
Chapter 38: A friendly fight

Qrow's scythe slams directly at Grievous, but Grievous uses all four of his swords to block the strike, the fight goes on as both are clashing theirs weapons against each other. Qrow gets an upper hand in the fight as Grievous has never fought a person that uses a scythe, but that goes the same with Qrow and him fighting a person with four arms.

As the fight continues Qrow is slowly getting tired as the fight progress, while for Grievous he doesn't feel tired. The fight ends as Grievous kicks Qrow in the stomach almost knocking out Qrow, Grievous walks up to Qrow and picks him up with one arm and points his three swords at Qrow's neck.

General Grievous: Ha! Not so cocky now are you?

Qrow: Hehehe you'd be surprised

Qrow lifted his legs up and kicks Grievous chest plate, forcing Grievous to release Qrow immediately and his swords. Grievous coughs many time as he covered his chest slowly backing up to gain some distance.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow what happened!

Qrow: Oh it's nothing we were having a nice conversation

Grievous was pissed but was busy controlling his coughing.

Ruby: Grievous are you ok?

General Grievous: I'm *Coughs* fine!

Qrow: What that? I couldn't hear from the coughing.

General Grievous: I will *Coughs more* tear you apart!

Ruby: Wait sir, why are you here?

General Grievous: I need to know what *Coughs* you did up from the tower

Qrow: Oh is that it?

General Grievous: Most importantly *Coughs* I need to train you!

Ruby: Umm, well we could do it if you come along with me and my friends

General Grievous: Very well then

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!