
The Reincarnated Villainess Wanted To Run Away From The Plot

One day – an avid reader faced death by an unknown car hitting her. She felt like she had died. However, she woke up to be the Villainess she despises in her favorite novel, “The Obsessive Male leads.” “This can’t be true?!” Victoria Chutlier is a wealthy duke’s daughter – she always got what she wanted, and even the crown prince became her fiancé. Yet, in the novel, she was destined to die - the moment she attempted to hurt Hersha Groisle, a nanny's daughter and the crown prince’s true love. Victoria died at the hands of the crown prince However, that was not what Anne wanted – especially since she became Victoria. The only thing she’ll do to avoid such death is to annul the engagement with the crown prince and run away from the plot “Finally, I’ll be free if I do those plans.” Yet, she never expected what would come later on “I thought you were my fiancée, then why are you avoiding me?” “Milady, Didn’t you know I could trace you wherever you are?” “Don’t think you could get away from my grasp.” “……you’re mine, remember that.” What she thought was all wrong “I’m running away from my fate of being killed by the crown prince. However, why did all the male leads act out of the plot?” “Wait, did I miscalculate something?” Little did she know what she truly meant to them. ---- AN ORIGINAL STORY ------ Cover Pic from Pinterest ctto^^ "I hope you enjoy reading the story." -nerdybukme23 ^^ *** CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY: THE PRINCESS OF HEARTS NOTE: June - 2022 - 2 chapters daily updates onwards! ^^ *** (A/N: Hi guys, since the main story has been completed, I'll revert to updating 1 chapter daily until I can come to conclusion and make it as complete as a whole or continue serializing it, who knows, right? ~~~^^~~~ Reasons: Mainly for Side stories ~^^~ Although the main story is completed, there are still questions left unanswered - If you wanted for book 2 ~^^~ 1. Who is count Florence? 2. Who are the emerging groups? 3. Xyle, Giovanni, Fahar, Haine, and Primo's journey 4. Xyle, Giovanni and Charles' POV and side stories 5. Hazier empire's secrets 6. Lambourge empire's treaty with the Heiston empire (Who was Elion once?) ^^ Well, it might have a different book, who knows, so if you wanted to read the story and feel like it, please leave a comment for me to think if the story deserves a book 2 However, the 2nd book will not focus on the villainess now. It might focus on each interesting part ^^ Oh and by it, I'll be currently editing some of the chapters by then ~^^~ Once again, thank you for giving this book a try to read. I hope you all enjoy the reincarnated villainess' story. Please be safe and sound! ^^ -nerdybukme23 ^^) *** Currently editing

nerdybukme23 · Lịch sử
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~4~ Granted Permission

"And here, I guess this is it. The moment that I'll send this to the crown prince will be the moment that he'll realized that I'm truly serious about our deal"

Soft whispers echoed inside Victoria's room as coupled with some giggles afterward. She knew that Charles will eventually know that he's sincere upon reading the letter that she'll send that's why she can't help but giggle. Afterward, she puts the letter inside her drawer and leans her back on her seat.

Instead of giggling after a few seconds that passed, she's now sighing from her current situation. She remembers that the old Victoria had experienced attempted assassinations. That's why for the time being, she needed to protect herself with some personal knight that she knew she will have in the future. However, she can't wait for the future to come already. She knew in the world she's currently living that Victoria isn't just a wealthy duke's daughter, she's the target of those people that Anne knew was involved in the night that the villainess discovered something

'I knew that something was odd the moment that I've taken some interest about Victoria's story in the novel. I just knew it. It was like something kept occurring for her to be in danger or if not then someone had already plotted something behind her back. I just can't be sure who the people are. I didn't even finished reading the noble because of that unknown car. Geez'

Now, she decided to stand in front of the window and looked at the vast scenery that the moon was making visible in front of her eyes. There, she sighed again

'Why can't the original Victoria see this? The properties that her family had were enough for her to realize how wealthy they are. She didn't have to be blindly in love with the crown prince. Besides, as far as I'm concerned the crown prince was still a young boy compared to who I am in Victoria's stead. So there's still time for me to live the life I've wanted. I'm sorry again Victoria but this time I'll follow what I want. Maybe you'll be able to like this too because someday, you'll eventually find someone who'll love the way you are if you aren't to blindly in love with him. However, I guess that someday will not come true to the original Victoria anymore'

Flashes of the silver lights slice through the window coming to hit her whole being. Then with the sudden remembrance of the old Victoria, she immediately smiled sadly. However, a certain event went to her mind that she unconsciously stepped back only to run towards her desk was

'I know now! It was about Victoria's personal knight that betrayed her. He once said something to him, he once said that he was a slave from the market. Yet, Victoria --- instead of sympathizing with the young man, she only ignited the fuel that he's feeling. She said those hurtful words that he's more likely a mere slave and that'll never change the reality. It led for the young man to led her to her death. It's also the reason that I hated Victoria. She always says what she wanted to say without even thinking about other people's feelings. It's an important matter for George however, it was only laughed upon by the original Victoria in the novel. Even I would want to kill her for that but now is the time to change. I'm not the old Victoria anymore and what I needed is to find the exact street that George mentioned to Victoria before'

Then with that, Anne --- the one that had been living inside Victoria's body since last week --- had now decided to look for the street sooner in the next few days. Sure, she is truly dedicated to solve and run away from the plot that she's suddenly put on, however, she's still a young lady in her figure. So she can't do something more like to escape in her current situation

Yet, that didn't stopped her from formulating her plans again

"Now I know, wait not only know but remember the street that George had said. It was about something like a narrow alley. Inside that narrow alley, he was living with a couple of children doing some dirty works for the old men. So how he became my personal knight again?"

