
The Regressed Me : Little Miss Doesn't Want To Be A Scapegoat Anymore

[Warning : Mature Contents] Megha was an extraordinary genius and Martial arts Master of one of few powerful force in the whole Blazing meter continent she was the kind who born with a silver spoon and everything arranged for her future. Her father was a powerful and revered leader of Longevity Sect and as one of a few seed Dicsiple and heiress to the sect she can just wave her hand and things could be done. She, who basked in the praise and envy of the mass and hailed as a heroine and raising star unexpectedly find her life turned upside down in most unexpected way. For what cause? Her beloved father who was her biggest support dissappered without any lead her sect which has been her home for all those years chased her out. Chased out and hunted down by unknown forces she understands she was schemed against and their was definitely some conspiracy going on as both her enemies and Allies targeting her. Battered and bitterheart she fought day and night for the slim chance of everyday survival she determined clear her name and prove her innocence to no avail run to end of the world. When she cornered and at the end of her pitiful life and faced her grievous end at the hand of some no name canon fodder she was extremely unwilling and heart full of hatred just like that her miserable life come to an end. 'Hmm! why am I here, shouldn't I wake up in Netherworld' she looked at her surroundings with bewilderedment 'How come I wake up here.... and wasn't that statue shattered back in the fight' She carefully observed the place with wariness 'If I'm not mistaken this place was under the watch and constantly patrol by local forces' her eyes widen in panic as her understanding set in but all she could see was beautiful landscape. Her youthful and exquisite face and was stark contrast to the haunted glint in her eyes but all she could see and here was excited chirps of a colorful spirit bird ' Was this dream... they say when people die miserable death their soul sought out their happy memories is that it? ' She frowned lightly but her placid look gone in that instant as her eyes widen in horror "No!..." 'This can't be.... how could this be an- is this some kind of nightmare in netherworld?' she gasped. ___ ___ ___ ___ Megha accidentally find out a dark secret about one of her childhood friend and secret crush, she was extremely shocked and agitated not only that she also unintentionally find few truths about her family allies and finally able connect some dots slowly unravel the mystery surround her previous life death. As a person experience untold hardships and betrayals she vowed to take a different approach make her own path as she intend to ruin the life of her enemies and the force hiding in the shadow ' I will spare no one for their sin ' "Baang" with a loud sound the door of the house slammed open the youth in the house flinched away from the sudden sound "M-megha what are you doing here?" the youth stuttered in shock and panic. Her face was extremely cold she stalked into the room her eyes never left him, the youth subconsciously started to back off soon his retreat halted by the wall behind him. "W-what are you d-doing here in this hour" his eyes shifted from side to side as if he looking for a way to escape. Nothing escaped her eyes, her eyes were like hawks throughly scrutinizing him her expression was severe the look was nonchalant. HIs crimson hair stick to his forehead and Scarlet eyes widen and shaking as if he understand something he tried to persuade her in weak voice "Y-you shouldn't.... Don't d-do this plea-se" he was hyperventilating "Did you u-understand the reper-rcussions?" She sneered at him " Do you think I'm afraid of this threats 'little lamb'... haha! How amusing" she cackled she took out a dagger... [A/N: This is my second work for WSA 2023 so please support me and wish in this ardorus journey, for more. details please check Author Note Thank you so much, ❤U]

raven_lord017 · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

An Ugly plant, Source Of Poison, Is That a Pep Talk or Raving

It has been more than two days since she come back to her Estate, her villa was built with quite aesthetic taste as it was probably most elegant and pretty villa in longevity sect and she liked it very much, it was said back then her father gave this Estate as a gift to her mother as their engagement gift.

When she passed away Megha got it as her inheritance, for some reason she felt very emotional when she returned Megha guessed she has some serious emotional attachment to it from both life time and her emotion being little unstable, how much she cherished it might be triggered such an out bursts.

This villa was then renovated about seven years ago ever since then she was arranged to living here with vaani, at that time she felt scared, Depressed and lonely as she couldn't understand why she can't live with his father in his Estate.

But as she grew up Megha became accustomed to this lifestyle she liked and appreciate the feeling of freedom it was an exhilarating thing in her life this allowed her all day to play and lazing around. Besides with both her father's estate and his Uncle's estate being nearby did she need to worry about anything may be her father thought like that.

There was a medicine garden planted by her about three years ago when she started her apprentice in medicine. Herbs were selected and tended separatedly by the maids as rare herbs, ordinary medicinal herbs and herbs unique to their climate even though these maids appointed to take care of them meticulously Megha often could be seen here tending them in her free time.

