
The Reich of Round Table

This is a sort of rewrite for my other Fanfic "Weltkrieg - Youjo Senki Fic" I warned you people that easily offended by a certain symbolism, words, action, and mannerism. Turn back now, the exit button is the right bottom of your phone or upper right of your computer. And oh, please spend your stones somewhere else, I don't think this fic deserves your appreciation. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything inside this fic,, NOTHING, not my OC not even my story. If you think you can make it better, then please do so, this is just a fanfic and a sort of fantasy fulfillment anyway.

Abbeysensei · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs


[ - CHAPTER IV - Ink to Paper - ]

"Oh, Tristan? There's another mail."

I stopped in my track, after stepping to the stairs. It was in the late morning after I had taken a walk around the neighborhood.

"There's another? I'll pick it up."

I said to Theresa, the young lady who managed the houses. There's a stack of letters just beside the door in the living room. She often lounges there, reading or simply napping near the fireplace.

It was still chilly despite spring started to show its sign. Other than that, she often kindly let me eat with her during lunch or dinner if I'm available.

"Still I would never think you would make it big."

The landlord said, seating herself on the sofa, smirking as she shows me a book cover in her hand.

"Sigh, so you know after all?"

"It's hard not to." She said and closed the book, placing it to the end table, "It's kinda lovely. I'm falling in love with it. Who would know that the perpetrator for the murderer was actually her son who came with a time machine! What is it, Tristan, your face is flushing you know."

"It's embarrassing I admit, it's like someone just discover my hidden diary or something." I rubbed my cheek, shifting my eyes away from her. I kinda admit it was kind of cheesy, not literally the best work out there filled with philosophical metaphor.

"Silly Tristan, though I kinda understand with the hidden diary…" Her voice grew quieter.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll be going back. Thank you."


I leave her and returned to my room. It's been almost two months since I lived here. The money I get from selling the books and newspapers had accumulated, probably enough to set me free comfortably for a few years.

I wouldn't know if it will be a big hit.

Still, as much as nice is it, I still had a goal to chase. Obviously, the Francois government wouldn't be so long closing their borders to the Empire… or so I waited.

The tension just keeps rising, and no civilian is permitted to cross it as the area had become a hot-zone.

At this rate, the war would be going on before I knew it. I need a way to bypass it. Fortunately, since I've been here I made quite a few connections.

I can travels to the Waldstätte disguising as a tourist, then after, crossed to the Empire borders. I had to pay of course but it was not a big deal for the moment.

Another week passed by, I packed-up all of my stuff, just a piece of single luggage mostly spare clothes, and my journal book. I left all the writing materials here, it was disposable anyway.

"Must you do this, Tristan? I thought being a writer and all is good enough for you." Theresa said, concern over her eyes. We've been talking about this for a while, yet she seems to disapprove of my decision. I just wanted to go home, The Empire, even it had changed name here I knew it was my home all along.

"Yes. I have the ambition to chase. I can't be stopped here, no matter what. It's just the beginning."

"Sigh, I know it's futile to convince you the otherwise. Sometimes talking to you it always makes me forget what your actual age is, you just seem too mature. I just hope you'll stay safe."

"I wouldn't waste it again, no."

She clearly confused about what I just said, but quickly enveloped me in her embrace, The disparity between heights perhaps made us like a sibling in the eyes of a bystander.

I'll never forget what she has done to me all this time. No, I won't. We'll meet again, perhaps, a day.

We exchanged farewells as I boarded the train.

It will be a long journey.

[ The Child's smiles ]

It was really a long one. Indeed. Just now, I had to wake up. Head felt like it was melon crushed open with a jagged bat.

I felt my eyes bleary, trying to forcefully open the lid like a rusted door.

Strong repugnant smells of machinery soon strike my nose. The floors were stumbling, and the lights from the small window were constantly changing shadow.

I realize I was on a train, this doesn't feel right. I should have sat there inside my compartment, enjoying my book over a cup of nice tea.

Not tied like a rat to a pole!

"Hey, you, you're finally awake!"

I turn my head to the direction of the voice, it was beside me. He was quite young too, probably in his early twenties.

Observing the compartments, there were several other people here, 3 in total crammed into a single one. Like myself, his hand tied together, or actually, we were tied with the back facing each other. I can hear whimper on the other side of the wall. Obviously, we were not alone.

Man in rough clothing occasionally walked past by, firearms on their back.

"You awake already, son? Good good, I thought you were a goner there. The reds took you to a beating."

Came from the man behind me, I can's see his face nor turn to his direction, but from his gruff voices, he's probably quite old.

"Wait, what happens?"

I asked, confused about the situation. It's clearly odd, the last thing I remember was… having dinner served in the trains. A look of realization came to my eyes.

"Looks like you understand, we've been drugged." Said the young man, "I'm Alberich by the way, and this is the gentleman I met, Ansel."

"Tristan." I nodded, "Drugged but whom?"

"It's the commune, the damn reds won't let Empire citizen come back home," Ansel answered.

"Commune? You mean the communist?"

I know France had a fair share of communism but I never knew it was that bad.

"If that's how ordinary people called them, then yes." Answered the old man, venom oozing out his mouth as I swore he tried to turn and glare at the guards outside.

"Shut up back there."

Threatened the guards. Though we didn't really comply, and just lessen the volume of our voices.

"So you tell me, the cause for the borders are closing in, is because of the damn reds?"

"You're quite a child aren't you. Certainly is, they want war with the Empire. Been manipulating the upper republic government."

"Yeah tell that old man, fucking reds, and that damn broker, he ratted us to them, and now we're going to a meat grinder."

Damn it. It will be a long journey indeed. Now I will be prosecuted merely trying to cross the border. They shouldn't have known unless of course there's a leak in our travel information.

"So now what, old man, we all going to die. Who want to die anyway, I have family back in Lorraine. I even don't know if they will be safe with the war encroaching, damn it. "

"I don't know, just, I don't know. It's been a long time for me. But god he would grant us an opportunity that's for sure." Said Ansel as the trains track keep rolling forward, sending us to our final stops. The day turns to night, we were fed what basically a pig gruel and with our hands still tied.

They probably just want to look good on the paper.

"So tell me, Tristan, what makes you desperately go to the Empires, anyway." Said Alberich, his tone was clearly tired, and probably he can't get enough sleep. It's been two days since we were on this train.

"It's… I want to go back home. My mother died, no one left for me back on the island."

"So you want to make a fortune there?"

"No, I don't think that's necessary. Probably, I just wanted to not choose the wrong side."

"Wrong side? Heh, you sure talk big for a kid… that's not so bad actually."

"Then you're on the right side, Son. Fatherland, the Empire, he didn't discriminate as long as you are worthy and do good under his title."

No sooner, the train stopped. With hands still tied we were kicked outside the compartment, along the rest of the entourage.

It's clear what they will do to us as soon as I saw it.

My heart never burns in rage for a very long time.