
Chapter : 1 Prolouge


The bell rang. A man who appeared somewhat in his mid-forties woke up and stopped the clock.

The time was past 8.00. He got up and went straight to the bathroom.

He come out of his bath and wore a blue tuxedo with white socks and black shoes. It seemed to look well on him.

He glanced at a photo frame on his wall. He bowed and said, "Mom, dad today is the day.

Your son is going abroad as his business is growing your son will continue to grow you don't need to worry",

"I'll be leaving", he said as he walked out of the house and took the cab towards the airport.


As I got out of my car I quickly finished all my paperwork, checking, etc, and moved towards the flight area. A guard checked me one last time as I got into the bus that would take me to the plane.

I got into the plane and found my seat which was seated near the window.

I sat and listened to the flight attendees' speeches about safety etc.

The flight took off and after some time I could see the beautiful sea as it stretched like an endless blue sheet.

Not even 10 minutes passed as I felt the flight shake tremendously. It stopped then occurred and this started to happen frequently. Suddenly the attendee who gave the speech started announcing that the flight's left wing was gone and there was only some time left before the crash.

'Hah', I sighed,

'Seriously was this all,' I thought.

My life started to flash before me,

How hard I studied, finished my undergraduate in engineering, and went to the army because my father wanted me to then started my own business.

My parents died due to heart failure but I did not give I ke...? before I could finish,

'Alghhh', I muttered as I felt my body being pushed into the water.

I could feel my life slowly dying as I was losing breath.

'This is it' I thought.