Megha was talented in medicine she was hailed to possess pair of magical hands in her last life by her teacher and sect elders, as she showed more than extraordinary talent in learning Old and Complicated pill concoction methods, blood and qi treatment methods.

She was also able to master the core foundation art of Physician hall The Ethereal Hands (Divine Element hands)which was rumored to created and given to the Sect Founding Ancestor by an honorable sage a thousand years ago which was not much later then the time the sect established here.

Megha dressed in expensive silk clothes fully like a soldier who armed to teeth aside from the thin screen covering her face none of her body exposed she didn't even bother with the temperature as she immersed in looking at something.

She squatted down in a isolated area in the far corner of the herbal garden in where only single kind of plants being growled this place was like a forbidden area no one enter to visit alone at the moment she was carefully sizing up an ugly and thorny bush with weird colors in concentration and the word ugly doesn't enough to define the plant appearance throughly.

Out of hundreds of thousands plants to be classified as an ugly one because it weireded out most people by its appearance and odor it was even less likely to any anyone find any aesthetic sense into it.

The bush had greenish slimy trunks with sharp glozy purple thorn all over the bush, the shapes of the leaves were uneven with shallow cuts with plenty of unhealthy yellow grey spot splatter on them it had a locks of hair like appendage with a strong odor in which worm like flowers bloomed if ones stomach wasn't strong they might puke if they inhaling it for few seconds.

The fence of that isolated area build by redish wood with unique fragrance it's about head taller than a person, In that isolated area few dozen similar ugly bushes cultivated in considerable distance as if they carefully planted them in specific place three person leisurely stroll through this path with ease that is if one can ignore the countless dead flies.

Megha was carefully studying each plant as if she was looking for something in her hand she would nodding from time to time a big bamboo basket with five partitions placed besides her.

She took out her sharp knife started to cutt off leaves then flowers, thorns, hair like appendage, sap then she collected the latex from the wounds and cut off big chunks of roots from the ground in practice precision if one observe her actions they would know she was doing each slash after careful consideration.

But In that single hour she nearly harmed at least dozen plants, but there was already plants with similar wound little away, people when she walked out of the fence her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

No other person in the garden to help her with anything she went back to villa, she noticed shadow guards were moving with her she give them a brief instruction then she directly went towards the secret room she cleaned up recently in the villa she was putting it better use with her orders no one should access this area of the villa which she really aiming for.

The less people know the better it was for her, despite her status she know what might happen if anyone learn about what she was doing she wasn't even willing to telling it to Vaani at least for the time being so she made some excuses slipped away from her eyes though she would be worried and suspicious there was nothing Megha could do about it.

The underground room spacious and dim there were few torches barely keeping up the dark away the room was sparce with few things placed inside a single desk made of same red wood with unique fragrance an old battered book top of it, a stone bathtub placeed few feet away, dozen vats filled with water few small wooden buckets and mashing tools few knives few shattered pots and bunch of tools with few wooden chopping boards.

On the floor pots and bottles neatly arranged one side with contents being suspicious liquids and powder some of them covered with leather tightly.

She leisurely sat on the floor and started to separated the contents into the small wooden buckets, some placed in to chopping board in swift movements she carefully cutted them into small pieces put them into mashing tools then throughly grounded them into pulp collecting them into another container.

She wash up the other ingredients spread them for to dry and throughly grounding them she diluted the leaves and flower into a medium size of wooden buckets put them away she went to inspect other closed pots and some buckets on one bucket there was few purple fruits that greatly resembled mulberry.

She took great pain to evade Vaani and maids to secretly continue with her work 'Alright I think arranged everything here with little preparation I am ready took my first step' with a sigh she got up and move towards the desk.

Her eyes on the old book, the title of book was faded in time could be read as a ' Poison Supremacy ' she, turn the pages of the book unhurriedly and stopped at less than twenty pages as soon as she saw the title of the New topic her attention zoomed in but she strained her eyes to read she lit up the torch on the side of the wall.

her eyes narrowed in focus 'The Source of Poison ' reflected in her pious eyes she turn the page carefully " What is the ways of poison? how does it feel being despised and looked down by everyone? why is there practitioner isolated from society treated with prejudice and caution" it was started with bunch of question.

