
The Rejected Alpha Is My Mate

Julianne Peterson was born without a wolf and her family despised her and treated her badly except for her younger brother Richard. When her younger sister came of age, her parent whom were alpha and ruler of Apples pack arranged for her sister to marry the richest Dan Anderson of their pack. But what happens when Dan shows up in Alpha Gregs Peterson Castle? And he could perceived a sweet alluring feminine scent that wasn't his arranged mate?. what should Julianne do when Alpha Dan, chooses her as his mate?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Julianne's Nightmares

Julianne was in her room sleeping as she hadn't eaten for the night, and so she retired to her bed feeling stressed out after washing lot of clothes.

She dreamt where she was with someone and he was nice to her and cupped her face in his calloused palms as he brought his face closer to hers.

Her heart was racing loudly in her chest, wondering what he was up too and next he he tilted her chin upwards to stared to his black orbs.

Julianne screamed out as she saw the wolf-man had shapeshifted into a black werewolf and he wanted to ate her up as he was running up to catch her, while she fell off and rolled to the ground, down to the grass field as he slowly approached her like he wanted to devoured her.

"Please don't eat me.." Julianne begged in her dreamy state as she was sweating profusely seeing as the black wolf approached her and as he wanted to touched her face, she screamed out, "Please!!."

"Julianne!" Lady Linda shook Julianne to woke up as she was the one whom actually brought Julianne dinner to her, having heard from Nana that Julianne hadn't eaten her meal yet after she was thru washing all the clothes set aside for her to hand washed.

"Don't eat me ... Please.." Julianne repeated shivering while Lady Linda saw it was rather difficult waking Julianne up.

Lady Linda immediately kept the tray of food on the table in Julianne's room and she took up only the cold glass cup of water that she had brought for Julianne along with Julianne's meal and she poured the cold glass cup of water on Julianna's head, making it to also splashed on Julianna's bed and Julianne finally woke up from her night mare, shivering while Lady Linda's eyes narrowed at her.

"Are you alright, what were you dreaming about?" Lady Linda asked and Julianne was still shivering as she chattered her teeth and couldn't spoked a word.

"Julianne.." Lady Linda shook Julianne again to woke up from her nightmare and Julianne finally snapped out, and blinked her big blue eyes as she stared to Lady Linda and down to her bed, realizing she was only dreaming.

"What's wrong with you?." Lady Linda asked and Julianne rather grinded her teeth, as she was still shivering from the black black wolf chasing her in her dream.

"Is okay. Here's your meal. Eat it quick and go and drink your medicine from the one Lady Blessing gave to you earlier" Lady Linda said and Julianne only nodded as she couldn't spoked while Lady Linda helped Julianne set up her meal on the table set in the room, and she refilled the glass cup with another water from the jug in the tray while she stared to Julianne.

"You should eat it now it's still hot" Lady Linda said and she walked away from Julianne's bed to the exit door and she paused and stared back to Julianne and she whispered, "Good night Julianne."

Julianne fret as Lady Linda shut her room door closed and left her and her eyes fell back to the hot meal in the table.

Seeing her room window still opened, fear gripped Julianne as she feared a werewolf would soon jumped into her room to eat her alive.

Her father had locked her balcony and so she wouldn't stepped out and also her room window, Her father had told her to always locked it before the moon comes out

Julianne shakily stepped down from her bed and she rushed to her open room window to shut it closed as the cold wind blew her skin and so, she immediately clasped the two window shut with her heart thudding loudly in her chest and she stared back to her dark room and immediately switched on her lamp, as she shakily moved to her seat to ate her dinner.

She wasn't a complete wolf and for her safety, Her father has told her, she was forbidden to leave the castle, forbidden to made any friends as she couldn't protected herself and they could turned rogue and ate her. And so she has always been indoor and didn't felt bad.

She hadn't seen anyone shapeshifted before in her view and most of their Apple packs ceremony, she hasn't gone there too before to saw how they celebrated it, even though she heard most of their howling cries.

Hearing the howling sound from out of her room, Julianne shivered and quickly ate her supper as she wanted to hurried up to buried had head underneath her pillow to slept quickly as she was afraid of the dark.

Julianne quickly ate the chicken hot pepper-soup given to her, which was her favorite and so, she washed her bare hands and picked up the chicken to finished it quickly to bones as she was still shivering.

Drinking all the bowl of hot pepper-soup, Julianne felt her forehead sweaty and that calmed her nervousness while she dropped the chicken bones back into her plate and stood up to wash her hands.

Thru washing her hand, she used her bathroom and immediately rushed out back to her room and climbed on her bed, but yet, sleep was far away from her eyes.


Dan waited for his mother to stepped out as he later came downstairs to wait for her. He was angry that his mother didn't wanted to listened to his heart, but he didn't wanted to ruined their union as his mother and him just started talking again more officially after two months of keep malice and being aloof despite with eachother living together and being mother and son. His mother didn't mostly agree with what he wanted and so, he was left with no other option than to always do whatever his mother requested of him, so she would talked to him.

Dan love to draw, paint and do other things other than run his father's company and luxury hotels. But his mother wouldn't allowed him and kept malice with him whenever she saw him painted.

Dan decided to kept his painting away and rather did things that pleased his mother and most were going to Banana packs to took over his mother's owned shared of her family wealth. As the Banana Packs Alpha, Alpha Morris Lukeman was his mother's elder brother and he had no child, as he was impotent and so, he will all his family asset to his sister, even as she had only one son.

Dan knew it was forbidden for a Banana packs she-wolf to cheated and so even after his father's death, his mother had remained single and she assigned him to visit the Banana Packs to get to know the packs.

Dan agreed only on condition that his mother would moved to Banana packs to lived with him there, but his mother refused and stated it was more of a taboo for her to leave her husband's house, whom was none other than his father.

Dan sighed as he sat in the dinning room waiting for his mother to stepped out, as she was born from a higher prestigious family and brought up in wealth and so Dan knew the reason to her objection on him wanting a maid over Alpha Gregs daughter.

But the big blue eyes he saw, Dan shook his head and thought to drew her eyes and face in his room before he would forgot what she exactly looked like, as she was so beautiful with her brown glowing skin and brown shinning hair and big blue sparkling eyes.

Dan remember the moment he inhaled her sweet floral scent. He paused and traced where the blossoming scent was coming from as he stood nearer to the garden, but having stared up to the opened room window, and also feeling the intense gazed of someone standing there on him. Dan knew from that very moment that his eyes clocked with hers, That she was his mate and he needed to undercover whom she truly was, so as to mark her first to become as his mate, before another wolf-man would..