
The Reincarnated Emperor And His Scheming Concubine

THE ROAD TO REVENGE IS A MADMAN'S PARADISE. Betrayal, Love and Revenge are three qualities that sum up Yuan Liqiu and Xiang Ziwei's lives in a nutshell. The Luxurious Life of Yuan Liqiu, the only daughter of a silk merchant changes after her father and brothers are wrongfully accused of treason and executed. She is sold as a slave to Banxi Pavilion and is trained to become a Dancer. Filled with the unyielding thirst for revenge, Yuan Liqiu makes a deal with Nie Shaoqing the son of the men responsible for her father's death and the leader of the blood Lotus society. Xiang Ziwei the Emperor of Western Liang lost everything in one day. After he was betrayed and killed by his wife and younger brother. He develops a deep-rooted grudge that is imprinted in his soul which prevents him from getting reborn. He wanders the world for years as a vengeful spirit, stuck in the land of the living but with the bonds binding him to the other side holding firm. Nearly two decades after his death, he is summoned by the sickly Concubine-born son of the Nie Family, Nie Shaoqing. Who at his death's bed offers his body to Xiang Ziwei as the Price for his revenge. Xiang Ziwei takes over the body of Nie Shaoqing, the son of the Duke Shenxiu The thirst for revenge brings Yuan Liqiu and Nie Shaoqing together. After overcoming many adversities, Nie Shaoqing and Yuan Liqiu gradually fall in love. Will they succumb to their feelings or give in solely to the madness of revenge.

MITCHIEWilliams · Lịch sử
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148 Chs

The Vengefull spirit 3

The Empress palace, Western Liang.

"Inform them that I am here. They had better be dressed within the next five minutes!"

Grand Chancellor Zhao's words kept replaying in Xiang Ziwei's mind continuously as he stood by the door. Xiang Ziwei could barely look away from the Grand Chancellor.

He was shocked to hear this from Grand Chancellor Zhao. This was a man he had trusted and respected for decades. Even after he had discovered Zhao Ronglei and Xiang ziwei's betrayal.

Xiang Ziwei had assumed that his father-in-law was not aware of their shameful actions but Grand chancellor Zhao's words proved otherwise.

"Why", he muttered, searching the older man's face for a little insight or clue into the reason for his actions but found nothing. Death did not give him a sudden insight into the human mind.

These short minutes that he waited by the door had to be the longest 15 minutes of his life. He followed the grand chancellor into the Pavillion when the door was pushed open.

His wife and brother were seated with only a respectable distance between them. They were fully dressed without a single strand of hair out of place, if he did not witness them in the heat of passion.

He wouldn't believe that they were having an affair if he never caught them in the act. Which just pointed to many years of pretence. His hand went to his heart as he felt a sharp pain in his heart. He rubbed his chest gently.

He sneered as he glanced at his wife seated on the high seat with her hair tied up in a bun and wearing minimum jewellery.

Zhao Ronglei was dressed in a simple white mourning dress when she stepped out. This was the day the first time she had dressed so simply in more than a decade.

He was immediately reminded of the first time they met twelve years ago. There was, however, a very clear difference because unlike the first time they met, he felt nothing but regret and disgust when his eye fell on her.

Grand Chancellor Zhao glared at his daughter as he walked in, it took all of his control not to slap her. Zhao Ronglei immediately dismissed her maid.

From her father's angry expression, she understood that whatever was coming was too painful and did not wish for an audience when she was getting scolded by her father.

As soon as they were alone she stood and curled her fingers, "Fa-Father, forgive me. I was wrong".

Grand Chancellor Zhao ignored her and turned to Xiang Tingfeng, "You highness has worked hard since the Emperor died, you should head back to your residence".

Xiang Tingfeng sat forward, he bit his lips and glanced at Zhao Ronglei who quickly avoided his gaze. He narrowed his eyes at her, holding back his sigh.

He smiled and replied, "Teacher is right, I will take my leave", he bowed at Zhao Ronglei before leaving.

Grand Chancellor Zhao waited for some time, to ensure that Xiang Tingfeng had long gone before walking forward.

He held the Empress's gaze as he sat on the seat to the right of her throne, he caught his attendant's gaze and nodded. His attendant, Bai Jun nodded, took out a small box from his bag and handed it over to Zhao Ronglei.

She looked down at the box and then at her father, "Father_"

"Open it," Grand Chancellor Zhao said, eye locked in her.

"Y-yes", she replied. She unhooked the lock and opened the box. Her hand heart sang and her hand on the lid shook on seeing the missing golden dragon seal. She quickly shut the box and bit her lips, looking away from her father.

She struggled to make up a sentence. Minutes later once her breathing steadied, Zhao Ronglei kept the box aside and glanced at her father.

"Ronglei thanks father for finding the seal. I was so worried".

"I already had everything under control, was there any reason for you to worry", Grand Chancellor Zhao said eyes narrowed.