" Those who are gifted in the path of the poison are blessed people of heaven, you are born to achieve something incredible and destined leave your legacy for the world for your brethren and future generation like me "

" Was it necessary for the norm to target and hate us to death, Those brave souls who practice the poison path dedicated to it, how came we are framed everywhere treated like a mutt, How is that justified? as they target and condemn a fellow martial practioner my breathern let me shed some light on the martial world's biggest hypocracy for once I hope you guys don't fall victim to it like me and predecessors" The book whined great deal about injustice in heated tone she, could felt the helplessnes and anger clearly she wasn't surprised as she know the orgin of the book.

"The Masses bunch of hypocrites who either bribed or biased towards us, listen to me the martial practitioners are greatly envy and fear us. Our world was filled with wonders it was given that There are people who Capabilities surpassed the ordinary and logic, Innate affinity of a child was decided from birth those who had affinity with poison are gifted people who born one in hundred thousand "

" We are naturally an elite born people who born to achieve amazing and great things, we have these capabilites that considered above and beyond the norm tell me?"

" Who can play with life and death at the same time? You shouldn't have any misconception about our path as a true practitioner has to know they weren't a mindless maniacs or killers but compassionate fellows"

" A poison is not just about end ones life but saving one's life as well, Yes! A poison in the hand of a practitioner should be not only a lethal weapon but an invaluable paneaca one would have to be pure hearted and had unshakable will to practice and progress in this path so deceived by prejudice of the martial world"

" Not only that it was uniqueness doesn't end there or differetiate from other martial paths for example a practitioner has to start with an acquired constitution which should help them harness the innumerable verity of poisons In the world and Reign Supreme in the Martial world.

"That's right a true practitioner has to start with their life in the line and acquired an poisonous physique which is not any worse than a special physique that define genius since their birth.

If you don't dare to even take a single step, you are unworthy to have gift of poison your achievement would be mediocre or simply of that of a lowly dabbler of poison so why not try and die with some dignity isn't there worth dying like that?"

"Anyway I don't like to spend my time to demean those who are unworthy of glorious life. As a person who walked in this path for nearly hundred years I was said to enlighten and glimpsed into Essence of this path so let me enlighten you about the acquired physique" Megha expressionlessly turn the next page as if she didn't had any opinions on this maniacal ravings.

"Poison path doesn't shun who are pious and dedicated, there are two kind of physique one can cultivate They were Ten Thousand poison body which is said to be cultivated by harnessing the ten thousand poisonous substance into one body could be immune to all poison and toxic your blood and breath always carrying poison if you prefect this your body wouldn't rotten and unaffected by all elemants"

" The other Physique was called Myriad Poison Constitution or Poison Grand Physique this has some restriction to cultivate very people can cultivate it other than immunity to poison and other elements it was said it hides the great secret of martial way there was all kind of rumours and speculation surrounding it but I personally believe this will lead us to life form evaluation..."

" Now things come to this please hear out this old man before you guys gets over excited and has high hopes for yourself, for one this old man has some words to say"

" The requirements to cultivate Poison Grand physique was hard to meet for most as you have to be a child under the age of twelve above six years as it documented by exalted masters a child of twelve years old can barely succeed in cultivating it I advise you to note this point not to act rashly"

"And had to be person of no short coming with your affinity by which I mean you shouldn't have an opposite elements along with your poison ability" ( Like having fire and water or wind and earth, metal and wood as they restrict each other would affect poison affinity to an extent )

" I know it was even rare to have only poison affinity as it was as rare as lightning bird in the martial world, such a blessed person are hard to born in this sinful world "

"Don't think as I think any less of others and like to say this old man wasn't fortunate enough to cultivate Poison Grand Physique but as a person almost infinitely close to perfect my ten thousand poison physique I felt there was lot of potential to improve it I dare say it doesn't inferior to Poison Grand Physique my brethren don't dispirited it was us who decide our fates "

"....and strictly follow through the process... had to endure and repeat this process for twenty eight days .... to be successful you better start with source of poison.... only putting your life on line can you made progress .... that's how you acquire unblemished body..." she read through the fifteen something page as she took note of important points finally found the explanation she was looking for.

" Can you decipher why it was called the source of poison? was it the source to all poison of course not! we call it that way because this were either otherworldly treasure or ultimate life form some born like that while some evolve in countless years it should have countless toxic characterics in them"

" Most of them extremely lethal to all life forms if it was a plant... I know it was more dangerous this way but it documented as the most successful method, I have written some well known poison source from my research on ancient texts they were..... finally if you cultivating Ten Thousand Poison Body here is my recommendation for initiation poison recipe....." then there was few pages written about the recipes to initiate body cultivation.

Megha had a pensive look in her face as she removed the silk gloves from her hands washed her hand in a medicinal liquid bellow the table her brows furrowed in frown as she walked out from the room.

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