
The Reincarnated Inventor: A Tale of Time and Knowledge"

In the bustling metropolis of New Horizons, nestled in the year 3000 A.D., lived a brilliant mind named Draven Epsilon. Draven was an esteemed inventor, revered for his groundbreaking technological innovations that had propelled humanity into a new era of advancement and discovery. In this world of awe-inspiring marvels, he stood at the forefront of scientific ingenuity, a beacon of knowledge and creativity.

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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Training

The training grounds were a flurry of activity as Draven, accompanied by Captain Marcus, oversaw the training of the newly recruited militia. The villagers, eager to learn, gathered in formation, their eyes filled with determination and anticipation.

Draven stood before them, his commanding presence evident as he began instructing them in the modern techniques of warfare. He explained the importance of discipline, coordination, and precision in battle, drawing upon his knowledge of military strategy and tactics.

"Listen carefully," Draven addressed the assembled recruits. "Today, we'll focus on basic formation and musket training. Captain Marcus and I will guide you through the process step by step. Pay close attention and follow our lead."

The recruits nodded, their expressions a mix of excitement and apprehension. They held the musket guns in their hands, their fingers brushing against the smooth wooden stocks as they eagerly awaited Draven's instructions.

Under Draven's expert guidance, the recruits learned how to properly shoulder the musket, how to aim and fire, and the importance of maintaining a steady hand. They practiced reloading, emphasizing the necessity of speed and efficiency during battle.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the recruits began to grasp the fundamentals of using the musket. Their shots became more accurate, their movements more fluid. Draven watched their progress with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that they were evolving into a formidable fighting force.

During a break in the training, Captain Marcus approached Draven, a look of admiration on his face. "Draven, I'm truly impressed by your knowledge and teaching skills. These recruits are transforming into a disciplined and well-trained force under your guidance.

Not long ago they are bunch of farmers, but now its different,Draven do you know to train a proper archer you need atleast 5years of training, but now with this training and use of musket im guessing it would only take 2-3 months of drilling they are ready "

Draven smiled, acknowledging the compliment. "Thank you, and yes Captain Marcus it will only take 1-3months of training to get them in the level were we can say that they are ready. It's been a collective effort, and I'm glad to see our villagers embracing these modern techniques. By blending their natural abilities with these newfound skills, we'll create an army capable of defending our village against any threat."

Captain Marcus nodded, his gaze sweeping across the training grounds. "Indeed, their progress is remarkable. With each passing day, they become more proficient. Our village is truly fortunate to have you among us, Draven."

Draven's expression turned thoughtful as he gazed at the recruits, their determination palpable. "Captain Marcus, this is just the beginning. We have the potential to transform our village into a force to be reckoned with. With the musket guns and their newfound training, we can ensure the safety and prosperity of our people."

The two men stood side by side, watching as the recruits resumed their training, their focused expressions mirroring their growing confidence. Draven's words lingered in the air, carrying with them a sense of hope and determination.

In that moment, Draven and Captain Marcus shared a mutual understanding a shared vision of a village transformed, standing strong against any adversity that dared to challenge them. United in their purpose, they continued to train and mold the recruits into a modern army, ready to defend their home with unwavering resolve.


"What do you guys think?" please leave a comment let me know.. im new to writing so i need comments thanks guy!"