
The Reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor

Boundlesss · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Alastor looked at the door with mixed feelings, he now experienced two lives. Both his but also not.

He looked at the new door that appeared after. It was the size of the sun, he tried to open it but failed.

'So I've had four lives? Maybe even more.' He stared intently at the two other doors he couldn't open.

They must've been even more powerful than the one he just experienced. Especially the door that was the size of a galaxy.

He stopped dwelling on his thoughts, coming out of the mystical place in his soul. He realized he could feel, his body was slightly formed.

After his reincarnated memories he knows the feeling. It was the same as when he was in the womb. Time seemed to go faster, he could feel the making of his body while in the womb.

Soon ears formed, unfortunately while in the womb the most he could do was slightly move. He tried to cultivate but failed as he was unable to absorb Qi in the womb.

He couldn't say he was unable to, but the Qi he could absorb was his mother's. Because of his 'past' cultivation he could tell his mother was mortal. Qi existed inside of everything, but if he absorbed her qi she would die.

He focused on the qi that was naturally absorbed into his body. When a being was born Qi would be naturally attracted to help aid the birth.

Most Qi was very energetic and loved to be absorbed. These included fire, earth, water, air and their sub types of Qi.

As well more rare Qi such as light, creation, heaven, and others.

The more violent and destructive kinds of Qi usually don't aid life.

He observed his body, there was thousands of strands of fire Qi and hundreds of strands of slaughter Qi.

He even found a few strands of creation a soul Qi.

'A genius? Well yes but even geniuses aren't much different from regular fetuses. What determines a genius is their comprehension and spirit mound.' He searched his body until he found it, his soul, it was still the same soul that experienced all those lives.

However it was still damaged, if it wasn't damaged he would be way stronger.

'After reincarnation the soul would only have 0.005% of its strength. Besides that reincarnating is extremely difficult. One may reincarnate at Nascent Soul but it wouldn't be as easy in Domain Lord realm. That is because your opponents are stronger but also because the Heavenly Dao makes it harder for reincarnation.'

'But my soul is much stronger than it should be, in fact it's as strong as a Sage Emperors soul. Even a Emperor with a special reincarnation item would at most be able to retain the soul of a early stage Nascent soul..'

Before he could finish his thoughts he felt he was being pushed.

'Time truly does flash.' He started to move his best to live a new life. A life that would surpass even the highest his previous lives had reached.


He soon slowly came headfirst from his mother's womb. He fell into the doctors hands looking at the bright white hospital room.

'Hospital no, what is this. Even though other worlds have higher technology many extremely developed.. It's impossible, in those worlds mortals don't exist. As a world develops the thought of even someone at Qi Gathering would be a untalented 15 year old.'

He felt extremely confused, was he on earth? No that's also impossible, earth shouldn't have qi. Even if it did it would be extremely thin, after all plants would naturally absorb Qi.

His thoughts raced before a doctor slapped his ass making him dumbfounded. Before he pretended to cry.

"Ma'am here is you baby boy." The doctor handed him over to his new mother.

His mother wasn't ugly, she was relatively chubby most likely due to pregnancy. She had his blonde hair and she had green eyes.

Soon a man came in the room, he was dressed in a fancy robe and had a cold face. He looked at Alastor sternly before sighing and picking him up.

"What are we naming him again?" The man looked at his mother.

"You forgot? You need to stop working so much. His name is Alastor."

"Alastor huh, Alastor Star." He muttered to himself before handing him back to his mother and leaving the room.


The days were uneventful, he did see cultivators. Many of them actually, his father was a cultivator as well.

He didn't know why his mother was a mortal but he decided to ignore it.

He cultivated his body every day, Qi strengthening his bones and and organs.

He made sure to make every part of his body strong. He stretched daily to make his body absorb qi easier.

He didn't cultivate yet because he was too young. His spiritual mound hadn't been fully developed yet.

He yawned as he casually played with the baby toys. This was all he could do besides read, and he read every book.

"My son is a genius." his father came in looking at the finished games and puzzles.

He lazily looked at him, he was too lazy to pretend. His father was only a foundation cultivator after all.

