
So Embarrassing

Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

Xia Xibei looked a bit embarrassed because she had suddenly gotten her period!

Ever since last time, when she had fainted because of her period, she started to consciously take care of her health.

By now, she was doing much better; even if she had her period, it didn't hurt as much as it did last time.

However, this was only the second month since her rebirth, and she had not paid attention to this monthly occurrence at all!

When she was in her lifetime on the fantasy continent, because of the special environment, there was aura everywhere and many women cultivated a stronger power.

However, these things affected their cultivation.

If they didn't want to have a period every month, they could take medicine and limit it to once every six months, or even annually.

Of course, doing so affected one's fertility to a certain extent.