
The regression

Marcus is a veteran of Eldergard, a world humans were mysteriously transported to and were stuck at for a few decades, one day he died and returned to when he was younger before Eldergard. He now has a chance to help the people he cared about to stay alive and for him to grow and become the most powerful being in Eldergard.

Tsauce_the_king · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 11

Marcus and Ben were ewalking in the forest where they saw a lot of people killing Level 2 bear cubs.

"Seems Velvet town has higher quality players" Marcus said.

"There's a lot of people here, competition is tough" Ben said.

Ben looked at Marcus.

"Where are we going by the way?" Ben asked starting to get worried.

"To a private hunting spot, if theirs to many people they could KS and we'd waste time" Marcus said.

"So we're going to a higher level area where we could die?" Ben asked.

"Relax, you've got me" Marcus said. "Join my party" he said sending an invite.

[Marcus invited you to the <Phoenix party>]

"Wait, Phoenix party?" Ben asked.

"Yeah" Marcus said.

"Were you apart of the party that killed the hell mode boss?" Ben asked quietly.

"I was the leader" he said.

"Amazing, no wonder you got to level 3 so fast" Ben said.

[Party leader: Mark Phillips Level 4]

Bens jaw almost fell to the ground.

"What the hell are you, a mutant?!" he yelled. He quickly covered his mouth and looked around hoping he didn't attract any monsters.

"Relax would you" he said stopping. "You just attracted some monsters towards us" he said unsheathing his sword.

"Sorry" Ben said.

"No problem" Marcus replied.

[Brown bear<normal>]

[Level 3]

[Health: 500]

[Speed: 120]

[Attack: 365]

There were three [Brown bears] in front of them.





[Critical strike!]




[+200 Exp]

[+200 Exp]


The two brown bears in front died immediately while the third one at the back was now on its last lengths.

[Health: 70]

Ben and the bear both shared a similar feeling, complete and utter confusion of what just happened.

The bear roared loudly.

"Why didn't you stop it from roaring?!" Ben asked.

"We want more monsters to come" Marcus said.




[Exp: 1100/8000]

'When I get to a higher level these low level monsters are gonna give me less and less Exp, I should kill as many as I can' he thought.

"You want a momma bear to come here?!" Ben yelled again.

"That is the plan" he said.

Seven more brown bears appeared.

"Fire some spells here and there" Marcus said as he prepared to attack.

"Your crazy" Ben said tearing up.

"I'm helping you here" Marcus said.

After 30 minutes they had Slain plenty of brown bears.

[Ben level up!]

[Level 3]



[Exp: 4200/8000]

[Momma bear has appeared!]

[Momma bear<normal>]

[Level: 4]

[Health: 700]

[Speed: 200]

[Attack: 475]

The [Momma bear] looked like a normal brown bear except for the fact it was twice the size.

[Flow active]




[Critical strike]



The bear roared and more bears appeared from the woods and charged at them.



[Momma bear Slain!]

[+600 Exp]



[+200 Exp]



[+200 Exp]



[+200 Exp]

[Exp: 5400/8000]

"That was a good grinding session" Marcus said.

[Flow deactivated]

Ben looked at his Exp in shock.

[Exp: 3300/5000]

"I'm almost at level 4 and all I did was stand here for 30 minutes shooting some spells" he said shaking.

"We'll hunt for a bit more until you reach level 4 and I'll see if I can make it to level 5" Marcus said.

"Seriously, you say it like it's nothing" he said.

"It's no big deal, let's go" Marcus said.

"Why are we in such a rush anyway?" Ben asked.

"We have to get to a high level to enter big towns and cities, the sooner we get to Eledor the better" he said.

"Is it for your quest?" Ben asked.

"Among other things" Marcus said.

Marcus wanted to get to Eledor because all the secret quests he knew about.

As it was getting late Ben and Marcus were on their way back to Velvet town.




[Level up!]

[Level 4]


"Why did the bears get so scarce all of a sudden?" Ben asked.

"After killing a lot they start moving to other areas" Marcus said.

They entered the town and heard all kinds of complaints.

"Damn, why did all those level 3 bears appear out of nowhere?!"

"They took over the level 2 area!"

"They even got to some of the level 1 areas!"

"Fuck, it's to dangerous to go to the East forest now!"

Both Ben and Marcus looked at each other.

<Don't say a word> Marcus messeged

<Got it> Ben replied.

[Chat ended]

"Where are we going now?" Ben asked.

"Somewhere that's important to our survival" Marcus said.

They walked all the way to a small church that was close to the slums.

"Nice place" Ben said.

"Do what I do" Marcus said.

"What?" Ben asked.

