
The Rejected Orphan

Mrs Quinn paced forth and back in the room not able to sleep. " who the hell is she " asked Mrs Quinn furiously, she didn't know what was wrong with her son, may be he was either stupid or possessed. " I can't believe this" she didn't know what to think any more, " and you..." she turned to face her husband, " why are you protecting her? don't tell me you are possessed". Mr Quinn knew how crazy this wife of his can be but not as crazy as his son. When he married her Ryan was six, and Arya was ten, Ryan never approved of the marriage but he didn't have a choice, though he was calm, collected, brilliant, intelligent, and observant, he still welcomed her as his father's wife and nothing more. This has always been a headache to him, he just didn't know the solution to it. " now I get it, you don't wanna explain 'cause he's your son, you don't love me Richard, you don't" she wailed dropping to the floor, " it's not what you think hon" Richard walked to her and sat on his heels, " so, what is it" she asked bringing her head up to look at him, " he made me promise him" he paused and continued, " please stop crying, okay" and she nodded feeling light headed and sleepy.

Christiana_Fabian · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

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"You can add this to the one in your hand" Stated Dennis as his secretary came in to hand each one of them a file.

The king didn't know how to react to his sons mode of exposure. When Jason left, he had asked Dennis concerning Jason's whereabouts and the silly son of his answered him with, ''I don't know, besides he is a prodigal son and you shouldn't be asking me that.''

And then the king will always answer with, ''you should know, aren't you partners in crime?''

''mm, we are, but.... haven't you heard that as partners in Christ do fight so do partners in crime''

''you fought?''

"yeah, and do not mention his name to my hearing ever again."

The last time the king asked Dennis concerning the whereabouts of Jason, he had answered with, "I think old age is doing a very bad work. If you will excuse me." Dennis bowed his head and walked out on his father.

"You!..." was all the king could alter. Coming to the present, the king heard his son, Jason say, "Elizabeth Morris became the wife of Richard Quinn after killing his late wife Stella Scott Bryan the daughter of late Lissa Scott" he spoke without a break, he looked straight into Mr Ben's eyes challenging him to refute, which he didn't.

"I will like Mr Ben to please come out here, your crimes will be justified in court, I will also need your minions to come out here."

"I did nothing to face the court, all this are allegations, you cannot..."

"You have the right to remain silent, Mr Ben." came the king's authoritative voice, he couldn't believe this man was a well defined devil. Curious the king asked, "Why did you spare Elizabeth" as his son didn't mention her name.

"We won't be the only ones dealing with her."

"Then who?" the king asked his son and all eyes now focus on him.

"the Quinn's" was all he said. The palace guards then moved In and arrested Mr Ben including his minions.

"Why are you arresting us" asked one of them.

"Don't pretend as though you don't know" Jason rolled his eyes at the man.

"Enjoy your time in prison, sirs" Dennis said and signaled the guards to take them away.

"We are sorry for intrusion, father. I will take my leave." Jason apologized ready to take his leave.

"We" corrected Dennis to have their father sigh in frustration. This kids!!.

"dismiss" with one word every one in the room dispersed leaving the twins behind. With that they knew their father wanted to speak with them.

"Jason?, Dennis?"

"Yes father" they chorused

"Come with me"they followed their father out of the room to the sitting room, "Your mother missed you dearly" as he spoke he saw his dear wife descending the stairs.

"oh, I missed you" she hugged Jason as she descended the last stair.

"mom" he whispered basking in the feeling of being hugged again by his sweet mother and the feel of her hands that gently rubbed on his back.

"You prodigal son" she broke away from the embrace and cupped his face. "How dare you leave your mother"

* * * * *

Eli was so buried in work that she failed to notice a pair of eyes trying to tear her apart by it's gaze. After a long while she felt burdened as if a heavy weight has been placed on her shoulders, feeling the uneasiness build she turned to find Ryan staring at her, she gasps out of shock that she almost fell thanks to the support of the wall.

"Carried away and clumsy" he commented to have her rolling her eyes.

Earlier after gathering the information he needed and the baby steps to take, he decided to speak with the girl to get her prepared and safe.

He really didn't want to tell her they were related at least not now until everything is settled.

"I'm not clumsy, and you can see I'm busy" she replied defensively.


"What do you want?" going straight to the point, Eli asked him as he seem not to be the type that goes visiting people without a reason.

"I need to speak with you" not beating around the bush himself, he said, "There is danger lurking around and I wouldn't want what happened to my mother to repeat itself"