

"KATON: KARYUDAN (Fire style: Dragon flame bomb)" shouted Menma as a stream of dragon shaped fire was sent towards Naruto.

"Damn" Naruto sped through hand seals "KATON: KA-NAMI (fire style: Flame wave)" and wave of blue flames covered orange flames of Menma's jutsu. A big explosion occurred but the brothers were hell bent on more destruction.

"KATON: KITSUNE-HI (Fire style: fox fire)" Menma released 20 feet tall, two-tailed fox with glowing red eyes which ran towards Naruto.


'Fuck, why did I accept his challenge. This brat has already surpassed me in Katon jutsu.' Then Naruto smirked. 'Though he is nowhere near me in experience. Pakura-chan would never let me leave it down if she heard I lost.'

Naruto made 3 shadow clones. All sped through same hand signs "KATON: HI NO HEBI (fire style: flame serpent.)"

3 snakes made of blue fire hissed angrily at the fox and coiled themselves around it. The fox fought but outnumbered all it could do was let out an angry bark and be dispelled.

"Ughhh.... damn you nii-chan. That was one of my strongest jutsu. I had enough now. "UZUMAKI HIJUTSU: NENSHO KONGO FUSA (uzumaki secret art: boiling adamantine chains)."

With a warning rattle, three angry red boiling chains attacked Naruto destroying his flame serpent in the way.

"OI BRAT! WHAT THE HELL! YOU SAID ONLY FIRE JUTSU ARE ALLOWED." Naruto roared as he tried dodging the chains but to no avail.

"Haha nii-chan. I never said only pure fire chakra. Other than combination jutsu we can use anything which involves katon chakra." Menma grinned as he ordered his chains to attack him once more.

'oh two can play the game, Menma-chan.' Naruto thought with a smirk.

"KATON: UCHIHA FLAME FORMATION" Naruto shouted as blue fire surrounded him from all side. But Menma's chains cut through them.

'Damn, his Katon is really something.' Naruto thought proudly then smirked 'That doesn't mean you are going to win brat.'

"KATON: FUNSAI BAKUHATSU (shattering explosion)". Naruto following Tsunade concentrated fire chakra on his Knuckles and released it in direction of Menma.

Simultaneous explosions filled the area. Menma's chains quickly wrapped him in defensive barrier but at the end of explosion Menma's chains shattered and he was thrown backwards with cuts and burns all over the body.

Naruto cursed himself for overdoing it as he teleported to Menma.

"Are you alright Menma-chan. Sorry I shouldn't have gone this far." Naruto muttered.

"w-what are you s-saying nii-chan! This was awesome and it may be enough to stop me, but I have yet to get help from my partner." Menma smirked as red chakra washed over him, and he was healed in split second. Menma then kicked Naruto on his chest, but Naruto jumped backward.

"Woah... Your healing factor is sure something. I think it surpasses Shodai-sama as you are involuntarily healed by Kurama." Naruto mused.

"Well, enough talk. Kurama is getting restless. Now let me show you awesome power of team Menma."he grinned as reddish-orange chakra covered him and refilled his reserves.

"Lets go Kurama. Behold nii-chan, the strongest attack in my arsenal.'KUCHIYOSE: KATON: GILGAMESH NO MOHO (summoning: fire style: imitation of GILGAMESH)'"

Hundreds of diffrent type of weapons that consisted of arrows, axes and spears made of fire formed above Menma ready to be launched at Naruto.

Naruto couldn't help but be proud of Menma. 'Tch, to think that brat will come so far in just 4 months of training. It sure is stronger than any attack I have in Katon.'

He smirked, 'doesn't means I can't stop it.'

"TAJU KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU". 50 Naruto appeared.

'What are you thinking nii-chan, my attack can easily destroy those. Not even "UCHIHA FLAME FORMATION" can stop this.'

"Attack!" Shouted Menma as the weapons started attacking him.

All Narutos sprang in action. 25 of them shouted "KATON: FUREA BAKUHATSU (fire style: flare blast)"

25 flares Blue fire shot towards the weapons in amazing speed. It covered nearly whole area surpassing the width of Gokamekyako.

The rest of clones shouted "KATON: UCHIHA FLAME FORMATION". Blue walls of fire formed around Naruto covering him from all side. But Menma couldn't see it due to Naruto's flare attack.