She talked to herself as she continually drafted the events that she remembered partaking inside the novel that she had red.

'Wait, is it because of count Florence? I know that the count had a fond of beautiful things and beautiful beings and George wasn't an exception to his collection. I knew that there was someone that count Florence had adopted to be his son in the novel, that's why it was George. Then, if my thoughts were right, then possibly during this night or the coming nights ahead, he'll eventually take a turn to the market and see him. Soon, the man named George will apply to the military and will be selected as my personal knight. That's it! Why did I never think about it before? Besides, that there was some words that the original Victoria had said that made George wanted to kill her in instant!'

That made the new Victoria focused on her writings that made her hands crumpled after writing such long scenarios that had partook over the original novel

'I can't die like that. in order to avoid such death, I need to find that man right now and request for my family to adopt him instead. That might be a good thing, besides our family will greatly benefit from him. He'll be the successor --- now that I think about it because ladies aren't allowed to succeed the family's title in this novel. After that happens then I'll be able to be free, I'll be free from the shackles that the original Victoria created!'

With that, giggles returned to her mouth as she rested her head from her seat.

'I already can't wait for tomorrow to come'


Meanwhile, inside the imperial palace

"I can't believe that she somehow changed after that event, huh? Besides how long had I been surprised with her attitude? It's already been hours now"

Charles was inside the imperial palace's library, he was greatly contemplating the possible changed that took place on Victoria. He was greatly surprised by the event that led to him knowing another side of the lady. He was presently sitting on one of the seats of the library. He was trying to find a way for answers about his curiosity of the lady that he thought was evil in the first place

He was so into the matter that he didn't remembered his true purpose inside the Chutlier's household. Now, he kept thinking about Lady Victoria again. He didn't realized it yet, however he was now slowly being drawn by her change.

'Where is the book that says a possible change upon a terrifying event taking place? Where is it?!'

Charles couldn't contain his normal composure, he was irritated for something. He wasn't sure why he was frustrated, or why he was angry but he knew for sure that it had something to do with the lady that he had interacted earlier.

'I know that her deal was tempting me. However, why am I so fixated about her change? I even have forgotten about Hersha because of that lady's sudden change. Calm yourself down Charles, all you have to do is focused on Hersha for the time being. You don't need to think much for Victoria. Just feel relax for this night. Tomorrow will be a good mood for you'

He kept reminding himself as he lumped himself towards his seat. He even throws that books and pen that he was holding about finding some explanation of Lady Victoria's sudden change. Then, immediately he massages both of his temples

"Tomorrow, huh?"


"Milady, what are you doing now?"

"Oh Good morning Melly! I was only practicing"

"Huh? Practicing about what?"

"About this?"

Then Melly, Victoria's personal was even more surprised by what she was looking at.

The scorching heat of the sun hitting her face had waked up Victoria. Then with the sudden realization of her plans last night came up to her mind that's why she wasted no time on preparing them. However, the moment that Victoria had practice what she's doing, Melly immediately came to her room. The maid was about to greet her when something else greeted the maid's eyes

"Milady, are you sure, you'll run away from this household using this?"

Melly asked Victoria who was seemed confused for the moment

'Why did Lady Victoria do this? She's even more confused than I am, did I say something wrong?'

Melly thought, however, she spoken again

"These things like tying the blankets you have, then putting them down as you opened the window. It looks like you're running away this instance Milady"

Melly couldn't even expressed how worried she has been. She only shook her head and sigh as she looked at the Lady who was smiling at her.

"Oh so that's what you mean by that? How could I ever run away from this household, Melly! I was only practicing"

"Practicing? Like this?! Oh no young lady, you should come in here"

Melly was now persistent at Victoria's "Practicing" as she was now untying the blankets that she tried hard to tie in the early morning

"Melly! I was only practicing!"

"Practicing about what, Milady? Are you practicing to even run away? Because if you are then I might as well report these strange actions you are portraying in front of me --- towards the duke and the duchess"

'No! if she reports those, then my plans will immediately crushed! No! I can't let that happen!'

"Alright, I give up! However, would you care for us to go inside the market this day?"

"Well, it seems that you may not know it yet, Milady however, it was still forbidden for you to go out to the market because of your condition. So if you'd please hand me the blankets"

"Oh come on, Melly it's already been a week since I have recovered!"

"Well, you can as well say that to the duke and duchess Milady, I'm only following their instructions"



"Father, I have something important to say to you"

"Well, you can say it now, dear"

"Father, I want to go to the market right now, I think I want to breathe some fresh air there"

"Don't you want to breathe in the garden? It's so much fresher that way my dear"

"Father, please! I want to explore the market!"


However, instead of answering immediately, duke William was suddenly surprised by the sudden change of his daughter. in the first place before the said event came that made him horrified, looking that her daughter was near her death, he vowed to do everything he can just to save her. Now, it seems that the duke had been adamant about his decisions. It's because of the sudden danger that will come her way.

'My daughter had changed this much. It seems that she was now livelier than her previous self. She doesn't even want to go to the market saying that the air there is a great pollution to her. Now, I guess it's just the sense of having a short memory loss. That's why'

The duke sighed and spoke again that made Victoria smiled from ears to ears

"Alright, however never forget to bring Howald to the market"

'I know him, he was Victoria's father's personal knight. The things he'll do for the safety of his father. This duke's attitude is the same attitude as my father in my previous life'

"Can I bring Melly too?"

"Oh and father may I have another request besides that?"