
The Reincarnation Of The Devil King.

{ MATURE CONTENT} Lucian Cyran Huang , the First Prince of the Kanerria Dynasty is the Reincarnation Of The Devil King that once terrorized a kingdom a thousand years ago. All the circumstances surrounding him leads him towards a dark path ; One that has been predestined for him. Accompanied by his Loyal Friend and a Fox Demon, Lucian is to face many challenges and adversaries as He embarks on a journey to change his future ... ———————————— This novel is currently Is going for the WSA Awards. Your reviews , gifts , comments and Votes will be highly appreciated. You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Adventurer's society. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Huyền huyễn
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69 Chs

2 _ Handling a Nest of Vipers .

The Empress consort sat on the throne in her royal attire . It was a fluid blue gown with red linings . It was decorated with an assortment of jewels such as rubies and emeralds .By her side were two knights clad on shining armor with the royal crest of two dragons on their chest plates. She was presiding over the political affairs of the Kingdom .

The King , Emperor, His Royal Highness, Li Huang had been gone for a month now . He had taken about half of his royal army of a hundred and fifty thousand men , leaving the rest to protect his Kingdom. Her husband had left in order to conquer the neighbouring kingdom of Guggenheim, that would not submit to his rule. After repressing any resistance, he was going to establish his own government ; Put in high positions some of his Palace officials and make them pay tribute to him.

Aurora was glad for this.

At least that granted her respite from his troubling presence.

She had never loved him. As all royal marriages were, it was arranged. A power play to seal the contract of Trade and Commerce between her father's failing kingdom and Li Huang father's prosperous one.She was just nineteen years old when she bundled up and presented to Li Huang as his would-be bride according to her father's wishes.

Despite all this she never complained.

It wasn't in a woman place to speak where men spoke.

It was the facáde that she put up that secured her place in the Castle.

She was jolted from her thoughts. In front of her now , was the head of the Sinai District, Xiao Sun Yung. He was presenting to her ; for her assessment, the revision of his District's tax payment. He had increased the rates by 30%.

Personally, Katrina disliked the man. He was a sneaky man , A backstabber. The kind of man that behind all the smiles and compliments was a sharpened dagger. In this royal business , one had to be smart so as not to be fed to the wolves.

Aurora fanned herself with her hand fan personally crafted to suit her attire and waited for him to finish.

"No." She declared finally.

All the officials in the courts began to mummur. Xiao Yung had presented a very good proposition that could increase the funding of the Royal kingdom and speed up the progress of several activities.

All for their own greed , Of course ...

And Aurora knew so.

"But Your Highness, if I may ask , Why not?" District Head Xiao Sun challenged and the officials nodded in agreement.

"Because by doing so you a risking a rebellion in the kingdom. Most of them in the Sinai District are poor enough as it is and increasing their taxes isn't going to make it any better.. Doing so is just going to lead to a revolt or a rebellion that could spread across all the kingdoms and a war could break out." Aurora spoke in a clear majestic voice.

"Your Highness, With our advanced weapons we could crumble all the opposition." Xiao Sun argued.

"Think about the casualties. All the innocent villagers that could get killed or worse. My word is final .There will be no increment in the taxes. You may leave." She ordered.

"But if the King were here..." Xiao Sun spoke abruptly.

Aurora now enraged got up but remembering her position as a lady as the empress of a dynasty, She sat down. "When the Emperor arrives , you may take it up with him. But I doubt if he even lets a lowly man of your calibre through the gates." At this, some of the offcials laughed and Xiao was embarrassed.

The queen continued. "But I assure you that I and my husband are of the same mind but until he returns from battle, I am Empress consort!" She said in a raised voice. The man bowed in respect and exited the throne. Outside the doors , an older man, Hao Zixin, his renowned advisor , awaited his arrival .

"How did it go, My Lord?"

Xiao Sun Yung hissed. "That royal bitch is a serious pain in my ass. Li Huang is easier to deal with."

"Calm down Yung. We'll find a way to deal with her eventually." The man patted him on the back. "Ask some of your men to keep a eye in her. She will slip up eventually."He advised and with that the two walked away slowly.


After dealing with the days activities , Aurora stepped down from the throne. She rubbed her forehead. She needed a break.

She needed to see her son.

Aurora walked to the Teaching Room and from the door slightly ajar , she watched her ten year old son at his table listening attentively to his tutor.

Lucian was a handsome boy, with his dark hair and brown eyes. His face was smooth and she had a feeling that maidens would easily fall for him .

"Now in the case of disagreement between two kingdoms what is a king supposed to do?" His tutor , Theophilus asked Lucian to round up the lesson for the day.

She had personally insisted that Theophilus come up from the Kingdom of Euphoria, her birthplace , to teach her son as he once taught her and her siblings.

"By going on the offence, He could wage war or to avoid conflict, he could cement the relationship between the two kingdoms by giving out one or more of his daughters for marriage." Lucian answered brilliantly.

The queen sighed . Even from a young age, Boys were corrupted by their fathers to belittle their women folk.His father wanted him to be heartless. To rule without a soul and he also knew she would be the only one to keep him on the side of humanity. One day he would have to deal with palace life and it's problems. Dealing with the Nobles was like handling a Nest of Vipers. They were always out to see you fall so they could take over .

Aurora studied her son.

Oh , how she cherished him!!! He had a good heart and a calculative mind. She also knew that a good heart could be corrupted but hoped it would be enough not to lead him onto the Path of darkness filled with regrets , hate and anger...

Lucian looked back and caught sight of his mother deep in thought and ran towards her and held her in a warm embrace.

"How's my little prince doing?" Aurora spoke , with all smiles.

"I'm doing fine mother. Theophilus is teaching me well." He replied pointing at his tutor who bowed and left the room to give mother and son some privacy.

"From the balcony mother, I saw some children my age playing some games with their parents. Why don't we ever play , mother?" Lucian questioned getting teary - eyed.

"Mother is always busy with Palace affairs, Lucian." Aurora said softly and added

"But when I'm done , Mother promises that she will play all the games! you could ever want!"

Lucian cleaned his eyes. "Promise?"

His mother laid a hand over her heart. " Promise." She pressed a kiss to his forehead and he giggled. "Mother stop it. I'm a big boy now!" He protested and She laughed.

After handing him over to his caregiver to prepare him for bed , She proceeded to her room.Entering her beautiful chambers , she sighed and sat down. The day was hectic and she needed someone to help relieve the stress.

Aurora moaned when she felt a warm hands come over her shoulders.

Right on time .

She turned back and was face to face with Sebastian Galen, one of the knights from her husband personal battalion. It was love at first sight when their eyes had met . Sebastian was the Head Guard and Aurora smiled as he planted kisses on the nape of her neck whispered to her "Did you miss me my dear?"

Their love affair had been going on for quite some time now. Li Huang was never around most of the time and when he was he hardly spent his time with her but rather on his numerous concubines. At first it was harmless, keeping an amour knight to wile away her time when Li Huang was away but later...

It progressed into something else.

She had started developing feelings for him. And not just any feeling...

It was LOVE.

With Sebastian , she felt wanted and at peace anytime she was in his embrace . She felt like a woman was supposed to, safe and loved ...

Not struggling endlessly to be recognized.

Aurora wove her hands behind Sebastian's head and brought it down for a kiss. Sebastian ran his hands over her and slowly removed her robe leaving only her undergarments. Aurora in turn removed all the remaining of his clothing and moaned when Sebastian held her waist and lay her gently on her soft bed.With one smooth thrust he gained access into her hidden treasures....