The bright red weapons of fire from Menma and blue Flares of Naruto clashed and resulted in explosion. Menma's weapons were destroyed in explosion but Naruto's flare also seemed to be weakend. Menma gritted his teeth as it was very hard to control the form of weapons. Yin kurama was also sweating inside.

"Damn that Namikaze brat is sure something. And to think his lightning and water attacks are better than fire attacks. Hmph... and people calls us monsters." grumbled yin kurama.

"What are you babbling about other half. You know this isn't even fraction of our power." Retorted yang-kurama as he leaked more chakra to increase effectiveness of Menma's attack.

'Brute'...muttered yin kurama as he went back to help Menma control the forms of weapon.

Finally the weapons won as the flares faded and continued their onslaught and destroyed 25 of Naruto's clones.

Menma smirked and released his jutsu as formation of new weapons stopped.

But as soon as explosion cleared Menma was shocked at seeing giant fire walls.

"Fuck.... I was tricked. I can't form the attack again without succumbing to chakra exhaustion." groaned Menma.

Remainig of fire weapons that survived the flare clashed on fire wall. The weapons dissolved but there were big gaps all over the fore walls where the weapons clashed.

'Fuck. It took so much chakra to just block this attack. Even though I had to resort to trick him. I shudder to think what would this pyromaniac do after he learns to use these attacks with natural energy.' Naruto thought with a sweat drop. He also had inkling suspicion that Sasuke would also be a Pyromaniac and Izumi would be probably be a closet pyromaniac.

"Ughhh, I will not loose. KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU". Menma slammed his hands on ground and in a burst of flames appeared MAHO-HONO.

"Yō Maho-sama. Let's defeat my brother and prove Team MENMA is the best." Menma beamed at her.

"Menma-chan. You should not call me for small battles. I am a mythical creature, and my power disturbs the balance of the environment." chided the Phoenix.

"Small. This is no way small Maho-Sama. Nii-chan just did the damage equivalent to 10 thousand explosive notes with a single fucking punch." Menma whined.

"Still it has less presence compared to your chakra, which is lingering all around the nature. You sure have hell of a fire affinity." mused Maho.

"Menma-chan, don't disturb Maho-chan for small things like this." Naruto scolded Menma.

"Hello Maho-chan. You look pleasant as always." Naruto complemented.

Said creature sputtered and glowed bright red "H-Hey Na-Naruto-kun. Th-Tha-Thank you for compliment. You look good too."

Menma rolled his eyes.

Naruto smiled at the phoenix and said "You can go back Maho-chan."

Maho-hono smiled and dispelled in bright red flames.

"Let's go Menma-chan. You lost as you used summoning which is not a katon technique and I already get this feeling that Pakura-chan is going to blast us for something." Naruto said as a shiver went through both brother's spine.

"H-Hai nii-chan. Let's go" Menma said as Naruto teleported them to Pakura's cottage.

"SHAKUTON: KAEN KYUTAI (scorch release: Flame spheres)". As soon as Naruto and Menma appeared on gate of Pakura's cottage, three pinkish-orange fire spheres rushed towards them.

Naruto already expecting this quickly teleported out of there taking Menma with him. The sphere crashed to the ground where they were standing and exploded, scorching the area.

"WHAT THE HELL NE-CHAN!/ PAKURA-CHAN!" chorused Naruto and Menma.

"Shut up brat. You both have destroyed the area where you were training. And you said it would be a light spar." she snarled at them.

They both look sheepish.

"Gomen nee-chan/ Pakura-chan." They chorused again.

Pakura's left eye twitched at that but a smile formed as she saw both of them rubbing back of their heads.

"Anyways Pakura-chan, we have already taught Menma-chan everything in fire ninjutsu and he have fair share of jutsu hr created. Now we have to help him master wind techniques. He could cut rocks and next would be cutting a waterfall but since we are in Suna, he will be opposing Samdstorms with his wind chakra. That will complete 2nd and 3rd step of wind training at same time." Naruto said with a sadistic gleam in his eye which sent shivers through Menma's body.

Pakura smirked as she remembered the days she would have same sadistic gleam in her eyes when she used to train Naruto and Maki for their wind training. Naruto being a genius completed it soon but Maki's training was not completed as she had to leave the 8 years old girl in mid of her training due to the 3rd kazekage. A pained smile formed on Pakura's face as she remembered her apprentice she loved as a little sister bit she quickly hid it.

Naruto noticed and understood what caused that. He sighed but then smiled as he knew he was going to help Pakura back in Suna.

