the crowd.

While Zavier was speechless, William, who had been so frightened, immediately lit up with joy at the sight of the figure who had come. "Uncle Zayn!" greeted William with a sickening smile as he ran away from Zavier and took cover by the man named Zayn's side. "Uncle, help me!"

All around, people were whispering about the figure who had just arrived.

"It's Zayn Rashford, isn't it? Ascarion's top military official!"

"As one of the higher-ups in Ascarion, he obviously knows Young Master Bancford's family and will help him," another spectator said. He glanced at Zavier and snorted. "That guy's life is over."

Hearing these remarks, William grew more confident and became more determined. "Uncle Zayn, that jerk ran over my girlfriend and refused to apologize. He even knocked down my bodyguard and wanted to hurt me!" He raised his index finger and looked at Zavier with a triumphant face. "Uncle must give me justice! He's already—"


Before William could finish his sentence, a strong slap landed on his face. It was so hard that he fell to the floor with his lips bleeding.

"How presumptuous of you!" Zayn snapped with anger in his eyes. "Who do you think you are to dare speak so presumptuously to Mr. Zero?!"

The people who were watching the incident were shocked to see the development of the scene before their eyes.

'Zayn Rashford had just slapped William?!'

'What the hell is going on here?!'

Everyone stared at Zayn's figure who then turned towards Zavier. The man then bowed respectfully, making the people around even more dumbfounded.

"Mr. Zero, I'm sorry that I'm late in picking you up," Zayn said politely.

Seeing Zayn's attitude, Zavier's eyes narrowed slightly. "It's good that you know your mistake," he said with a cold aura emanating from his body. He cast a deadly glance at William, making the man who was sitting on the floor with his hands touching his swollen face flinch. "One more second you're late, and the Bancford Group might have lost its potential heir."

Those at the venue shuddered in horror at Zavier's words. It wasn't just because of how horrifying the words were that fell from the man's lips, but also because of the earnestness that surrounded them. Zavier really intended to finish William off!

Zayn's entire body trembled. This man in front of him was not someone to be trifled with! Even he, a high-ranking military officer in the city, was probably a speck of dust compared to Zavier.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zero. I've been very guilty."

Hearing Zayn's words, Zavier could only sigh. Not wanting to waste any more time, he said, "Forget it. Let's go!"

The order made Zayn immediately sigh as he replied, "Thank you, Mr. Zero!" He straightened up, then spread his arms in one direction. "This way, sir."

In just a few minutes, Zavier, Zayn, and the soldiers escorting Zayn left the place by car. Their departure left behind the shock of the airport visitors who were still stunned there.

"Who the hell is that guy? Even a high-ranking military official like Mr. Zayn respects him so much?!" asked someone from the crowd.

A click of the tongue was heard. "Who he is, we really don't know. However, it is clear that he is far more honorable than Zayn Rashford and William." The person glanced at William who was still on the floor and chuckled. "Young Master Bancford has been looking for trouble with the wrong person."

Another person replied with a mocking smile. "Yes... someone should teach that haughty man a lesson once in a while. Because of a woman, even making enemies with important people."

The comments of the people around William made him clench his fists. He realized that he had screwed up, and if his father heard this, he was finished!

"William, are you okay, darling?" William's girlfriend came over and held out her hand to help him up.



"Don't touch me!" snapped William, who slapped the woman's hand hard. "Because of you, I got into trouble with someone so important and was publicly humiliated!" He stood up and pointed at the woman. "From today on, don't appear in front of me again! You lowly woman!"


William did not respond to his ex-girlfriend's shout. He simply continued walking towards his car as his battered bodyguards hobbled along.

Arriving at the car, William thought to himself, 'Who is this Mr. Zero? Why does such an important person look so shabby as if he's deliberately hiding from the public?' His brows knitted together, trying to figure out the identity of the man called Mr. Zero. Finally, he issued a command, "Find out who Mr. Zero is as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Young Master!" replied the bodyguard who was in the same car with him.

'Mr. Zero... I'll find out about you and avenge everything you did to me today!'