
The regression

Marcus is a veteran of Eldergard, a world humans were mysteriously transported to and were stuck at for a few decades, one day he died and returned to when he was younger before Eldergard. He now has a chance to help the people he cared about to stay alive and for him to grow and become the most powerful being in Eldergard.

Tsauce_the_king · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

Chapter 5: Wolf slayer

Marcus was walking through the level 1 area in the forest with his sword in hand. He saw plenty of normal sized wolves going around the area and people continuously hunting them.

"This place is packed, even if it wasn't, it's not worth it to hunt these small fry" he said.

A wolf try to attack him from behind. He dodged and used [Slash] on it's body.


[+1 Exp]

"Thats a pretty good damage value for the early game" he said as the wolf died.

Level 1 [Grey wolves] only had about 30 HP so one hit was enough for a single kill.

While 60 damage wasn't all that good to him it was better then other people who did damage between 5-10 and 15 with critical hit.

One of the other players saw the damage value and rubbed his eyes if he saw right.

He opened his eyes and Marcus was gone.

"Did you guys see that?" he asked his friends.

"Don't get distracted!" he got yelled at.

Marcus went to the level 2 area and saw a pack of six Grey wolves.

[Grey wolves]

[Level 2]

[Health: 70]

[Speed 15]

[Attack 25]

[Move in packs between 6 and 10, they attack as one unit and move with great speed]

"Might not be all that good, but your all better test dummies then your little brothers" he said with a smirk.

The wolves growled and surrounded him.

He gripped his sword tighter as he shut his eyes and inhaled a large amount of air.

He felt the air go into his lungs and his blood flow increased. His heart beat began to beat faster and heat started exuding from his body.

He opened his eyes and exhaled a bit of steam.

[Flow is active] his eyes had a slight red shine to them and he had a soft veil of red energy over his body.

The [Grey wolves] all attacked at once feeling threatened, but before they could inflict any damage.











Five of the six die before they could get close and the last looked at the place Marcus was with both fear and confusion.

'How did my brethren die?' was the only thing on it's mind, but before it could get an answer.



[+18 Exp]

"That wasn't all that valuable, but I can see now the effects [Flow] has on attacks and my speed" he said wiping sweat off his forehead.

[Flow deactivated]

He sat down on the nearest tree after picking up the [Grey wolf fangs] on the ground.

"Not worth much but money is money" he said.

He took a sip of water and ate some bread before standing up.

"I should move a little deeper for more [Grey wolves], I need to get to level 2 before I can even think of beating the field boss" he said.

After killing a few more [Grey wolves] he got the notification.

[Level up!]

[Level 2]

[Strength +1]

[Speed +1]

[Vitality +5]

[Health 200->300]{ decided now that 1 Vitality = 10 HP}

"This should do it" he said.


"How could I forget, the stupid increase in the Exp needed to level up" he said.

He looked around and starting running.

"O should kill more [Grey wolves], I need all the Exp I can get and this will make the field boss appear sooner" he said smirking.

He killed more and more [Grey wolves], hunting them so much the sound of their cries could be heard in the the level 1 area.

"You guys hear that?"

"Are the monsters killing each other?"

"This is scary, let's get out of here until it stops"

People were frightened by the sounds. One man stood looking at the forest.

"Is it that guy I saw?"

He followed his teammates.

Marcus sat down under a tree.

[EXP: 205/2000]

[Wolf slayer tital earned]

[+20% damage to wolf type monsters]

[Field boss appeared!]


A giant wolf the size of a horse appeared. It was covered in scars all over its body and even had weapons lodged into its body.

[Grey wolf king]

[Level 3]

[Health 250]

[Speed: 50]

[Attack: 75]



[A bite attack that does high damage]

[Attack +75%]

[Effect 1:Bleed chance +85%]

[Cool down: 1 minute]

[Quick silver]

[The Grey wolf king charges at high speeds and tackles his opponents]

[Speed +40%]

[Effect 1: Stun chance +80%]

[Cooldown: 3 minutes]

"Scarier then I remember" he said with a slight smirk.

The [Grey wolf king] growled and ten more [Grey wolves] appeared behind it, all were level 3 pack leaders.

"This keeps getting better" he said as he held his sword up.

All ten jumped towards him.

He smiled and a green bottle appeared in his left hand.

"Eat this" he threw the bottle and it exploded in front of them all.

[Grey wolf king]


[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[Health: 200]

All the wolves backed up and were worried.

[Item: poison bottles<bronze>]

[-10 HP per second]

[Duration 5 seconds]

[1 silver each]

The wolf king growled in anger.

"I'm glad I didn't buy normal grade poison bottles, if I didn't get the silver from the achievement I would've taken time before coming here" he said.

The king growled and the pack leaders hesitated.

The king only lost 50 HP and still had a lot to spare, but the pack leaders who only had 120 HP, to lose 50 HP on the first move will make them worry.

"Come on doggies" Marcus said charging in bottle in hand.

