
CHAPTER Forty Seven

  Ariana's POV

  I stood on the runway and twitched my hands, I was so nervous, I was starting the rehearsal for my calendar face today, and the manager assigned to teach me by Dylan doesn't look too pleased about how nervous I was, damn, I shouldn't have insisted that he assign a tutor to me, he had wanted to teach me himself but I had stopped him and pleaded that someone else does the task and I had also forbade him from coming to my rehearsals, now, I was almost regretting that decision, "come on lady, we do not have forever, get on with it, you think to be the face of our calendar is pretty easy huh, start the walk, one, two, three, start..." I put my hands on my side and nervously held the sides of my cloth, "oh! Come on, do you want to ruin this dress?" I quickly let go of the dress, "I'm so sorry ma'am"