
The Reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor

Boundlesss · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

'Where am I..' Opening his eyes he saw nothing. In fact he couldn't even see, no matter how much he tried he couldn't move his eyes.

Trying to grab his face he was met with the unfortunate fact he had no arms, no legs, no body.

'Is this death?' He could only dwell on his thoughts in this torturous silence.

'Who am I?' He couldn't remember, all he knew was how to think. No memories, just knowledge on words.

'What is death? How do I know these things?' He crazily searched through his mind for any idea of who he was.

A humongous door appeared in front of him, it was extremely magnificent. It had many mystical beasts engraved into it.

He tried to open it with his mind, getting no results. A normal looking door appeared beside it, it couldn't compare to the massive door beside it in any way.

It was like a ant next to a galaxy, there was no comparison between them. He stared intently at the door, trying to open it.

It immediately flung open and sucked his mind inside.


"Sorry Dad but I have to go to work right now, I might get a promotion." A man in his early twenties talked on his phone as he dressed in a suit.

"It's fine, I hope you get that promotion. I'll be waiting for you." A rough but weak voice sounded on the other end.

"Okay I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, I love ya."

He hung up the phone and walked out of his apartment. Hurrying the the elevator he pushed the button several times before taking out his phone and playing games.

He stepped out of the elevator playing games as he walked to the bus stop.

Sitting down he checked the time.

'6:35, I still got half a hour.' He quickly indulged in his games.

The time passed before he got up and entered the bus. Taking his seat he stopped playing games and paid attention for his stop.

Stepping out of the bus he rushed to a tall building and entered happily.

He worked at a game company and spent most of the day trying new games.

Arriving in a office he looked at the games he was given to play today.

'Only one? Ha guess that means it's a big one.' He thought excitedly.

Starting up the computer he quickly entered the game.

{Journey to Heaven}

'What a lame name.' He quickly got bored, games with this kind of game were relatively bad.

Usually using weird systems and bad storylines. But because it was his job he clicked to start.

{Choose your character}

[Angel] [Demon]

'Angel or demon? Weird, well I guess I'll choose angel for my first run.'

{Choose weapon path}

A long list of weapons appeared in front of him.

'Halberd.' He casually choose a random weapon.

{Choose your appearance}

A person appeared in front of him, the details were strangely realistic. In fact he almost thought he was looking at a real person.

'What kind of art style...'

His brain almost exploded looking at this person.

He instantly got excited and started to make his character.

He could only choose pre-made hairstyles which were all long hair.

He frowned but chose his favorite and colored it blonde. He was going for multiple run so he wished to make it look as angelic as possible.

He colored the eyes golden and made him 6,3. His body looked like perfection, every muscle was carefully crafted by him. His face clean and handsome, he looked like a God.

{Choose clothes}

There were only simple robes in different colors so he choose white robe.

{Choose name}

He stopped for a second before typing in his name.

{Congratulations player Alastor, you have created your character}

He smiled looking at the screen as it turned black. Before he suddenly was pulled into the screen with extreme might.


The ordinary door closed and he thought carefully.

'I'm Alastor...I just got pulled inside that screen. Oh my family.' He was extremely sad as he thought about everything that happened before his eyes drifted to the massive door.

'If these were my memories... Whats that door?'

He indeed obtained his memories but strangely they didn't feel complete.

He didn't just know one language, he knew well he didn't know how many. Before he didn't think much about it, but once he obtained those memories.

'Reincarnation? Transmigration? What is it..'

Another door suddenly appeared, it wasn't even close to how big the other door is. But it was around the size of Earth.

He tried to open it like before, he instantly got sucked in.


"The foes that surround us are powerful, they are numerous, and they are smart. But we have built this Empire from mortals, we have built this Empire through effort, battles... Talent. We have conquered hundreds of kingdoms and built thousands. And we have destroyed millions. No matter how many stand before us today, they shall leave their heads behind. As Emperor, I hope I can battle alongside you till my death." A powerful voice spread across the land.

Hundreds of millions of soldiers sat on dragons and Griffins and other beasts. The air was surrounded in killing intent.

A tall man stood in front of them, he wore black armor and a crown on his head.

He had a handsome face and black eyes, his hair was plain black.

"WE WILL FOLLOW YOU EMPEROR AUGUSTA." They shouted with all their might making the world tremble.

A man beside the Emperor smiled, he was extremely handsome. Making the emperor himself look average. He had long clean blonde hair and golden eyes.

He wore white pure armor and stood slightly taller then the Emperor. Two pure beautiful wings flapped lightly behind his back.

