
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Kỳ huyễn
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94 Chs


She turned around to see the kids who just passed through her. She held on to her chest like an asthmatic patient trying to steady her breath. She stared at the kids with a dilated eyes ; the kids sinking into the dark camouflaging themselves with it leaving only her to stand there where she was.

If they can pass through her then does that mean this isn't real?. Then is this....a dream? She reasoned still having her hand placed on her chest.

"Knock knock"

And where the hell is that sound coming from?". She thought with her brows folding themselves. the sound sounded more like wood and not brick - as if something is being used to hit an object made of wood.


Knock! knock!

No response

He stood there, in front of the fancy looking carriage with a full stretched hand, ready to knock on the door. But the door created an opening to reveal its occupants having him raise his fist in the air.

"Good Morning" greeted Mira with a smile, staring directly at his blue eyes.

"Morning". He replied, starting back at her brown eyes deeply with a gentle and stress free smile.

" I have something to ask you". She asked with a frown. She had her hands placed on the reins and his on hers. The past few weeks has been a bit memorable for her thanks to Zamiel and she's thankful for that. He's been a quite sensible and reasonable guy to look out for her - taking her on night strolls, trying to pry through her and know how she was. That was very.....sweet?. And now she can't help but find herself opening up to him or worse falling for him -an imaginary character.

"Do you know anybody with white hair and golden eye?. Maybe at the Palace?". She asked hesitantly, tightening her grip on the reins as she awaits his response.

" I'm not certain. Why do you ask? Have you seen someone like that?". He asked, moving closer to her.

"Uhm..." she swallowed, hesitant on replying him an answer. "....Not seen actually but yes I have". She answered

" You have?. Where then?". He questioned, resting his hands on her waist as they ride on.

"Hm?. Where?". She questioned back with a trembling voice. She could imagine him putting on a confused expression. His brows slightly raised at her attitude. She bit on her lower lips hard. It's his fault for causing her to erupt like this.

" It....I saw her in my dream". She responded with an attempt to steady her voice but all to no avail.

"Her?". He asked, with a voice painted in surprise. " It's a she?". He asked, this time not rhetorically.

"Yes. But since you said you haven't seen that kind of person then...."

"I have"

"What?. But I thought you said...."

"I didn't know it was her you were referring to". He said cutting in between her words once more. His voice turned grave, saying this, arousing goosebumps all over her arms.

" Who is...her?" interrogated Mira with a trembling voice. Having her hands on the reins was a bit of an advantage cause this was the time she really needs something to hold on to whilst she receives news like. Pinching on the reins forcefully, her eyes dilated as she waits for a reply.

"I think the person you are referring to is...Amy ". He responded as if he were scared about something, about the future obviously but bad.

" Amy? Who's..... oh" She mouthed the oh out of realisation. "Why is she after me then?". She asked a question which had an obvious answer to it. A question even she could answer.

" Well, can't you explain it to her that I

won't be here for long?" She inquired resuming with her activity - torturing the poor leather reins.

"No. There is nothing to explain". He spoke with confidence, and sounding terribly composed. " You are my wife, and that changes nothing whether you stay or not it doesn't matter ". He added

still with composure. She felt a skip in her heartbeat when he said this. His hot breath that fanned her neck wasn't helping either, it only made goosebumps rise upon her.

" So you need not worry". His hot breath fanned her once more, causing an earthquake in her belly. The butterfly in her, she could feel it erupting ready to burst when he caressed her hands gently with his in a reassuring manner.

"Okay". She croaked with the last strength within her. She bit on her lower lips for the nth time since she got to this realm, glancing down at their hands entwined in each other. She could feel her temperature rise by the second ; she was pretty sure she looked red right now.

" Are you worried?". His voice resounded in her ear breaking through her barrier, pulling her out of her reverie.

"Hm? No?" She mumbled

"You sound as if you are". He implied in an husky voice.

" Well, if it were you won't you be?". She returned

"No I wouldn't". He responded with a smile. She can imagine him smiling, staring down at her.

" Really?. Why is that?". She asked, acting oblivious to what he would say.

"Cause I'll feel challenged instead". He replied like a kid answering a question in class.

" Challenged?. What is this? A war?". She mocked, trying to hold back her laugh, by releasing it as a smile.

"I will feel challenged because I get to have a competitor." He said, pausing to receive responses from her but none came. "To fight over my property that is special. And trust me I don't go down without a fight". He whispered gingerly in her ear, smiling at the end of his words. She felt his lips on her skin, and she felt his lips on her body smiling.

" So....are you willing to fight over your property?". He whispered in her ears whilst caressing her hands.

"I.... You....I'm not sure". She replied bashfully, staring down at his hands on hers.

" Don't worry about that. This property is not willing to be stolen away from you either". He whispered, leaning away smiling widely like a drooling dog.

"I'm all yours Mira". He muttered with a change in his tone -sounding determined than teasing.

She had to swallow a non-existent spit down her throat to steady her emotions but it was still there - the butterfly she usually hear from her classmates. It felt tingly and nice. She can' t deny the fact that she liked the butterfly feeling she is feeling. She couldn't help the feeling of adjusting her sitting posture, wiggling her butt on the horse's back.

" Here, rest on me" He muttered, pushing gently with his right hand still holding on to hers, making her lean backwards on his chest with his hand still lingering there right above her chest..

"Stop that". Whispered Zamiel.

" Stop what?". She murmured

"Being stiff". He spoke calmly and smooth. " It's gonna affect your spine". He explained. "So, stop being so stiff and relax" He muttered caressing her hand -the one he had above her chest.

"Good girl". He purred when he felt her back rest on his chest fully, only then did he let go of her hand.


What was she to him? A little sister? Tch! little sister my ass. She was pretty sure the group could hear it too. Her ears twitched, hungry for more of their conversation. But it got to a point she couldn't hear anything of their conversation. He must have done that on purpose -creating a barrier, blocking her access to meddle in the conversation. Damn it!. What the hell did he even see in that weakling that can't even cater for herself neither can she protect herself from dangers. That burden - she's nothing less than a burden to this pack. Most of her activity includes sleeping and eating. Such a waste of investment!. All this.....all this error that is so obvious even to blind man, he choose to ignore. Why wouldn't he have her? She's pretty, young, strong, friendly and strict at the same time. And she's got all the asset a man would crave in a woman. With all she's counted down they'd surely give birth to strong and fine offsprings. But no he had to go for that scrawny human with a fragile vessel that is on a brink of death. If it were to be punched, death it is for sure. Her life unstable like a tight rope hung in the air.

This is really making her pissed. She's going to burst if any of this should go on any longer. She might do what even she doesn't like.

Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale. That should do.

Ramon was right, It'll pass by like a sand storm passing by in someones life. Besides, she's not going to stay here forever. Killing her won't be worth it when she was just going to go the same way she came. Now, she feels with the thought of that burden leaving on her own sooner or later. A smile walked it way to her face -a devilish one.