

" Hey lady , Would you mind if I walk you for a bit?? Your ... boyfriend can join you too."

After a little thinking , she decided that it was ok to go with the stranger cause Paul was going to be with them anyways.



They reached Richard's house . It WAS kind of weird that both Isla and Paul did not try to deny the misunderstanding of Paul being Isla's boyfriend. They simply went with the flow .

Paul was still staring at Richard as if he was some kind of a murderer. "What are you doing , Paul?? He seems like a good guy." Isla whispered .

"I don't know WHY you seem okay with following a complete stranger to their house . Do you usually do this or what?? "

Paul was trying to give her some kind of signals with his eyes. "Paul , I don't know eye language. Just tell me-"

He came closer to her face . "I don't think Richard's a good guy . His Aura doesn't look too good ."

Instead of being interested in Richard's Aura , She was more amazed by the fact that Paul could SEE Aura's of people .

She was going to ask him about Aura's, when she flew right to the ceiling , hitting her head hard on the lights above .


She heard Paul shout . She fell back on the ground on her face . She had almost passed out again .

She turned around , only to see Richard chanting something . In a second , Paul was nowhere to be seen .

"And THERE goes the nuisance.Time to have some fun . Come on , Isla."


"Why WOULD I? When my intention is to have you . I don't want him to be here."

Isla was feeling weak from the hit and fall . Richard took her by one hand and dragged her to a room nearby .

"I gotta admit , I thought you would be clever. Didn't your parents teach you not to follow a stranger ??? I thought people on Earth were familiar with that saying ."

He said while tying her to a chair . He was tying it so hard that Isla couldn't even move her fingers freely .

"What do you want ? "

She was surprised she sounded calm.

"Oh I want nothing . You only need to sit like that , until you die , dear."

She glared at him . "Never."

"Well then , let's see how long you'll last . The last one lasted for 15 minutes . Or was it 10?"

She gritted her teeth in anger .

He was now bringing in some electric wires from one of the corners in the room . The room smelled exactly like the alley she had woken up in first . Like blood .

'He might try to kill me .' She thought .

'I have to stay strong .'

She half expected Paul to save her from wherever he was right then . But in her heart , it somehow occured to her that he could also be as helpless as she was right now.

The electric wires , tied around her upper body , was now being connected to a switch board like thing . Probably an electricity supplier.

Isla closed her eyes , ready for the shock to take her life away .

She waited.

And waited.

And waited.

She opened her eyes to check where Richard had gone , when she saw that he turned the electric supplier on .

Waves of electricity passed through her as she screamed . It was excruciatingly painful . She wanted to die as soon as possible . DIE.DIE. DIE.

Why wasn't she dying???

She was now trying her best to move from the chair , even though she was even able to rotate her hands .

Isla tried to open her eyes for a split second and became aware of Richard's absence in the room . She had seen where the electricity supplier was.

She wouldn't be able to move or squat walk with the way he tied her .

But she could try dragging herself on the floor .

Trying her best to endure the pain without sound , which she failed , within time, Isla managed to make herself fall sideways onto the floor .

Moving her feet up and down , Isla noticed progress . She would be able to escape . YES.

The electricity was blinding her but she managed to turn the supplier off. Thankfully , all that moving had made the ropes on her somewhat loose . She wriggled her hands and legs between the chair and rope .

"You know , you should've listened to your boyfriend. Too bad it's too late."

Richard was back . Isla stopped wriggling her hands.

"Did you really think that I would let you escape this easy?? It's just been 5 minutes, dear . You have a lot to go through . I'm not done yet."

"Whatever you do, you won't see my dead ."

Isla said , feeling her rage get out of control by each second .

"Oh , we'll see about that."

The fact that Richard didn't seem tensed at all made Isla's blood boil . He must've done this to way more people then .

Richard made her sit upright and left the room . He came back with a surgical knife , smiling , like a psychopath. Pulling up a chair next to her , He started drawing cuts on her hand , like a design .

Isla screamed in pain . She was scared to move ubruptly , fearing a more deeper cut .

"How does it feel , Isla?" He asked , continuing to cut her on random places . Isla clenched her teeth to suppress her pain .

"Oh , you want me to go deeper ?? Alright."

He began to make deeper cuts on her . More slowly this time .

The knife parted her skin as if it was a piece of cake . Fresh blood oozed out of her wound , creating a bloody mess .

"Slower or faster?"

An idea popped into her head .


Richard seemed surprised but slowed his pace in cutting her .

Isla closed her eyes and threw her head back , acting as if she was enjoying it . She knew it would be too stupid but she wanted it to look like she was a psychopath.

Then she opened her eyes, smiled , and looked at him . " I needed to get the hang of it first . Keep going."

Richard , instead of being shocked , which was her expected reaction was enraged instead .

His eyes grew wide in rage , "You DARE make fun of me ??"

A sudden pang of pain followed her in her abdomen . He had stabbed her with the knife.

Regaining his calm posture , he smiled . " Let's see you escape now , shall we??"

He left the room .
