
The Reincarnation System(dropped for now)

The world holds mysteries of the past. The story of how I became the world's strongest "reincarnate". A story filled with action set in a modern world with a dense main character. Will he ever find love? WARNING: This novel is not a factual story

Aitokun · Võ hiệp
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chapter 0-Prologue

A black haired slender man sat down as he took a book titled "The Story Of The Strongest Reincarnate". The man placed the book on the table where he flips the book open, a blinding flash and another man who was just white coloured appeared.

White Man says: Why hello descendent of *** (mc), are you ready to learn the story of the strongest reincarnate.

The slender man says: Yes, please tell me about what type of man he is.

[Beginning Recollection Of The Story]

In the year 2030 on 1 January, thousands of babies were born and exactly on their 6th birthday recalled memories of a "past life" but mostly were scrambled. They all had the exact same message shown up in front of them

[Recall your past life and you gain power]

The more they learn of their past the greater their power. They began calling these people "Reincarnates" is referring to a person who have memories of past lives.Soon 50 Years past, the world became centered around the "Reincarnates". Schools with the intention to train these reincarnates also appeared even Ranks and Grades appeared. As people refered that time as "The Era Of Reincarnates".


Let's rewind to the Edo period of Japan, where history changed gods were bored and erased the world just to rebuild it. But humans fought to the last man, who was Lucas Roderic. As the man laid there about to take his last breath asked the gods towering above him

Lucas: Could you reincarnate me later on with my memories?

Gods looked at the man with respect due to the fierce battle that he showcased

Gods replied: We will consider it

To the gods surprise Lucas Roderic, the world strongest warrior who was well known for his mastery of the sword and cold attitude actually smiled as he took his last breath.

As Lucas Roderic tried open his eyes he saw a blinding lights it was the celling lights, a silver haired beauty with two jugs carried him and a blonde hair muscular man who was wearing a suit stood beside hugging the female. Lucas looked down to see that he became an infant and screamed internally: "WHAT THE HELL GODS I WAS JUST JOKING!!!!!!".

(The current year was 2080)

The adults called out to Lucas as Lucas just then Lucas thought: what a coincidence, this must be the God's doing but I have to thank them for giving me a second chance.

The beautiful woman spoke: Lucas I am your mother and he is your father.

The man then spoke: Lucas you will grow to be a strong man.

(hours past)

After numerous test and examination Lucas parents brought him home as they left Lucas began his training to gain strength by doing baby sit ups (Do not try this with your babies)

(6 years past, to be exact it was exactly one day before Lucas birthday) Over the past years he learned that his mother is named, Angelina Ceaser while his father's named, Paul Ceaser. He also learned of the history of the world he was partially shocked but partially intrigued.

As he thought: Will I get a second reincarnation?

He learned from books in the home office the world have been through many "phases".

"Phases" are the number of times the world have been erased. There have been a Magia phase where the world was filled with magic, even the period Lucas originate from now known as The Warrior Phase

Lucas's birthday then came the fated message came and Lucas knew what it would say but it was not the same message of

"Recall your past life and you gain power"

instead what appeared was a letter of sort.

[Why, hello dear Lucas Roderic or should I call you Lucas Ceaser now. The gods wanted to give you a little gift so we specifically created another system for you, Enjoy and hope to be entertained bye for Now.]

Lucas internally thought: "what do they mean by 'bye for now' not like I want to see them".

(He knew he had what to say if he got the system)

So after dinner he went into his room as he said: "mom and dad I think I have the reincarnate gift I will go check it out first to confirm it" .

They both agreed and acknowledge what I said.

Lucas then said in his room: status open

[Name : Lucas Ceaser

Gender : Male

Age: 6 Years Old

Past life count: 3 (including Lucas Roderic)

Past life tittles: The Strongest Warrior, The Magic Emperor and lastly The Godly Artisan

Skills: Weapon Mastery, Magic Mastery, Create and lastly shadow clones

(All the skills are Level 1)

Note that the system is watching you, Lucas]

Lucas internally thought: "Well that's creepy, gods why are you people such weirdos".

Lucas then went to sleep soon he will come to learn about his real lineage...

To Be Continued....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your comments are greatly appreciated

Aitokuncreators' thoughts