The wolf king used [Quick silver], but before it got to him he threw another bottle on the ground. The wolf couldn't stop himself and got poisoned again.

All the pack leader got hit by the poison and Marcus hit them all with [Stab] killing them instantly.

[+50 Exp]

[EXP: 205->255]

"That was easier then I expected" he said with a smile on his face.

The [Grey wolf king] howled and charged towards him with its giant maws open.

"Don't do that" he said throwing a poison bottle directly in its mouth.






[Health: 150]

The [Grey wolf king] shook its head and immediately got another poison bottle to the head.

[Health: 100]

It backed up after another poison bottle hit it.

[Health: 50]

The wolf king tried to sneak behind him and used [Chomp] then got another poison bottle.

Before it died it howled and its fur had a red shine to it.

[Health: 20]

[Boss Grey wolf king has entered berserk mode]

[Attack +50%]

[Speed +50%]

[Health regen +20 per second]

"No you don't!"



[Field boss Grey wolf king has been Slain]

[+250 Exp]

[EXP: 255->505]


"I was more cautious then necessary, but better safe then sorry" he said as he picked up the drops.

[Fur chest armor]


[Armor +50]

[Effect 1: +20% chance to avoid stun]

[Effect 2: +5% chance to counter 50% damage of attack received]

"This armor is pretty nice, I'll sell it when I get back to town" he said as he put it on.

He picked up the [Grey wolf fangs] and went to the level 3 area to keep grinding.

As the sun went down he was happy about how much he accomplished.

[EXP: 1200/2000]

"But the looks of it, I'll be able to got to Velvet town tomorrow" he said as he went to sell the fangs and armor.

He sold them and went to the nearest inn to get some sleep.

He walked to an inn that had a pig with wings on the sign.

"I remember this place being good" he said walking in.

He saw other people at the inn, some laughing together while others were depressed.

'Some of these guys aren't having it easy' he thought to himself. Of course while it was fun in this fantasy world, it was just as cruel as the real world, those who don't have it in them suffer while the talented survive.

Marcus looked at beat up and depressed and imagined himself there, he was once the ones that suffered in this world. 'Not this time' he thought to himself.

He walked to the counter.

"Hello sir, would you like a room?" the lady on the counter said.

"Yes please" he said. "The cheapest you got" he said.

"Our cheapest room is 2 copper" She said.

"That's not a problem" he said giving the 2 copper.

He heard loud laughter from behind him.

"I told you he would get the cheapest room, that's probably all his money!" a man said laughing.

He turned around and saw a group of six looking at him.

It was four men and two woman. The two woman were sitting on either side of the man that was rediculing Marcus.

"Look at him, he's still wearing the beginner outfit even though it's been four whole days" the group laughed.

It was true, Marcus was still wearing the begining outfit, but that's only because he doesn't see a reason to get armor yet and he only got the cheapest room because he wants to save his cash. Money isn't something easy to come by and he was saving his silver for when he gets to Velvet town.

Marcus sighed and turned back to the counter girl.

"I'll also get a cheap meal, deliver it to my room if you can" he said with a smile handing her another 2 copper.

"Yes sir" she said.

"Hey, broke boy, you need a loan?!" the man said while his group laughed.

Marcus didn't answer.

"Here you go" the counter lady handed him his room key.

"Thank you" he took the key, but before he could put it in his pocket one of the guys from the group held his wrist.

Marcus looked at the fat man who was holding his wrist. He had some iron armor on.

'It may be normal grade but the fact he has that armor is quite impressive, they must be really capable' he thought.

"Oi, didn't you hear my pal, he was talking to you dipshit" he said.

Marcus stayed silent.

"Look at him, he's scared shit less!" they laughed.

Nobody could see the boredom on Marcus' face as his eyes were covered by bangs so they thought his silence was fear.

"Excuse me sir" the counter lady spoke.

He looked at her. "What?" he asked angrily.

"There's no need for violence" she said shakingly, she knew that something bad was going to happen if they kept instigating Marcus so she wanted to avoid violence.

"Shut up bitch, you just need to do you job!" he yelled.

"Hey, your breath stinks" Marcus said as he slapped the guy away, sending him to the furthest wall and leaving a crack.

Everyone who was laughing currently got silent.

"How did he...?"

"He just smacked that heavy guy away"

"All that armor

Marcus walked to the table where the group was sitting.

The instigator was now sweating bullets.

"Hey, I didn't mean to..." he said shakingly.

"Shut up and listen, all of you" Marcus said.

"If kids do some shit like that again, I'll have no choice but to discipline you, so I don't want to hear of any of you causing any trouble alright" he said with a smile on his face.

"Yes sir..."


"No problem..."

"Good" he said going up stairs.

"He called us kids" one of them said when he made sure Marcus was gone.

"Does it matter"

While it is true that they all were older then Marcus, he was over 70 years old in the first play through so he saw everyone in that room as children.

Marcus got upstairs, ate and fell asleep.

To be continued...