
The Reincarnation Of The God Mage

The Reincarnation Of God Mage is a novel that speaks about different sensitive topics such as depression grief ,and low self esteem ,while introducing magic in the lives of teens who are forced to go up against great peril this novel is meant to inevitably show the dualistic life that is the world while giving a sense of realism The end goal of the story itself is to defeat an evil tyrannical god and take back all of the land that was stolen from humanity.

The_Lost_Boy · Kỳ huyễn
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Once upon a time – not yours or mine in a world in the year 2012 similar to earth, a short boy with black hair and Red eyes named Raijin was walking with his mother one day on his way to prepare to move out on his inside of a futuristic version of Japan, he had been saving a lot of money along with the large sum of money he had gained from his dad and was prepared to support himself for about 12 years before he would need to work which was more than enough time for him to pursue his goal as a mage, as he had already shown signs of magic so strong that he would need to seal it eventually.

His mom had black luscious hair with pink eyes that shone like a red star far away in the distance of space, and she was the only one supporting him since his mother was a single child, and his father's family shamed him for not being purebred with their cousin since the original one was coming, and his family was the few families that were candidates to be the strongest inside of the upcoming war between evil spirits, the original one, and good spirits along with the help of humanity. Nonetheless, they were family and that was all Raijin knew.

He had cast a small spell and shown it to his mom as his mom responded. "Oh Good Job it looks beautiful, maybe you could become an entertainer one day," She said proudly to her son, her eyes sparkling with amazement.

"Thanks, mom but you know I want to be a great warrior mage like dad was maybe I will even end up becoming a God and having my avatar," He said excitedly as his mom went blank as soon he mentioned becoming a god, she leaked a tear as she thought of his father. "

Ozaki?" Raijin said thinking something was wrong with her, he was told to say her first name whenever something seemed wrong with her.``Yes'' She said anxiously as she came back to reality, this was a very often occurrence with him and her, she was traumatized by his father's death and why he died, and never truly recovered.

``Let's continue walking, the boy said as he picked back up the boxes on the grass and continued to move forward along the sidewalk, towards his new house.

The house walls were a crystal blue and almost shone even though the walls were wood, the shutters were white as clouds floating through the sky and were also upon the shingles and the outer sides of the door. The house itself is medium-sized though the quality of it was nowhere near suburban as the size. They walked in and moved another load of boxes filled with utensils, and plates that were meant to be distributed to the galore of cabinets inside the home. They then ate and cleaned out the dust caused by the absence of people. It was a shame they couldn't find movers earlier but it was okay because they found ways to work around their shortcomings.

Eventually, they left so they could go home since it had gotten dark and they decided to use a portal, which Raijin was perfecting then since he needed to get within a certain distance of the desired spot to teleport then, they walked about 15 blocks closer and they teleported, but not where they should have been.

A loud slicing noise had been made as soon as they walked through the portal," Aghh," the monster screamed in anger while impaling Ozaki, Raijin was scarred beyond imaginable length as he watched his mom gain a hole inside of her body done by a monstrously large wolf with two drills like appendages one of them stabbed through his mother, he couldn't do anything about it "Mom," He screamed unable to even move though he wanted to, she pushed him away only mustering the strength to push him away and speak

"Don't leave me," She said painfully, her very voice disfigured " The Boy ran out and called nearby sorcerers to the scene and they ran into the portal and defeated the monster. Raijin hadn't perfected his sealing technique which was why they left the living realm and entered an anomaly instead of their home.

This was common at this point as magic was encouraged for all ages, but the dangerous part of the magic was rarely ever seen let alone acknowledged. The Mage Society took him in for questioning and after finding him innocent and the whole incident an accident caused by him. He went home and since he was the legal age of an adult he never even entered the foster care system.

The boy cried every time he tearfully, and sorrowfully brought his bags to his home and walked down the same place to reach his home. This is what led him down the path that he currently is and what gave him the fuel and rage that he has today against all evil spirits, and gods, and finds himself at conflict in many scenarios, some he found friends, some he found enemies nonetheless in his youth he was a force to be reckoned with as he grew from 12 to 16.

He started to change once he turned 16, colder than he used to be as he finally reached his highschool. He had made a pact with a lightning reaper and he had a driver which was a thunderstone.