Marcus stopped in front of the door bowed his head and put his hands together in a praying gesture.

"I praise the Goddess of life" he said.

Ben did the same.

"I praise the Goddess of life" he said.

Marcus opened the door and they walked in.

An old man was on his knees in front of a statue, he wore all white robes with golden embroidery.

Marcus put finger to his lips and Ben understood to keep quiet.

They sat down on one of the benches in the church.

Hours past and the sun set, that was when the man stood up and turned to them.

"I apologize for the long wait" he said with a smile.

Looking at the old man he seemed to be in his early fifties told by his rinkles, had silver hair and golden eyes.

"I am the Manager of the church of the Goddess of life in Velvet Town, my name is Cole you may call me Bishop" he said.

'A bishop, that's impressive' Marcus thought. "There is no need for an apology Bishop, all are patient in the sight of prayer to the Goddess" Marcus said bowing.

Ben bowed just like him.

Coles smile seemed to sparkle at his words.

"What would you wish to do today?" Cole asked.

"We would like to be anointed and gain the blessings of the Goddess" Marcus said still bowing.

"Raise your head children, I would be honored to anointed you mister Phillips" Cole said.

"You know of me?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, I've heard your name here and there" Cole said.

'Nice to have reputation, to think a bishop heard of me already' Marcus said with a smile.

"Now, take a knee children and hold my hands with one hand and your other on your heard" he said stretching his hands out.

Marcus took a knee and Ben did the same, they both put their left hand on his and their right hand on their chest.

"May the Goddess bless thine souls and wash away all evil in your path" Cole said.

A golden light enveloped them both.

[Church affliation: Church of the Goddess of life]

[Rank 1:Helper]

"It is a pleasure to introduce you to the church" Cole said while putting his hands together.

"Thank you Bishop" Marcus said.

"It is no problem" He said. "You said you wanted to receive the blessing" Cole said.

"Yes, but before could I make a donation?" Marcus asked.

"Of course" Cole said.

Marcus took his 2 Gold coins out and gave them to Cole while bowing.

Cole took them with a smile.

"To think the church gained such a well mannered member, it's quite the blessing" Colde said.

[Reputation +250]

[Reputation: 500]

[Church Rank increased]

[Rank 3: Deacon]

"Please, serve the church well Deacon" Cole said.

"Of course Bishop" Marcus said.

"As you are new members, I must tell you that each blessing is 2 silver coins and as members you can get 2,but since you are now a Deacon you can get 4 in total" Cole said.

"I don't have 2 silver" Ben said.

"I'll pay for you" Marcus said.

[-12 Silver]


[Blessings +4]


[Blessings +2]

"Thank you Bishop" Marcus and Ben said bowing.

"Here's an extra donation for the hospitality" Marcus said.

[-13 silver]

[Reputation +50]

[Reputation: 550]

"Good day Bishop" Marcus said as they walked out the church.

Bishop Cole stood by the podium and giggled.

"The other churches are gonna be so jealous that I have a player already and one is already a Deacon" He smirked.

Ben and Marcus were walking through the street.

"So, what was that about?" Ben asked.

"We just got affiliated to a church" he said.

"We'll no shit, but what does that entail" he asked.

"For one, we gain reputation for donating to the church and we are giving more blessings then others for cheaper" Marcus said.

"Can't others get blessings if their not affiliated?" Ben asked.

"Yes of course, but it would be more expensive for them, they would pay double the price for each blessing until the fourth blessing when it triples, while we just pay 2 silver each" Marcus said.

"So it goes from 2, 4, 6, 12, then 36?" Ben asked.

"Exactly" Marcus said. "They have to burn their wallets for 1 blessing while we just donate to the church and increase our cap by climbing the ranks and spending a mere 2 silver" Marcus said smiling.

"I see" Ben said. "So what are blessings anyway?" he asked.

"Essentially, their extra lives, when you die you lose some Exp and drop an item but your still alive at the end" Marcus said.

"Are there no other negative effects?" Ben asked.

"Only for none affiliated people, they get a 50% debuff of all stats for a full 24 hrs, while we don't" Marcus said.

"This is kind of cheating isn't it, should we tell other people?" Ben said.

"No, only those we're close to and can trust, other then that we'll let anyone figure it out on their own" Marcus said looking at him with chilling eyes.

Ben shook for a second.

"Alright" he said.

"Word of warning though, there are weapons out there that can instantly kill you even with this blessing, so don't act stupid just because you have a cushion to fall on" Marcus said.

"Understood" Ben said. "So, when are you gonna tell me how you know all of this information?" Ben asked.

"I know the perfect place, come on" he said.

"Of course you do" Ben said.

To be continued...