In fact his father was the strongest cultivator he has seen. After a while of research he found out his father was a teacher at a prestigious academy.

He determined this world was indeed earth but it gained spiritual Qi. The year was now 2024, November 3rd, only a few months after his transmigration.

Of course that's not what surprised him, what surprised him was how little time had passed. Despite this there wasn't much he knew, he had knowledge before his transmigration but now.

Who's the president, who's the king or queen, who's the dictator. He didn't know anything about the world, he only knew he was in America because his parents spoke English and didn't have rapiers in their kitchen.

He looked at his toys, Mickey Mouse, Woody, he didn't see anything different about this world.

It definitely wasn't another reality because qi obviously just reawakened. The Qi on earth was very dense and easy to absorb. It was a high tier world, but there were still mortals an his father could be a prestigious teacher.

He decided he wouldn't dwell any longer, he would know when he could talk and go to school.


The years passed steadily, by the age of five he started kindergarten. It wasn't much different beside the fact the teacher was in Qi gathering.

As well they were taught to meditate and stay calm. They weren't taught cultivation but rather a starting technique.

Of course for children this was hard but when taught stories it made it easier for them.

He made sure to make friends, this world of cultivation was extremely talented. His teacher was a old lady who had reached Qi Gather ten after five years.

Not to mention his dad had almost reached Nascent Soul.

He realized a random person here had the talent to become a Sage. They didn't have passed down techniques either.

They made them with their own efforts, no guidance no nothing.

He made as many friends as possible, he chatted with strangers. He tried to seem extremely kind, asking how others were even if he didn't know them.

He wouldn't spare any chances, who knew how many of them had an Emperor's talent. Or an immortals talent.

If he could take Earth as his personal force he would be indomitable. A Empire of his own.

His unrealized dream with Augusta.

His days passed very eventful, going out often to talk to people. Studying the internet to know more, understanding the world's strength.

The world was very different, as of now the world has a strict system. At the top were Sects, then Academies, then schools. Kingdoms were indeed forming, the government barely existed. However there was barely any crime.

Those who committed crime had a low IQ and instantly died. The world may have no government, but it had powerful cultivators.

The strongest person in the world as of now was a domain Lord. Five years of cultivation to become a domain Lord.

Cultivation went from Qi Gathering, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Domain Lord, Soul Trancendense, Sage, Sage King, Sage Emperor.

They were also called the nine mortal realms, or nine foundation realms. The first seven being your foundation and the last three building on your foundation making a sage body.

However they only have cultivated to the Domain realm.

'Five years to Domain Lord...that should be a genius beyond the immortal realm. Not to mention he is creating his techniques.'

He thought silently looking at the 20 year old man on the computer in his school.

'So he was only 15 when I was reborn..'


Years passed as he finally turned fourteen and was about to enter highschool.

'Friends check, money check, strength check.' He thought silently in his room, after almost ten years he had started cultivating 9 years ago and has reached Sage King Realm.

The current genius of the world was preparing for Sage realm.

'I'm still so weak...' he frowned before sighing heavily. Over the years he hadn't just been cultivating.

Every day he talked to new people, had a multiple phones filled with contacts. Hung out with many of them, he tried his best.

This wasn't useless, it may be stressful but it would be stupid not to make friends. Many of his classmates had already reached Nascent Soul and a few were in Domain Lord Realm.

When he was younger in his past life he reached Nascent Soul at the age of ten and reached domain Lord at twelve.

He was considered the second most talented in the world.

However he reached Soul Transcendence at 14 and Sage King Realm at 20. Already such a monster he easily surrpassed that in this life.

Not just experience but the talent of this body.

'Talent is key, hardwork is just the path to the door.' He thought of the words his master had said.

Even if they manage to break that door there will be a stronger door after that.

He got out of his bed and put on a casual outfit.

'Summer Summer.' He left the mansion that he bought. After all cultivation isn't just for immortality or strength.

He smiled thinking about the money he borrowed.

'Everyone has to have at least a dollar, just had to borrow one from everyone in America.'