"Augusta, don't you think we should've prepared more?" Alastor spoke softly to the man beside him.

"They attacked us how was I suppose to prepare?" He calmly looked at his army.

"I'm just saying we should've scouted more. What if they have more Trump cards?"

"Alastor the heavenly orb can see through everything. We know all their Trump cards."

"Augusta this is not a mortal battle anymore, there are Emperors here."

"The heavenly orb can see through everything below the Immortal Realm."

"Who knows if they have a immortal item, the heavenly orb is already public."

"Alastor we have been through millions of battles together. We will win, me and you are the strongest geniuses in existence. We will go beyond the immortal realm. Trust me Alastor, we are brothers, I will give my life for you if anything happens." He smiled and flew away to lead his army.

"Brothers..." He fell silent.


A massive sword slashed through the sky at the army. Space tore as it swung with extreme might almost breaking reality.

Augusta casully swiped his hand making the sword disappear.


The army instantly moved, crossing miles in milliseconds. Instantly a soldier on a dragon swung his golden spear and killed several other soldiers hidden in the void.

A simple soldier was a expert, clashing with hundreds of other soldiers.

"FOR AUGUSTA!" A general slashed his sword clashing with several other generals.

"Ha, I thought that the combined force from other empires would pose a slight challenge. But this is too easy!" Another general casually flew up and helped kill the other generals.

"Exactly too easy, it must be a trap. Be cautious."

"Yeah yeah."

Suddenly the retreating combine forces of other empires burst with power. Instantly killing millions of soldiers and hundreds of generals.

"Told you."


They retaliated and fought with all their strength. Not underestimating their opponents.

"This.. The heavenly orb didn't show this.." Augusta frowned, the heavenly orb said they would surround his army and overwhelm them with numbers and use many items.

Twelve figures flew up to him, all having the might of an Emperor.

"Overwhelm me with numbers huh?"

"Not exactly." A devilish man smiled before his aura exploded.

Soon after they all had a increase in strength.

"So what if you got stronger, you're still weak." he frowned but responded with confidence.

"Father do you agree?" the devilish man spoke again.

"I don't, Augusta today you die." A terrifying pressure appeared as a old man tore through the void.

"A... A immortal, no half step immortal." he was afraid until he realized the man wasnt a immortal yet.

"Alastor help me clean these guys up."

Alastor instantly flew toward him.


"I'm your opponent." Another old man appeared, he was also a half immortal.

"Wait for me Augusta."

As soon as they battled the world shook, the void collapsed.


"I'm sorry Alastor.. I couldn't even save myself." Augusta looked at the thirteen figures in front of him. Then at the man battling fiercely with a old man, he seemed to be slightly stronger then the old man but he would lose when Augusta died.

Alastor saw his emperor on his last shred of life, barely able to keep up. Every move shook his heart, every move made him angrier.

'Augusta..thank you..' He then took out a piece of parchment and signed his name in blood before it burned to ashes.

"What was that." the old man frowned, he couldn't stop it.

Suddenly Alastors wings turned pitch black, a devilish tail appeared behind him and two dark horns appeared on his head.

His golden eyes turned red and snake-like, he sighed.

The world shook, he raised his halbered and slashed the old man in two. Looking toward Augusta he instantly appeared blocking their attacks.

"I will save you this time." He started to slaughter the emperors.

"STOP!" Ten more old people appeared with terrifying might. Starting to attack him instantly.

However all it took were a few more hits, he started to fight all 16 of them. His halberd shook the world as he fought. A black fire surrounded him burning them if they came even close to it.

His halberd finally crossed it's last neck, before it shattered from the might. He looked at his best friend, his only family, even if they weren't of blood, they bathed in the blood of their enemies.

A bond forged through thousands of years.

He flew over to Augusta who was on a destroyed mountain barely able to move.

He landed in front of him stretching his hand out.

"I'm finally the one who saved you." He smiled warmely at him.

"Alastor... What did you do." he looked at the now demon like man in front of him.

"Alastor you didn't..You didn't take that contract from the secret realm." He clenched his fists tightly.

"I wanted to be able to save you one day..Thank you, I know you will reach beyond immortality. Reach our dreams for me." He smiled warmly as his demon like appearance faded and he regained his original angel appearance.

A humongous red gate appeared behind him, the aura of death spread across the world. It opened and a massive skeleton hand appeared grabbing him.

"LET HIM GO!" Augusta tried his hardest to take Alastor from the skeleton.

"Goodbye Augusta." He didn't struggle and was taken through the gates of hell.

"You stupid child." He fell the his knees with tears down his face.
