

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

XGreenleaf · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs


<p>After the death of the dual sea and asura god kings Tang San and his wife Xiao Wu, <br/><br/>the god tablets of the sea god and asura god shattered by themselves in the divine realm. <br/><br/>Their super divine weapons vanished from the divine realm and no one knows where they are headed. <br/><br/>twenty thousand years later Tang San and Xiao Wu have returned with Tang San having reclaimed his sea god title albeit under a different divine realm.<br/><br/>Xiao Wu returned however she didn't reclaim the seat of the Asura god instead she returned with a god seat of her own. her name was Wisdom goddess Xiao Wu<br/><br/>in her return she held dominion over all manner of knowledge and information, <br/><br/>after their arrival in the divine realm they brought with them enough power to form a sublimation of sorts.<br/><br/>the divine realm grew into a divine planet or a god star and their power hierarchy changed as well.<br/><br/>being the strongest amongst them, Tang San rose in strength rising from the supreme god king status and Into a god sovereign. <br/><br/>the sublimation elevated all god seats in the divine realm by one level, god kings became god emperors, first class gods became god kings, second class gods became first class gods and third class gods rose to second class gods.<br/><br/>all the newly appointed god officers recieved sublimation into third class gods however this also increased the god seats available from hundreds to hundreds of thousands.<br/><br/>the planets attached to the divine realm also had a life sublimation which saw them getting stronger, <br/><br/>although it was now three times as hard for someone to cultivate into a god officer, the frequency of soul masters appearing increased tremendously.<br/><br/>the average level of a soul master similarly rose from level 30 to level 50. however because of this the cultivation medium changed drastically. <br/><br/>from 0 to 50, soul masters would cultivate at an incredibly fast pace because of the abundance of life energy on these planets.<br/><br/>however becoming a soul emperor was a lucky chance of one in ten thousand, becoming a soul saint was one in a hundred thousand, a soul duoluo one in a million and a titled one in ten million.<br/><br/>to become a hyper duoluo chances were one in a hundred million and to become a limit duoluo would be a one in a billion chance.<br/><br/>however despite those odds, incredibly powerful soul masters did show up that managed to cultivate all the way to limit duoluo, <br/><br/>these were the only people who were capable of undertaking the god hood trials that would see them either rise to the divine realm or fail and continue on their path of cultivation as Wild gods.<br/><br/>of course due to the absence of a god seat they would end up living for at most 5000 years before they face annihilation from the universe.<br/><br/>everything had evolved and douluo star was now powerful enough to house several gods living on it as long as the planar lord allows them to.<br/><br/>Tang San and his family chose to move back to duoluo star where they were to live their lives in peace having achieved all they set out for.<br/><br/>however destiny is quite a complicated thing for just as they did that another crisis arose in the universe, the gods of life and destruction went missing from the divine realm however they were not dead.<br/><br/>no one knew what had happened to them except for the fact that they were gone and not even the god sovereign a being with complete mastery of the sixth dimension could find them.<br/><br/>At the same time a conflict arises on a nearby divine plane that may lead to the destruction of all life as we know it, during that crisis an unlikely god tablet makes its return to save the god realm</p>