

"Hello , Isla" The voice was definitely not Paul's.

Within a second , an empty , void, shadow grew next to her . She passed out , again....


The loud thud from the bathroom was heard , by Paul . He ran to the bathroom door . "Isla are you okay? Please open the door. I can't loose another visitor in my house."

Isla could hear everything but she had no energy to respond to his question. She felt awake , yet she was on the bathroom floor , unable to move . The shadow was still upright and standing .

"Hello Isla. I am a messenger from a person you will soon be acquainted with. Please listen carefully for I will only repeat this piece of important information once . YOU are the real ruler of Tarco , the parallel universe you are in right now . You are at present, the most powerful species in this universe . Your mission is to conquer your rightful throne from the present ruler of Tarco , Lord Jacob . Good luck ."

The shadow vanished as soon as it finished its last sentence, not even leaving a few seconds for Isla to ask her doubts . On the other hand , she found herself being able to move around again , when the bathroom door burst open with Paul behind it .

"Phew! I-I'm so sorry! You weren't responding so I thought you were seriously hurt . That's why I burst in ..... Glad you're okay.."

Paul said with an awkward smile .

"It's okay , Paul . But I need some explanations from you . Let's head for the living room."

Isla did not wait for Paul to sit down and started her questioning . "Is this universe called Tarco?? Who is Lord Jacob exactly?? And why were you mentioning about some guests dying in this house ?? "

Paul looked down . Taking a deep breath , he looked back at her again . "Every 40 years , the ruler of this universe , ruler of this 'parallel' universe in your words , selects a number of humans from the real planet , Earth . He allows the people in this world to deal with them however they want . I have tried saving many of them myself , but all of them died . The most a human have survived in this world was only 3 days. "

Isla found it hard to believe, but almost everything around her was unbelievable. She was talking to a wizard , in a parallel universe , after having a shadow talk to her in the bathroom!

Paul continued answering her questions. " This parallel universe is called Tarco , after the late father of Lord Jacob . The ruler gets to decide whether to rename the planet , or to merge it with another planet . Lord Jacob is the ruler of this Parallel universe. But he is not very kind . In fact , he is too cruel at times . You can guess his character just from his idea of bringing humans into this world for fun."

Isla nodded her head , after absorbing as much as she could believe from Paul . "So ..... the thing is , a shadow , I know it's absurd , but a shadow came into the bathroom . It told me that 'I' was the real ruler of Tarco and that I had to 'conquer' the throne from Lord Jacob . It also told me that I was the most powerful species in this universe. I don't know why it told that , I basically have no powers . lik-"

"So THAT'S why you couldn't respond to me . A SHADOW came for you with a message ???!! That's something I would brag about for the rest of my life if it happened to me!" He said while he brought his eyebrows up and moved the tips of his lips down .


"Nothing much . Someone of high strength is interested in you , I guess . "

"So... What are we supposed to do now?"

"I'll introduce you to my neighbours first . You need to know SOMEONE if I'm not available!"

Saying that , Paul dragged Isla outside to his neighbour's house .


"What the hell is that mo-!"





"What the hell is that mo-!"





"What the hell is that mo-!"


The video kept playing in front of Samantha's eyes . How could her daughter just disappear like that???

She looked into the details of the video again .

The signal went for ONE second, and she could not point out her daughter in the screen again .

'I don't want to live anymore' she thought .

'No , you need to stay alive and wait for your daughter. She isn't dead . She isn't dead.....'

Her mind was only thinking of these two things , ever since she filed a report that her daughter was missing .

A call . "Hello ?? Is this Samantha Hart??"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"I'm the officer in charge of your missing daughter case ."

Did they find something useful? Her eyes grew in hope.

"Ma'am, we're afraid that your daughter didn't make it."


"We've found a body , Ma'am. If you'd please come and confirm-"

"That is NOT my daughter!!! Don't you DARE tell me that she's dead ! She's alive . I know it !!! Don't you dare! Don't you dare ....."

She fell on her knees , crying her eyes out .


"Hello. I'm Charlott. Jackson's wife. "


Isla said , a little shyness surfacing in her voice .

"So you're really the human who survived with no scratches on your body from the- the weird place??"

The wizard , Jackson asked .

Isla nodded her head . She was not sociable at all . She knew that very well . It was nice to know that it hadn't changed even after reaching a parallel universe .

They conversed for a while but when Paul noticed the change in Isla's talking, he decided to leave .

"We'll meet again next time . I hope."

Said Charlott, drowning the last sentence in silence.

They were walking down the street. "Didn't know that you were a social butterfly."

"Oh please stop. I'm not that much of an introvert . "

"An introvert?? What's an introvert?"

"You have all the technologies that were in earth but don't know what an 'introvert' means??"

Isla started laughing . She didn't notice the guy who was passing by an accidentally bumped into him .

"Oh!! I'm SO sorry!!! I wasn't looking !"

"It's alright. You must be from the wizard and witches community."

"What's that??"

Isla turned around to Paul , looking for an answer when she saw him glaring at the stranger. Sure , the man was handsome. He had a super defined jawline , long eyelashes, hazel eyes , and chocolate skin . But Paul was 'glaring' at him .

"Come on , Isla . I'll explain it from home."

He took hold of her hand a little too roughly . Also , it seemed like there was a glaring contest going on between the two of them cause bothe of them were glaring at each other as fiercely as the other .

In a millisecond , Isla found herself between a fist fight between Paul and the stranger .

"Get away from her, please."

yes. Paul was 'protecting' her .

"How about a , 'No' ?"

Paul healed himself after a blood filled fight . The man still seemed uninjured .

" Hey lady , Would you mind if I walk you for a bit?? Your ... boyfriend can join you too."

After a little thinking , she decided that it was ok to go with the stranger cause Paul was going to be with them anyways.

