
Chapter 34: Unbelievable

2 days have passed after Carbin's death, things are quite slow and Tornament was delayed for 2 more days.

In the dorms we see team Rwby slient and thinking about the accident. Yang punches a wall causing some damage.

Yang: I can't believe it! Why? WHY WOULD HE DO IT!?

Weiss: Calm down there must be a reason.

Yang: Oh, what reason is there? I never trusted that thing from the start and now I know he is not to be trusted!

Ruby: What if it wasn't him? Maybe someone stole his weapon?

Yang: Come on who else uses his weapon?

Blake: Ruby might be right somebody must have taken his weapon

Weiss: We could look for some clues or something that might help solve the case.

Yang: Well you three can go I'm going to blow off some steam!

Yang leaves the room slamming the door shut behind her.

Ozpin POV

General Ironwood: It just doesn't make sense, why would he do this?

Ozpin: Now now we aren't certain if it was him or not.

Qrow: Really, you aren't certain?

Ozpin: Qrow...

Qrow: Tell me, why did you let that thing in the academy anyway? Because last time I remember that cyborg killed citizens the moment he landed on this rock.

General Ironwood: He did what?!

Qrow: Oh, did Ozpin not tell you that? Well there was another time when he-

Ozpin: Qrow that is enough! I know that Grievous attack a village but that was him before but now he is different I can tell.

Qrow: Please tell me how he changed.

Ozpin: During the time when he was cornered and was accused of murder, he could have attacked everyone or just ran away, I can tell he changed, maybe not much but it is progress.

General Ironwood: Ozpin, I am not sure what you say is true.

Ozpin: We will see once we have questioned him.

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!