"So Pakura-chan I have to talk about something in private." said Naruto.

Pakura gave a slutry smirk on her face "ohh~ Naruto kun! So naughty. Yesterday I was so tired because of you. And you were dreaming of other women in your dream. Who is this Izumi anyway."

Naruto blushed at that and Menma's eyes widened at hearing Sasuke's sister name.

"And now you want to take advantage me of again. Oh~ you Brute." Pakura continued.

"Ahemm! Let's go Pakura-chan. We will talk about that later." Naruto lead her in the room trying to hide his blush.

Menma was gaping at the two of them.

"Fuck. What is going between both of them. Whatever, I am going to bug teme for time being." Muttered Menma as he sent signal to Sasuke's communication seal.

"YO teme!! How is it going" Menma sent through his own seal.

Luckily, Sasuke was free at that time.

"Hn dobe. I am getting stronger. What about you" Sasuke replied.

"Aside from Ni-chan and Pakura nee-chan fucking like rabbits in heat, everything is fine." Menma sent.

Sasuke had a smirk on his face as he replied "Jaleous ?"

"Naah! Though something interesting happened. Last night nii-chan mumbled your sister's name in sleep after fucking Pakura neechan for 3 hours as she said." Menma sent.

"What!! Ehh even if there is chance of her being innocent, I am not comfortable with these kind of information." Sasuke sent.

"Eh, whatever. Tell me about your progress. Then I will tell mine." Menma sent.

"Hn, alright. I have lightning and fire elements as my affinity as you know. I already had decent control over fire but have mastered lightning completly and I have created a heavy attack based on Nii-san's RAIJIN NO HANTEI. Though it uses natural lightning like nii- san's attack, I have to create atmosphere to use lightning as I can't summon it on my will. Though it doesn't leave innocents untouched and destroys anyone I order to. Basically using change in chakra form I shape the lightning into huge dragon and direct it towards opponents. I call it Kirin and currently it's strongest offense in my arsenal and doesn'tuses much chakra dur to use of natural lightning. Takes kage level control though. Also I mastered lightning sunshin and other jutsu nii-san gave me while leaving." Sasuke smugly informed Menma.

Menma was surprised as he thought of such powerfull attack at cost of such low chakra. "Damn teme, that's sure something." Menma replied.

"What about you. You had fire and wind right." Questioned Sasuke.

"Oh yeah, I have completely controlled fire and made progress in wind. I have created 10 new fire jutsu but 2 of them are above S class. I have KITSUNE-HI in which I create a 20 foot tall fox which have 2 tails and it attacks. The thing is wherever it passes it looses it's chakra and set all around itself on fire. And when it clashes there is large explosion capable of taking a part of village out. Though it's not level of your KIRIN. The other one is SS class and I think it can rival your Kirin in destructive power and its an army killer technique." Replied Menma.

"Oh what is it." though Sasuke was surprised by KITSUNE-HI, he was more interested in technique that could rival destructive power of KIRIN.

"Oh, do you know about GILGAMESH?" asked Menma.

"Hm... It's a legend about King of heros right. He had some greatest arsenal of weapons as I have heard about." Sasuke answered.

"Yes, the same. So with help of Kurama and my unusual fire powers, I can shape my fire into diffrent types of weapons and literally rain thousands of down at the enemy. The weapons have same characteristics as it would have if made of metal but the special thing is that it can't be blocked by anything which have lesser energy than weapons. And when something stronger than the weapons block them, they explode damaging them. The fun part is that, no extra energy is wasted as they are used to form new weapons and fired and I can keep it going for almost complete hour. I call it IMITATION OF GILGAMESH reffering to him as it's based on his powers" Menma smirked as he explained his strongest jutsu.

"Damn, that's sure a bit stronger than KIRIN." Sasuke replied.

"Hmph... Anyways what about your eyes. Did you found something about your other mangekyo's power." asked Menma.

"Oh, yes It's intresting ability. I call it KAGATSUCHI. It gives me ability to control shape of fire and even completly snuff it out. It also help in fire jutsu as I can completly concentrate on offensive powers of jutsu as they are easily controlled by my right eye. Though I don't think I can block your IMITATION OF GILGAMESH. My left eye is coming along fine. I can be intangible for continued 15 minutes when it starts straining me. Though I suffer some kind of blindness after using them but not much." replied Sasuke.

Menma was worried about blindness thing asmnd made a mental note to ask Naruto about it.