She gazed down at her lap and clenched her hands.

"No father", she whispered.

"Your foolish actions nearly ruined all our plans. Luckily your brother stepped in and cleaned up your mess", Grand chancellor Zhao sighed and continued, "Xiang Ziwei is already dead as he should be. The burial would proceed as planned", he sneered, slowly flexing his fingers.

Her shoulder tightened and her lips shook. She leaned forward and gripped the arm of her throne tightly until her knuckles got white. She looked down at her lap, blinking rapidly.

She never expected her father to find out about her tricks and now that he had. She felt uneasy, her father wasn't one to tolerate any failure. She did not know how he would take this.

She pressed her nails tightly into her palm and whispered, "I apologise, I shouldn't have done that".

"At least you are smart enough to apologise Did it never occur to you that he could have been discovered?" He muttered and shook his head.

"I am sorry", she whispered.

He gazed at her silently for a few seconds before taking out a letter from his sleeve and handing it to her, "this is the rough sketch of the petition that will be submitted as soon as the Emperor is buried, I do not want any delays".

Her hands shook as she took the letter from him and read through, "I don't understand. Isn't my Ru going to be Emperor?"

Grand Chancellor Zhao chuckled, "Xiang Ru is too young and with his declining health. He is not suitable for the position, it is better to let Prince Feng take over. That would make the ministers feel at ease. Not all of the ministers would support Xiang Ru inheriting the throne at just Six years old".

"But _ Why? He will have you and Brother Tingfeng to guide him, I can become the Empress Reagent and rule in his place. it won't be for long though, I will step down when Ru'er is 15 years old".

The Grand Chancellor shook his head, "They will never sit back and let that happen. These men would only accuse me of coveting the throne, it is better to let Xiang Tingfeng take over.

"He would never put you at a disadvantage since he is like family. It would be worse if any of the other princes become Emperor".

She felt a lump in her throat, no matter how she looked at it. There was reason in her father's words, "Okay, As far as Xiang Ru and I are safe".

"Good", Grand Chancellor Zhao replied.

"Father, about the seal. Where was it?"

"Oh that, it was with Shen Xiaoriu and minister Yin", Grand Chancellor Zhao replied nonchalantly.

"Those two! Why didn't I think of them. We cannot let them live".

"Don't worry about them, they will be executed in four days. They will take the blame for the assassination, Yin Boyan is not a well-liked man. In his bid to fight corruption in the government, he made a lot of Enemies. Enemies that are happy to get rid of him"

He smirked as he remembered how ecstatic the head of the other political party, Zhu Wenci was when he informed him that they had found evidence of Minister Yin's involvement in the assassination.

Xiang Ziwei's heart dropped, no matter how he looked at this. Yin Bowen was as good as dead, this was the result of being the only honest man among thieves.

He felt responsible for this mess and wished he could go back in time and avoid these mistakes but that was impossible. He fell to the ground a held his head up with both hands.

A few steps away, hidden by an invisible held stood two men and a woman. The woman was dressed in a lavish gold gown, on her head was an exquisite Phoenix crown.

She held a Peacock fan in one hand and with the other held her husband's arm tightly. Her tight grip was all that kept her from rushing forward to smite this rotten father and daughter pair

Standing a few steps away at the side was a tall man in a black gown, the man glanced at the couple cautiously.

Although he had made an exception for the couple for old time's sake. He still felt rather uncomfortable with them observing this trial. He sighed and waved his sleeves, they were quickly teleported back to his throne room.

The Heavenly Emperor and Empress blinked rapidly at the sudden change in environment but said nothing.

She separated from her husband and sat on the seat to the seat to the right of the throne. The Heavenly Emperor glanced at his younger brother, "Xiao Kun, have you made your decision?".

The God of the underworld sighed and nodded, "I will let him reincarnate but at a price".

"A Price?"

"Brother, you know how these things go. He must experience this trial, they both must do so to survive. This is the last chance they have."

The Heavenly Emperor's slumped his shoulders and glanced at his wife, she had been quiet all through the conversation. "What is it?"

"He will be bound to this palace for 18 years, during which, he must experience their four days in a loop".

"What!" the Heavenly Emperor charged forward, "How is that any better than dying? He might just lose his mind by the time he reincarnated", he glanced at his wife who just looked ahead silently.

He paced back and front, "That would be torture, surely you are aware of that. He might not come out of this normal".

"He has been in this trial for centuries, what is 18 years more going to do", a quiet female voice said.


"It is our last chance Qiang, We must do this. You are looking at it from a bad lens, repeating these few days just might increase his drive for revenge and keep him sane. I say we take the risk", she took and walked toward him.

His heart broke as he saw the wet long line of tears on her face, he wiped it gently with his thumb. "We should start selecting a suitable candidate for the reincarnation but if we are to do this. We should also arrange a suitable partner for our son".