
The Restart

Bri2121 · Tổng hợp
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5 Chs

I wish I knew

Vivian POV

My mom glared at me (in my head oooo what I do wrong) she told me to sit down and talk about what's going to happen. She said that I will soon awaken?? I replied with what do you mean I'll awaken,she looked at me and said baby you have powers, POWERS how's that possible, as I asked her eyes began to water up and she said the words I never expected to hear from her mouth and she said that I wasn't her biological daughter before asking who my parents were she said they were her best friends.

She said it broke her when my mother her best friend last wish was to take me in as her own daughter and to never bring up the fact my father wasn't in my life and look forward to the happy moments that are waiting and to give her a box when she does awaken to keep her powers in check.

After an emotional talk my mom went upstairs to retrieve a box,she gave it to me to open It,in my head I was starting to get scared, before I knew it their where pounds on the door,my mom looked at me in fear ,she ran to a closet and had gotten out a bags of stuff and said,find a safe place to go and never come back,at that moment I thought I was being disowned by the person I loved the most,She soon ran me to the back door and said stay safe,with that she added there out to get you.

I gave her a confused face expression before making a run to Mike house crying and I rang his door bell, after a little waiting Mike came to the door and I ran into his arms he looked confused about what was happening.

Mike's POV

Vivian was hugging me so tight I thought I was going to stop breathing.But to my attention it was just 4 hour's ago when I dropped her off at home ,as he was trying to thing Vivian had fainted but from what,he picked her up bridal style and walked to his room looking at how beautiful she was when she slept,I laid her down and covered her and took an extra pillow and blanket to sleep on the couch,because he didn't want to wake her up,he called it a night and went to sleep.

Vivian's POV

I woke up in a bed I wasn't familiar with and I remembered that I was at Mike house,I soon notice I had to use the bathroom real bad so I had gotten up to go to the bathroom as I was exiting Mike's room I was hit in the face with the sent of bacon and pancakees,I went to the bathroom really fast and seen mike with an apron on, at that very moment I wanted to walk up to him and put my arms around him and hold him,but I wasn't sure if he likes me back.

Mike's POV

I turned around with a blushing Vivian, which made me go crazy because I knew she was thinking romantic things.So I asked what you thinkin of , she replied with n-nothing, I replied with oh nothing. We soon started too eat breakfast and she was a little tense so I asked what's wrong, she looked up at me which made me sad.

Vivian's POV

I looked up at Mike and said with a little whisper do you have my bags, he replied with yea I'll go get them for you, he went to get the and arrived back at the table and gave me the bags, I took out a box and a book, he looked at me confused and I opened the book and started to read it and I didn't know the language at all which shook me but I understood it, soon a mark started to a appear on my arm it was burning like hell ,Mike looked at me in confusion.

Mike's POV

I looked at Vivian as a mark started to appear on her arm and started to get scared as she whimpered from it hurting, I wanted to stop her pain, soon her eyes opened and her eyes where rolled back which scared the shit outta me. I had gotten up and was shacking her to get her out of her out of her trans and I looked over at the book and slammed it shut and Vivian had woken up she looked at me in pure shock I was wondering what she had seen. So I asked she look at me and back at the book and said ok that was crazy and cool.