"Oh anyways.....


Meanwhile with Naruto and Pakura.

Naruto dragged Pakura into her room and put up silencing seal.

He then lent in and kissed Pakura who returned the kiss exchanging saliva.

"Huf..huff...what...mhm...got you...mhm..so worked up." asked Naruto.

"Nothing...slurr..just enjoy." Naruto replied as he got Pakura out of her clothes.

"Ngh...so hot" she moaned as he kissed her neck coating it with saliva.

He didn't replied just trailed down licking and suckling her breast. He then went to her arousing brown nipples and kissed both of them which was followed by slurping and sucking them. He was so forceful that it seemed like he wanted to suck her dry.

"Ah~ you like sucking them don't you." moaned Pakura.

"Oh I sure do. Do you want to know why." said Naruto as he groaned both of her boobs and brought the nipples close to her face. "Let's do it together."

Pakura was aroused at the scene and her forbidden hole released lots of fluids.

She started licking and slurping her own nipples along with Naruto. After few minutes of doing the activity, Naruto let go of her boobs and brought her into the kiss. She stuck out her tounge as Naruto sucked it and exchanged saliva with her.

Worshiping her whole body, he went to her kitty and gave it a lick. He then started playing with his saliva soaked fingers while his tounge danced inside her vagina touching many of her sweet spots.

He moved to her clit and slurped it.

"Ahh~ I feel so good Naruto-kun. Keep going." Pakura moaned.

Naruto placed two fingers inside her pussy and started fingering her along with sucking her clit.

"Ahhhh~ ahhh~" She came with a loud moan.

Naruto ignored her moaning and kept suckling her clit driving her nearly insane.

"Ahhhhh~ no please stop Naruto-kun. It feels good but I am too sensitive, please stop ahhh!" pleaded Pakura.

Naruto kept lapping her clit like mad dog and making her cum 10th time in a minute.

She was quirving like dry leave in breeze.

Finally he left her vagina and returned to her mouth. He spit a mixture of her cum and saliva in her mouth and pushed it in with his touge making her swallow it. He looked into her eyes and smiled.

She was shocked at his intensity as he was not as enthusiastic as this since the day he had met her parents.

He kissed her and said "Do you know, when I was 14 I was in love with you."

Her eyes widened when she heard this. She had suspected that but she didn't want to be a relationship with a boy 5 years younger than her just because she had sex with him. So she slept with other person in her group so that hr didn't get any ideas. When Naruto didn't show any signs she thought it was just a misconception but now Naruto confessed to her her suspicion was confirmed.

"Whaa--what!" Pakura murmured a little bit shocked but was silenced by strong kiss from Naruto.

"Mhm...and you took Zeay to your bed in front of me. It was a real heartbreak for me." Naruto told her with a small smile and faraway look on his face.

Pakura felt guilty as when she thought about it now as it would have hurt Naruto at that time, when he was just a young teenager. She should have talked to him and cleared everything rather then sleeping with other person in front of him.

"N-naru I am so-sorry AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" She tried to apologize but was cut off as Naruto penetrated her raw and she screamed in pain.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she was in pain from sudden invasion from Naruto.

"Ahh...please st-stop. It's hurting." She tried to stutter.

Naruto ignored her and started pounding her rough. "Hmm and why should I? Did you think about me or what I would go through seeing you, whom I loved fucking some other guy. Tell me did you gave a thought to it you bitch."

"Ahhhhh ple- please ahhh... I am so-sorry. I didn't ouch... want to be in ahhh a relationship ahhhh with you and so I thought you would move on from me..." 'SLAP !' Pakura tried to say but was stopped as Naruto slapped her hard on her right cheeks.


"Please Naruto. Please forgive me. I was young and foolish at that time." Pakura pleaded.

Naruto calmed down at that and caressed her cheeks. "Appology accepted though I will fuck you near death today"

Pakura whimpered at that.

"So tell me what was fucking Zeay was like" Naruto asked as he trusted hard inside her.

"W-what !" Pakura gasped.

"Oh! I want to know and proove what you missed after fucking him girl" Naruto smirked as he continued fucking her.

"Ahhhh~ but I already told you, you were way better. He was maybe good but ahhhhhhh.... you had already ruined me for others by then." Pakura moaned.

"Oh!! Still I insist. I want to see that guilty pleasure face you'd make when I make you cum when you tell how your past lover couldn't please you as I could." Naruto asked thrusting hard inside her.

"Oooh..... ok.... I wanted to fuck him ahhh.... cuz he used to brag how he had the largest ahhh... cock. And you had fucked me and you have a big dick and I thought he may be ahh... bigger than you." Pakura moaned as he started thrusting fast inside her.

"Well ahh... he had 10 inch dick which is not bad as in Suna and Konoha ahhhh..... they are some of largest size. Ahh..... fuck me.... I was disappointed though as he didn't ahhh... have a bigger cock....ahhh than you and wanted to ahhh... leave ahhhh.... but I was quite turned on by then so ahhhh... I decided to fuck him anyway....."

Naruto's pounding got harder as 13 of 16 inches were grinding inside Pakura's pussy punching her womb.

"He asked for a blowjob....ahhhh.... I agreed sucked on his dick ....ahh so deep....He then started fucking my mouth....ouch slow down p-please....he cumed a lot inside my mouth.... ahh ahh.... He tasted good though not as good as you....ouch ahhh...oh ye...fuck... I drank his cum but he didn't take it out of my mouth and I kept sucking on his sensitive dick . He came a second time releasing his load though this was less than last time."

Hearing this Naruto got even more horny than he already was. He pulled out and spit his own dick. He then forcefully opened Pakura's mouth and spit inside her.

"Suck my cock and tell me why am I better than him." Naruto demanded.

Pakura went on her knees and grabbed his dick. She then took his head in her mouth and began slurping it.

"Oh...slurp....it's much bigger ... slurp.... then his cock.....slurp...slurp...slurpp... and it's round in shape....he was as thick as you...slurp..slurp..slurp...but his cock was flat. Yours...slurp...is round and equally thick at all side... It feels like I am sucking a big fat candy...slurp...slurp... and it feels very dirty sucking it.... I like how hot it feels...slurp.... I think...slurp...I have a fetish of sucking...slurp...your cock..."

Naruto got more harder if possible listening to her. He gravies her hair and trusted his cock inside her throat and kept it for few seconds. As soon as he released her...she began coughing and leaking saliva from her mouth.

Naruto kissed her and asked "Tell me Pakura, would you like for me to fuck your throat."

Pakura stuck her tounge out and licked side of his mouth and she said "You can...but I like it better when I suck your cock-head and you moan and thras under that feeling finally releasing your load in my mouth and I taste it before drinking it. And today I want to continue sucking it and try to find how many times you can cum." She then went back on sucking Naruto's cock with passion.

Naruto pulled out and slapped her hard. On the verge of tears she looked at him and asked "what did I do?"

"Nothing, just felt like slapping you like how you fucked Zeay when you felt it would help me move on." mocked Naruto and saw a look of guilt and hurt passed on her face.

He then started fucking her mouth. "Oh damn!!! Your sluty mouth feels very good. Tell me do you like it better than when Zeay face fucked you."

"Glurk glurkk...glurkk...(cough)..(cough)... No you felt better while fucking my mouth.... oh how good it feels when you fuck my throat dipping it and retracting it as soon as it reached down just the point. Oh I am leaking down there ..." She wailed.

"Hmm....very good. You can suck it as you like bitch." Naruto complied.

"Yes master...slurp...I will suck your balls dry...slurp...gwak...gwak..." She continued making love to his dick.

After 5 minutes of intense slurping and sucking "Ah damn....I am Cumming ..." Naruto shot his load in Pakura's mouth.

"Ughhh damn....your mouth sure is something ahh...." Naruto moaned still shooting semen in her mouth.

"I am not done Naruto-kun. As I have said I drank Zeay's cum twice even though I didn't like it much. I will suck you dry..slurp..." Pakura moaned before she went back to his cock.

What followed was a hot 10 minutes session with Pakura sucking on Naruto's over sensitive cock and making him cum like crazy.

"Ohh~ it feels like I am in heaven." Naruto moaned as Pakura drank his 4th load while continuing to slurp his cock as no tommorow.

"Ohh~ Zeay! Look how I am behaving and drinking cum from Naruto's big fat dick. His cum is much better then you and his dick is more fun to suck" Pakura moaned acting like she is talking to zeay while fucking Naruto.

Those words put Naruto over the edge as he came with a loud grunt and released torrent of semen in Pakura's mouth.

"Fuck.... it's awesome" Naruto groaned as he felt Pakura sucking his soul out through his dick.
